9 months ago

Labor commits to WHO Global Pandemic Treaty & making it BINDING upon Australia

The Labor/Liberal UniParty have confirmed they are going to sell out Australia’s sovereignty, by signing up to WHO‘s Global Pandemic Treaty &give power to unelected globalist bureaucrats controlled by the Communist Chinese & Bill Gates to make BINDING decisions that Australia must follow

Australia’s Health Minister Butler confirmed this overnight in a speech at the WHO - and as expected, the Liberals & the ABC have been silent on this today

Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Roberts & myself warned before the last that this would happen, and signing up the WHO’s dictates would be BINDING upon 🇦🇺- but we werecalled ‘conspiracy theorists’

Well Mark Butler has now confirmed that we were 100% right

We cannot allow Bill Gates & the Chinese puppet, the Ethiopian Marxist Tedros to make decisions about lockdowns & mandatory medical interventions that are binding upon 🇦🇺

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