24LHDVD05-06 - Charles & Jesse Jernigan

9 months ago

Charles: He prefaces this teaching with the various ways God brings deliverance to our lives. He concentrates on the delivering power of praise and worship and the power it has to affect the atmosphere and make the enemy flee. This was one of the ways God used to bring victory in his life. He shared testimony of how singing in the prison choir was the beginning of demonic chains breaking and falling off. He was a victim of drug addiction from birth as his mother used drugs her entire pregnancy. By age nine he was drinking whiskey. But that spirit of addiction was broken at age thirty-three by singing songs of deliverance in prison. He realized with the story of Paul and Silas (Acts 16) being supernaturally released from prison after singing praises to God, that the reason for deliverance is to do God’s will. The Lord will put a song in our heart when we are first delivered as He did for Moses when he was delivered from the hands of Pharaoh as recorded in Exodus 15. He shares such a pure testimony of God healing him from Hepatitis C. His heart posture toward the Lord is evident and God has bestowed on him a practicality to share Scriptures that help believers in their daily walk.
Jesse: Using 2 Cor 12:6-10 as a launch pad she begins to weave the tapestry of the title of her message. God's power is perfected in our weaknesses. Highlighting numerous aspects of her testimony reveals how Paul’s humility begins to be demonstrated in her own life after she asked the Lord to help her pick up her cross and follow Him. At the age of thirty-one, after having a healthy complexion all her life, she broke out in severe cystic acne. After repenting and asking forgiveness for vanity, she learned that her self-worth was never in her appearance but in the Lord. She relates how any infirmity, no matter what it is, will bring with it a sense of humility if our desires are towards the Lord. A sidebar to the secret of strength that she practices is a thankful heart, always being grateful for all the Lord has done and brought her out of. She explains how walls of pride can come up when we have been hurt, leaving us with a false protector, and blocking the fruits of the Spirit coming forth through us. This message is a clarion call for true humility. Deliverance ministry concludes these two teachings.

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