"Psychiatric Demons & Evil Spirits" HE STILL Speaks (2024)

7 months ago

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Gnosticism Deception - Below is a description of their FALSE TEACHING!

In Gnosticism, Sophia is a personification of wisdom who plays a role in the creation story. The story goes that Sophia, who is sometimes described as an emanation of eternal light, was inspired to create something after seeing God's creations. She formed her son, Ialdabaoth, who had the face of a lion and the body of a serpent. Sophia also created the seven Archons and humans, who she used to take away some of the Archons' light. Sophia and the Archons are in a constant conflict, and Sophia tries to regain the light spark that is hidden in human nature. Eventually, Christ helps Sophia by drawing all the light sparks to himself, uniting with Sophia, and descending on Jesus. Sophia then ascends with Christ into the world or Aeon, which will never pass away. Many other dyads were born, called Aeons, or sacred powers, the last of which was the divine Sophia, or Holy Wisdom. Of all the Aeons, the divine Sophia desired most intensely to know the origins of Her own creation, that is, the nature of the Fore-Creator. Though Mind told Her that such knowledge was impossible, nevertheless, Sophia began to search high and low, after Mind was restrained by Silence. None of the Aeons comprehended the Fore-Creation other than Truth whose perfect reflection was a transparent presence invisible to Sophia. She separated Herself from Her consort, ranged the vastness of the uncreated Immensity, and far out- distanced all the other Aeons.

Sensing her separation from the other Aeons, and lacking a clear knowledge of the Fore-Creator, She felt pain and sorrow, She wept and grieved deeply, She desired with all Her Heart to comprehend the vast, unending totality of the Fore-Creator, also called the Abyss. But the Abyss was vast beyond comprehending, and Her sorrow increased and Her passions flowed out of Her in waves and She risked utter dissolution into the Abyss as She radiated forth a turbulence into the stillness of Immensity. Then, suddenly, She encountered Horos, the Limit, Boundary, and understood that the Fore-Creation was unknowable, holy and profound, beyond the comprehension of Mind, Word or even Truth. This was the First Gnosis.
The Above is FALSE TEACHING's that are spreading online! Be cautious, Gnosticism is a deception.

Other Aspects Discussed:

A few weeks back, someone approached me in the coffee house at church and asked, “One of the things I’ve always wondered is when you read about demon possessed people in the Bible, were they just mentally ill, or were they really possessed by a demonic spirit.” From the onset let me say that the purpose of this article is not to diagnose, offer treatment, nor paint with a broad brush when it comes to the incredibly complicated subject of mental illness. Rather, my purpose is to simply offer a biblical perspective and hopefully inspire us as followers of Christ to extend compassion to those who battle various forms of mental illness.

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