The Constitution, America’s tool for freedom

7 months ago

In the United States today, Congress passes hundreds of unconstitutional laws and the executive agencies promulgate thousands of unconstitutional rules and regulations every year, yet no one seems concerned about it. Why?

First, I believe that most politicians and bureaucrats have no clue what the Constitution actually says. I guess, in their case, ignorance is bliss.

Second, We the People rarely, if ever, actually provide the political backlash to dissuade government actors from their unconstitutional acts. Why do the American people do nothing when the supreme law of the land is violated?

The United States is a gigantic mess with hundreds of millions of people and fifty different states, all with their own agendas. You don’t have to fix the United States, though; all you have to do is make your neighborhood better.

Read the full article... watch and learn from Constitutional Expert Paul Engel; there is always much more to learn back at America Out Loud:

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