27th December 2017 indirect contact session via video call

3 months ago

This video call takes place the day after boxing day. Their mother once again started this video call during their afternoon snacking, which can be rather counterproductive in several ways. But rather than reiterate what has been explained in previous clips, I'd simply suggest that you look at last clip's description to get a better understanding as to why it can be counterproductive.

However, this video call has a much better start than last, with Ayrton being more lively, engaging & responsive. At the beginning of the call, Ayrton tries to show daddy something on his plate, but then... oops.

Naturally, Ayrton, daddy & Gabrielle (in the background) engage in discussing events around christmas day, such as what presents they received, a party that Ayrton & Gabrielle attended on boxing day, they showed to each other some of the presents they received, with daddy taking the video call outside to show him 1 other present he received, & this is the reason for going off camera for a while.

Daddy also tries to trick them on what boxing day is meant for. They are initially sceptical, because it isn't something that they would be looking forward to, had it been the genuine reason for boxing day, but nonetheless a funny attempt from daddy. This conversation leads to Ayrton excitingly asking how many days until next christmas, & given it had been 2 days prior, Ayrton's reaction was rather unsurprisingly vague.

At a point during the call, Ayrton & Gabrielle disappear from camera angle, & as daddy points out they have so, he also claims to see them despite them not being on camera, does this mean daddy is losing it, or perhaps lying to them? Nah, it turns out he does see them, but how? Answer is in this clip.

Later on, Ayrton seems to be having a small unemotional disagreement with Gabrielle, & as he tries to explain it to her, something about fingers, daddy tells him to chop them off, Ayrton's reaction to this is somewhat funny.

This video call then progresses into Ayrton & daddy messing around with the filters in the video call, with mummy also joining in the fun. They end up taking screenshots & sending it to each other, which ends up with many laughs. Some of those screenshots will be shared with the highlight clips for this contact session on several popular social media platforms. This messing around goes on for a while, & it becomes clear that they are having fun together, including mummy.

This clip then ends abruptly & without warning or evident explanation, but the reason why is because daddy's GoPro battery had died, & because it was on silent mode, it didn't give daddy a chime indication, hence why he was unaware until after the call ended. This meant that the part in which Gabrielle & daddy interacted directly in the call, was not recorded by his GoPro.

Overall, this video call with Ayrton was much more productive, fun & positive for them all including mummy. Mummy at this stage was still claiming to social workers that she was afraid of daddy, despite her participation in this video call implying otherwise. If you also look at the last video call, mummy behaved differently when someone else is the house with them, but this time around she was engaging more, & to the point of joining Ayrton with having fun with daddy. This type of behaviour is part of a pattern over many years, prior to & after separation. This is also a tactic oftentimes used by narcissistic individuals, of taking advantage that some individuals don't engage amongst themselves, in order to push a maliciously manipulative narrative. This will be elaborated later on though.

This clip has no edits except the parts to conceal private body parts, because I want the original full length unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions or video calls, to be published on this platform & Rumble, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept apart from each other or not.

Highlights have & are being published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at www.justice4abreu.online to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy to date.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, specially as the most controversial content is yet to come, & there's plenty of it to be published.

#funwithkids, #supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #corruptsocialworkers #childabuse






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