Dr. Daniele Ganser: Energy and Humanism (Salzburg 27.10.2018)

5 months ago

The Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser spoke in Salzburg on October 27, 2018 about Energy and Humanism. Humanists advocate for the optimal development of human abilities through education and enlightenment. Humanists believe that humans are capable of improving themselves and the world. Ganser distinguishes in this lecture between external energies such as food, oil, coal, and solar energy, as well as internal energies like joy, courage, or fear. Ganser explains that in the realm of external energies, it is important to move away from non-renewable energies such as oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy, and to build a world powered by 100% renewable energies. This will take time, but it is possible.

The inner energy flows are harder for humans to recognize. Ganser explains in the lecture that we can strengthen our mindfulness by observing our thoughts and feelings from a certain distance and not identifying with them. We are not our thoughts. We are not our feelings either. We are the consciousness in which thoughts and feelings arise and pass away. Ganser explains that one's own mind can be visualized as a dog. If the dog is badly behaved, it runs around uncontrollably. Similarly, thoughts can behave and cause a lot of unrest when they are without guidance. To improve the inner energy flow, it is valuable to train one's own dog/mind and consciously direct thoughts towards peace. Ganser explains that war propaganda repeatedly fuels fear and hatred, and he shows concrete examples like the ABC lie before the US attack on Iraq in 2003. However, those who observe their thoughts and feelings through mindfulness are less likely to fall for war lies and therefore lose less inner energy.

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