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Prophet Julie Green - A Trojan Horse Is About to Be Unleashed Against You - Captions
In this prophetic message, God warns his children to be vigilant and watchful of their waterways and the ring of fire. He reassures them that despite the attempts of their enemies to destroy them, they will be protected and their enemies will be caught in their own traps. God also reveals that evidence of corruption and betrayal within the government will be exposed, and a great awakening is coming for the nation. Despite the coming chaos and catastrophe, God promises that he will deliver and restore his people, bringing about a great victory for the nation.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
2 Cor. 5:7
2 Cor. 7:14
Jonah 3:3-9
Amos 3:7
Phil. 4:8, 19
Col. 3:2
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 81:7-8, 13-15
Ps. 43:1
Ps. 75:7
Luke 18:1-8
Heb. 10:35-36
Luke 12:2-3
John 16:33
Isa. 54:17
Esther 4:14
God is trying to get our attention-a call to repentance as a nation and also personally. Repentance: to make a change of mind, heart and action, by turning away from sin and back to God. God needs us to be obedient. Get into His Word, know the power and authority of the name of Jesus, make Him first in all things. God is Jehovah Jireh- your provider. God will liberally supply all of your needs. Remember and look to Goshen. God will do the same for His children today. Listen to what God is saying and obey what God is saying. Be persistent, consistent and hold fast. Be of good cheer- receive God's joy, peace and rest.
Undaunted: not intimidated, frightened or discouraged, despite problems or lack of success.
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, April 3rd of 2024. I want to thank you for joining today's live stream. Now, I'll be giving more encouraging words. I'll be giving another prophecy and some more scriptures and a teaching and revelation. that God has for me to give to you. But first I really truly want to pray over the people of Taiwan because yes, the Lord has had a lot of prophecies regarding that country.
And as most of you heard, and if you have not, they were struck by two massive earthquakes, not one, but two and they were back to back. One was a, I was told a 7. 5. And the other one I think was like a 7. 4. So those are two major earthquakes back and back, back to back like that in a very short period of time.
So there is a lot of damage. There is a lot of people missing. And so I want each and every one of us to come together. And pray for the nation of Taiwan. So heavenly father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we just lift up every person in Taiwan and everything that's going on with these earthquakes.
Father God, you have warned of these. You have warned of great shaking. You have warned of things naturally and physically. And father God, we thank and praise you right now for the protection of those people. For finding some of those people, the ones who are trapped in those rubble. I thank you, father God, no matter what happens.
I thank you for sending angels to guard them, to protect them and to free them from where they are trapped. And Heavenly Father, I ask that you comfort the ones who have just lost family members. Comfort those father God. Amen. And we rebuke the spirit of grief that would try to overwhelm so many people.
And father, God, what Satan meant for harm. I thank you for your glory to be shown and for your glory to be poured out over those people, even in a darkness, even a time of desperation, even a time where it looks like all hope is lost, that you show them your love, that you show them your goodness, that you show them father, God, how important they are to each other.
that are to you, how each and every one of them are important to you. So father God, I thank you for revealing yourself strongly to all the people of Taiwan in this time of great need and this time of darkness. And it looks like a time of great destruction. Heavenly father, you have the final say. And I thank you that you have your way.
Thank you for giving them comfort. Thank you for giving them peace in that time that they are dealing with right now. In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Again, we have to know. That God is in control and even when the enemy tries doing things like that and God's been warning us I'm gonna make sure that yeah, it is on I always have to make sure rumbles on because it's slow sometimes to get going but God's been warning us about massive earthquakes.
He's been warning us about time of the shaking He's also warning us about times of intensity. Things are going to get darker before they get better. Things are going to get worse. He's been mentioning this time and time again. And the reason for that is not to bring fear upon any of us. The reason is that because Just like the people of Taiwan, God gave them a heads up in order to pray.
So they weren't in the way of any danger. God will tell us things before they happen as a warning for us to know how to use the power and authority of the name of Jesus. How to pray. He knows the plans of the enemy. He knows things are going to happen like naturally before we do. He will always give his people warnings.
And just like as we are going to see with Monday with this eclipse. This is a sign for a time of repentance, a time of turning back to God, especially as this nation. We need to start praying and getting on our knees and start thanking God for the repentance of this nation. For this nation to turn back to God, for the body of Christ to fully, and I'm saying the body of Christ, To turn back to God as well and get out of religion and legalism and religious traditions and a focus on who God is.
Not who a man says he is and not just with tradition, but to focus on his written word on what he is saying for this very day and this very hour on what he expects for us to do. He's given us many warnings about what is to come and just like he did in the book of Exodus. He also gave the children of Israel warning, but he also gave them.
Something to obey. He gave them instruction. He gave them marching orders in order for them to be protected in the time of the angel of death. And as you can see in the book of Exodus, it was very clear that not one of the Israelites died in the time of the angel of death. Why? Because they were heeding.
God's warning. They did exactly what God told them to do. God is telling us right now not to fear. God is telling us right now to have our hearts focused on Him. He's telling us that we have to get our attention on Him, be fully convinced of who He is, and What he can do and that he is our solution to all these problems He is our way out of everything that seems so Impossible that there's no way out god is That way and so we need to take his words Seriously, not only the prophetic words, but it's written word and know that this is a time that God is calling this nation to repentance for all of the sin, for all the crimes, for all the evil that's been committed, especially by our lawmakers, our people are supposed leaders.
Who are in control. We have to repent for this nation to turn back fully to God. And that's why God's talked about shakings. He says shaking naturally. He's been saying shaking with politics or in the political realm. He's been talking about shaking economically, and he's been talking about shaking civilly.
Our enemies want our destruction. The body of Christ has turned on one another on a daily basis, ripping each other apart and not paying attention to what's really going on. That's a distraction. Then he maybe wants us completely distracted. They want us completely divided. That's why you see so much division and so many different parts and areas of our life.
You see division, you say chaos, you see destruction, you see overwhelming circumstances. You see fear mongering. You see all these different things. Why? What is the point to deceive, distract, and to destroy? To get our attentions on one another, to get offended, to get mad, to get in strife about what somebody else is doing and not paying attention to everything the enemy is doing.
He wants your focus on everything but him. He wants you to be focused on anything but God. He wants you to be overwhelmed with the circumstances of this life. Of the tests, of the trials, of the frustrations, of the depression, of everything that he is doing, he wants your focus. Why? If he has your focus, then you will remain in fear.
If he has your focus, then you don't have God's. You're not focusing on God at all. And then you won't know that he's the answer. He's the way he's a deliverer. He's the most high God. He is a healer. He is our, our victory. He is our provider. You won't have that knowledge and you won't be focused on that because you're going to be focused on everything that's wrong.
And the defeat of the situation, your enemy wants to pound you in the fact that you will be defeated, that there's no hope. All hope is lost. There's so many people preaching about doom and gloom. And these are just gloomy days and everything. There's everything that's going to go wrong is going to go wrong.
And there's no hope. Well, when in the Bible does God ever leave us with no hope? Well, that's not true. Because God is our hope. God is our final outcome. He's Jehovah Nissi, our banner or our victory. So why would we be in doom and gloom? And why would we be overwhelmed with all of our circumstances? If we knew that the end result is our victory.
If we knew that God was really in control and not the people we see before us today, we have to realize that they are not It may seem like that. It may appear like that in every way that we're seeing things. But God is saying things are not how they appear to be. And He has instructed us as a body of Christ to walk by faith and not by sight.
It's easy to walk by sight. It's natural, human, you know, naturally humans will walk by sight. And they'll walk by how they feel. They'll walk by their five physical senses. When God has been telling us not to do that. He's been telling us to walk by faith. Why? To walk and trust abiding in God that He is going to do His Word, that He is faithful to perform His Word, that no matter what is going on in the world today, God's got it.
God's got it covered. That God's got us covered. Because He is our refuge. He showed us that yesterday in many different scriptures. He is our refuge. He's our place to go in times of trouble. Not only is he our place to go in times of trouble, but he's our fortress. That means he's impenetrable. The enemies can't get past him.
They can't get past that bloodline. They can't get past God's power and God's glory and God's goodness. They can't. They have no power to withstand the power of God.
So while we're seeing these things start to happen, while we're seeing all the attacks of the enemy, all the foundation, it looks like of our nation's crumble of morality and freedoms and justice. It looks like all hope is lost. Well, until an election right until November. Everybody's just putting all their hope in that and not putting their hope and trust in God.
God is bigger than an election. He is the key. He's the answer. It's not just an election. Now, I'm not telling you not to vote if we have one. I'm telling you to do that. If we do, we're not even guaranteed to have one. God said he's gonna do things in unconventional ways, not how man does it. Not in man's ways.
He does it in unconventional ways. How is he going to do it? I don't know. He didn't tell us that. He just keeps saying unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional. So that's what we have to be paying attention to. Not waiting until an election. We're supposed to be waiting on the Lord. Waiting for him.
Because we know that we all, it says in his word, in 2 Corinthians. 7 and 14. If we would what? Humble ourselves and pray. Why? Okay. Let's, let's turn there for a minute
because this is important where we're at right now. 2 If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity my face. Turn from their wicked ways. They'll hear from heaven. I'll forgive their their sin and heal their land. Look what happened with Nineveh and Jonah.
Jonah was told to go to Nineveh. Jonah refused, didn't want to. He wanted to go tar. Shh. He didn't want to go to Nineveh. He wanted Nineveh to be destroyed, but why was Nineveh so important in that story for us today? Because just like Jonah, he was a prophet and he was warning, he had to go warn that nation to turn back to God, to repent and turn from their wicked ways.
And God would save them. Well, there also was an eclipse in that time, their time of Jonah and Nineveh. God will always show signs of the sun and the moon and the stars. That's what he told us about. And this eclipse is coming up. I will be doing a live show tomorrow at nine o'clock central time with somebody who knows a lot about this eclipse.
And I hope that answers a lot of your questions. But it's not a coincidence that there's an X in this country from the last eclipse seven years ago to the eclipse that's coming up next week. And now it's going to go through seven cities in Nineveh. It's also going to go through a city called Jonah and then a city called Rapture.
You have to think about all these different things that God is trying to say, Hey, I Am trying to get your attention. And what this eclipse is for is just as it was signaling to Nineveh About a time of repentance, a call to repentance as a nation, but also us personally, if we have done things that were, you know, worldly, if we have been living lives that we shouldn't have been, God is saying it's time for a call to repentance, a call for people to turn from their ways and return to God.
I want to read this definition, a biblical definition of repentance. To make a change of mind, heart, and action by turning away from sin and self and returning to God. We need to walk away from selfish ways. as a nation or Us personally god is saying it's a time of warning The time of repentance because there is things that are going to shake now as i'm going to give you this prophetic word And it is called a trojan horse is about to be unleashed against you And this I told you like I mentioned last week because they mentioned the trojan horse twice two times And one day span in a 24 hour period on the 28th of March.
And then he, I said it again on the 29th of March. And he's telling us there was a prophecy last week. He talked about the sabotage against us. We can start seeing that with what we're seeing with planes, what we're seeing with a cargo ships, what we're seeing with the barges and things like that.
We're seeing the trains. Oh, the derailments. God has been warning us about all these different things that were about to take place. Talk about our food. He talked about our economy. Why? Because he doesn't want you floundering. He doesn't want you panicking and being overwhelmed when you start to see things go in the wrong direction.
He's telling us because he is going to shift it. It is going to be, the winds of change are here, and if you think about all the things that we are seeing, some good and some bad, but God is going to have a final say, and this is why he's been warning us to walk by faith and not by sight, to hold the line, Never surrender.
We are called to arms. We have this right now in this duty as being in the children of the most high God and being in the army of the Lord, we have responsibility not to quit, not to surrender our enemies have to do that. We are supposed to hold that line by looking to God and knowing. That he's in control, knowing that he has a final say, knowing that he is bigger than anything that we see before us today, God is bigger and God wins.
And as you know, in the story of Jonah, I want you guys to turn there really quick. In Jonah, the story of Nineveh, look what happened to them when they had, A warning and a call to repentance.
It's Jonah chapter three and verse three Jonah chapter three and verse three and it says So jonah arose went to nineveh according to the word of the lord now Nineveh was exceedingly great city a three day journey in Extent verse four and jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk Then he cried out and said yet 40 days You And Nineveh shall be overthrown.
So the word of the prophet, again, Amos 3, 7 says, God does not do anything without first revealing it to his servants, the prophets. So prophet Jonah went to Nineveh and said, Hey, there needs to be a repentance in your nation because if you don't repent, you will be overthrown or you will be destroyed in the fort in the next 40 days.
Look what they did. Verse five. The people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on a sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them. So even though they were a horrible nation, they were evil, evil, evil, you could say rotten to the core. But when the prophet came and gave a call to repentance and told them that, Hey, you need to turn from your wicked ways or God is going to destroy you.
And they believed. They listened. In verse six says, then the word came to the king of Nineveh and he arose from his throne and laid aside His robe covered himself with sat cloth and sat in ashes. Verse seven, he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king. In his normal sayings, let neither man or beast nor heard or flock, taste anything.
Do not let them eat or drink water, but let the man and beast be covered with sackcloth. Cry mightily to God. Yes, let everyone turn from his evil way from the violence. That of his hands, verse 9, who can tell if God can turn and relent and turn away from his fierce anger so that we may not perish. They were willing to turn from their wicked ways and repent so they would not be destroyed.
They heeded the warning, they listened, and because they listened, if you know the story of Nineveh, Nineveh is not destroyed. The United States is not going to be destroyed. But do we do have to listen when God tells us to go and repent? Yes. Is this a time of repentance and time of getting serious and focusing on God and making him number one priority in our lives?
Yes. Is that being distracted by outside things? Yes, this is a time where he's been warning us about and that's the reason why I had to give you these things Before I gave you this prophetic word because again, we are not going to be destroyed But at the same time we are still called to repent. We are still called to turn from our ways Turn to God, not only us personally, but as a nation.
And that's just sort of the most high God in general. God's people need to look to him and not anything or anyone else. Alright, now I wanna go to this prophetic word here,
and it's called a Trojan Horse is about to be unleashed against you. This is from March 29th. My children, watch your waterways. Watch the water surrounding your nation. Many attacks by your enemies have been planned, but many have already been averted. Some are about to be activated, some by man, but some naturally.
I told you to watch and pay close attention to the ring of fire. It has been activated. Many things will intensify in that area, causing things to take place in those waters. Which will reveal things that have been hidden by man, that are about to be uncovered. Watch what I do to protect you. There have been many attempts by your enemies that have already failed.
And they will continue to fail, at the effort to destroy you, my United States. Many are being caught in the act. Traps, traps, traps are going off and your enemies are stuck in all of them. So do not worry about you, what you are about to see because all you need is me. Sayeth the Lord. I will say this again, say this location and this bridge again.
Golden Gate Bridge. News will break and many will shake at what takes place at that bridge and that location. I told you a great shaking was coming, but now, for some places, it is closer than people realize.
Vollrath. This name will be in your news for an unusual reason. Correspondence. This word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Many explosive exposures are coming. I told you my children I have it all. Every email and every line of communication. has been recorded from your enemies and is about to be used against them in a major way.
Keep your eyes on Paris. Something significant will take place there. A location your enemies have their eyes on to attack. Some will allow this to take place for destruction and chaos. but also for a distraction. My children you need to know that many distractions are coming. Keep focused on me and on who I Am and how big I really am.
No matter what you see, believe in me. I Am your protection, saith The Lord. Your CIA. O United States is about to crumble along with their narrative. Things that were covered up. Evidence is coming out to show you the murder of many, the lies, crimes, treasonous acts that have been committed against this nation, along with presidents and government officials that were a part of it all, and joined to help with destroying this nation, their opponents, or anyone that would stop their agenda or their power, the setups of people who were against their narrative or their plans.
The CIA took part in destroying their lives. or they were murdered. To further the destruction, they caused confusion. They use the word conspiracy to throw people off their scent to so many different dead ends. So they would just quit looking their way, but would look another. Blaming the innocent when they were guilty.
Evidence is coming big time. So hold on to what will come out next. That will bring great shock upon this nation.
A big Biden secret is about to be revealed. No more coverups, no more hiding, and no more changing the narrative. A full force of truth and proof is coming for that White House that no one will be able to stop, saith the Lord of hosts. Your enemies are turning on each other more and more. Their plans are backfiring, enraging more people on their own side.
Backlash will grow on the side of the left and they will continue to divide, continue to be enraged at their own party leaders for decisions or actions that they are being taken or aren't being taken. Your so called leaders will continue to make decisions that will fire up their own camp and set it ablaze with no way of putting out the fires out.
So that's why more distractions and more chaos are coming to your states, and to your nation.
The Trojan horse is about to be unleashed against you, but they will not be successful on all they want to carry out against you because you have me on your side. This is the hour to wake up my children because more shakings are upon this nation and will continue to intensify. So hold on to my words closely and you will not be shaken.
Catastrophe. This word will be all over your news for the next things that are coming against your nation. This is a time of the great wake up call for this nation to fully turn back to me. I told you, my children, this is, this is allowed only for an awakening. The shaking is destroying your adversaries at the same time, restoring you of what all has been stolen from you.
So hold tight, praise and worship me, for I'm your deliverer, and soon you will know that for a fact. No other than, no other than me could have done for you what I'm about to do. So rejoice the battle of the Lords and there is a great victory on the horizon for your nation, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Now, again, when he's talking about a Trojan horse that's about to be unleashed against you, so he's talking about what's gonna happen in this nation. He's been warning and warning and warning and warning And now we see this eclipse coming, which again is another sign of a call to repentance to turn from evil, to turn from our lives and being distracted and living for ourselves.
God is saying that we need to turn back to him and make him first priority in our life for a reason because our enemies are causing a destruction. That is the reason why God has given us a heads of what they're doing. But he's saying, Hey, You need to obey, listen to these warnings, turn around, heed this call of repentance, and this nation will be saved.
Just like in the land of Goshen, they had instructions, their instructions were, listen. Put the blood on the doorpost and the lentils. You need to eat unleavened bread, eat the lamb, a spotless lamb, have any leftovers, give it to your neighbor. Very specific instructions. Now, he said obviously he was going to deliver them, but you, they had a part to play in this.
They needed to obey God. And you see that they did obey God, as I said earlier, none of them died. And also in the land of Goshen, they were all protected. But you think about maybe there was some rebels in the bunch and they didn't want to put blood on their door post. They didn't want to do that if they would have not put blood on their doorposts What do you think would have happened to them?
Well the angel of death. That's not what god wanted But he needed their obedience to his instruction. God needs our obedience to his instructions God's been telling us to get into his word God's been telling us to use the authority in the name of jesus to know the power of that name He's been telling us to plead the blood of jesus.
He's been telling us To make him first, get to know him, fellowship with him, start, start saying the words and speaking the words that he needs us to say and not what your enemy wants you to say. He's been giving us all these instructions. We've been in a bootcamp. You guys did miss yesterday's broadcast with alphabets.
I would suggest you go watch it. It was extremely good show. It was fun. And it was very informational. But one of the things that God said, I wasn't preparing to say that because I had no plan. But one of the things he said was, you are in a boot camp. God has been preparing us for this time. He's been preparing us for this battle.
And the battle we know is the Lord's. And so what we have to do, now God's been preparing us for this battle, is to not be moved, is to not be shaken, and is to not give in to fear, in order for the enemies to overwhelm and overtake us, and to not obey God. It is so distracted that we're paying attention to everything that's going on and we're not paying attention and focusing on God You can see that in a couple different scriptures.
Let's look at philippians 4 And verse 8 philippians 4 and verse 8. This is the classic amplified version of the scripture for the rest. Oh brethren Whether it is true, whether it is worthy of reverence, whether it is honorable and seemingly, whatever it is just, whatever it is pure, whatever it is lovely and lovable, whatever it is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, Think and weigh and take account of these things.
Fix your minds on them. So fix your minds on God. Now fix your eyes on the economy. Don't fix your eyes on what they're gonna do with the shortages and all the other stuff that they're gonna do. God's saying, uh uh, fix your mind on me. And say friends, since you do that, we were just praying about this in our prayer call yesterday as a team.
It was fun, actually. But God is showing us he is our provider. If you think about the loaves and the fishes in the Bible, you think about how he multiplied a little boy's lunch to feed thousands and thousands of people. You think about the water turning into wine. They ran out of wine. They needed more supply.
Jesus turns water into wine. It's impossible, but not impossible for him. You think about the oil with the widow woman. You think about the flower with the widow, the other widow woman. You think about those things. Those were things that they were short of, or didn't have enough. They had lack. And God was showing that he was the God who multiplies.
He's also showing that he was a God who provides. He's saying right here in Philippians 4, 8, to think upon these things. So as we're thinking upon these things, so say for instance, you go to the store, I mean, just like with COVID, how crazy that stuff was. I mean, this is how crazy people got with toilet paper.
It was nuts. At first I thought it was a joke when I saw those videos. I really thought it was a joke. It was a lie. It was something Hollywood made up until I realized it was true. When people were fighting over each other, you know, over in the stores, places like Sam's or Costco, for things of toilet paper.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That's what the enemies want. They want you desperate. They want you in fear. They want you in chaos. They want you to think of those things and just, I mean, desperation to the point where you just are so desperate you give in to whatever they say or do for any reprieve.
God's saying, don't pay attention to those things. You pay attention to me. You pay attention that He is our source. He is Jehovah Jireh. It says in Philippians 4 19 that He will liberally supply, full to overflowing, our every need, according to His riches and glory, by and through Christ Jesus. That's a classic amplified version of that scripture.
He is a provider. That is His name. Jehovah Jireh, our provider. So one of the things that we were praying about as a team, we said, okay, Lord, We thank you that nothing will run out of our pantries. We thank you that none of the things I don't care if it's toilet paper or whatever it is any household products, it's not going to run out.
I don't care what it looks like in the stores. I don't care what it looks like worldwide. I thank you, father God, it will not run out because you are Jehovah Jireh. You are our provider. And we thank you that we will always have more than enough because you said in your word that we shall not lack. He will liberally supply.
And as I saw in my own life, and I told you guys about that oil that I saw refill in my hand twice at two different places. And Oklahoma city in Florida, I saw it refill and God, it was a correction because he said, why are you surprised? I Am that same God in those days that supplied those needs that multiplied that refilled until they didn't need it anymore.
Just like with the loaves and the fishes, there was 12 extra baskets. That was a harvest of a seed that that little boy sowed for that lunch that he gave up for those people. And Jesus multiplied it and he did it was a miracle. He is still a miracle working God. He's still a provider. He's still a multiplier provider.
He's still a God that we can go to for healing and restoration. That is the characteristics of his name. He is Jehovah Jireh. He is Jehovah Rapha, which means healer Jehovah Jireh means provider. He is everything that we need. He is our victory. He is the God that we look to in times of impossible situations because he's El Shaddai.
We should expect El Shaddai to show up when things are impossible. That's who he is. So if you look at that, in Philippians 4, 8, it tells you to think about all of these things. So not to think about everything that's going wrong, that's what your enemy wants you to do. He wants your focus and attention on him and everything that he's doing because he wants you paralyzed with fear and he wants you to believe and trust in him and he wants you to not look to God as your source, as your provider, as your healer, as your deliverer.
He doesn't want that. He wants your focus on him and not on God because he wants to destroy you. That's why he wants your attention. But it says in another scripture here in Colossians three, Colossians three in verse two says, and set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things, not the things that are on this earth.
So again, we're not supposed to be paying attention to what these things are going on in the earth. For a distraction or for our destruction because god is saying it's not he's saying everything that can be shaken will be You know that look to goshen. I protected them. I provided for them everything they need they got and then Then he delivered them out of it So he protected them even when there were storms going on around them Even though there's crazy things that are happening that were unconventional unusual and unprecedented You Because it was he protected them and that's why he's saying keep your eyes on the land of Goshen See what I did know that I have a better covenant with you and I will protect you I was a protector then I was a deliverer then I'm a protector now and I'm a deliverer now He is we need to be conscious of the fact that And be persistent on our belief and consistent and say, God, I Am not going to be moved.
I'm only going to be moved by what I see. I'm only going to be moved by the word of God. I don't care what the world is saying. I don't care what the world is going to look like. I thank you that you are that same God in the land of Goshen. You separated them, you protected them, you provided for them, and you delivered them.
Because that's who you are. You said specifically in your word, you're the same yesterday, today, and forever. You do not change. You're no respecter of persons. You are saving us now. And we believe, and we receive, and be fully convinced. That's a part of, again, walking out your faith. Your faith is your trusting in God and His ability, and He's faithful to His word, that He will do what He said He's gonna do.
You're having faith. Faith is trusting in God. Okay. Let's look to Psalm 81. Now again, this is a time of call to repentance is a time of turning from things that we normally do, the ways we normally act as you know, ourselves personally, or as a nation go to Psalm 81.
And it says in verse seven, Psalm 81 and verse seven, you called in distress. And I delivered you. I answered you in the secret place of thunder. I attested you at the waters of Meribah. Now again, you called in distress, and I delivered you. What God has always been telling us, He's been showing us in many different scriptures.
He will deliver. It's not maybe he will. In verse 8, Hear all my people and I will abolish you. Oh Israel, if you would listen to me. So God wants his people to listen. All right, let's jump to verse 13. Psalm 81 and verse 13. And it says, Oh that my people would listen to me. That Israel would walk in my way.
So he wanted Israel to listen to him and to walk in his ways. You think God wants us to listen to him and walk in his ways? Yes. Listen and obeying. Then look at verse 14. Speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries. He keeps having us go back to the scripture because in this time where we're at right now in human history.
What we need to do, we need to listen. Not only do we need to listen to what God is saying, but we need to obey what God is saying. And so if we listen, and we obey what God is saying, then he says, speedily. Speedily what? Then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries.
Speedily. Everyone wants God to do this quicker. Well, he needs us to listen and to obey. We need to listen. We need to obey. Then speedily. That's the key. Listen, obey, and then speedily. And then he said, verse 15, had Israel listened to me in Egypt, Then those who hated the Lord would have come cringing before him, and their defeat would have lasted forever.
So they would never have been a nation again. Now they are a nation, but they are never the superpower that they ever used to be. Had Israel listened, I don't know, maybe they wouldn't have been in there that long. But the thing is listen and obey that is the key now, let's keep let's keep going psalm 43 psalm 43 and Verse one again says judge and vindicate me.
Oh god, plead and defend my case against an ungodly nation Oh deliver me from the deceitful and unjust men There's always a heart in the cry of god's people to be delivered From unjust men or evil nations. Satan, again, nothing new on the sun. He's always done these things, but God, what do we expect him to do?
We expect him to deliver us, right? We shouldn't expect it. We look and see all the things he's done in the past. He's always delivered his people, but why are Christians now? And a lot of the Christian community thinking that there's nothing going to happen. We're just going, you know, to be completely destroyed and God's not gonna do that.
They're not even looking to him to do anything. That's not even biblical. God always delivers his people, especially when they cry out to him, especially when they come into repentance. Remember back in I think it was 2020, right before the election, Jonathan Cahn had a return order. In this nation.
He had in the nation's capital. He had an event called the return in Washington, D. C. And a lot of us saw at that time that, you know, the election was going to be fine and we were going to keep going and, you know, But none of us saw what was going to happen. We had no idea what our country was about to turn into.
There was a call to repentance and a call or return back in 2020, but a lot of the body of Christ and a lot of this nation did not keep that return or that call. God is not saying any of these things to bring about fear. That's what your enemies want. Your enemies want you to give into that fear. Guys saying, don't give into fear because he's here with us.
We need to obey what he's telling us to do. Now, Luke 18, turn to Luke 18,
Luke 18. Now remember God is a judge over all the earth. We know that it says that in Psalm 75. In verse 7, that God is the judge over all the earth. He tears down one and lifts up another, alright? So he can bring people down and remove them, and he can bring people up to these positions that he's called.
He's the judge. So it doesn't matter what all these other people think that they are, and all these judges and all these unjust laws they've been passing, God said, uh uh, I'm the judge. Look at this parable that Jesus was giving his disciples. Luke 18 in verse 1. Also Jesus told them a parable to effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward, faint, lose heart, or give up.
Why would Jesus have to give them that parable? Because we have ample opportunities to faint, to give up, and quit. Because their enemy will make sure that you have all these opportunities. To faint, to lose heart, to give up, and to quit.
And then he said, in a certain city there was a judge. who neither reverenced and feared God nor respected or considered man. Well, I could say right now there's a lot of those. Look what happens. Verse four, I'm sorry, verse three. And there was a widow in the city who kept coming to him saying, protect and defend and give me justice against my adversary.
So this woman was persistent with this judge and he kept saying, protect and defend me over and over and over and over and over, and over and over again. She would, she would relentless. She would not give up verse four, and for a time he would not. But later he said to himself though. I have neither reverence or fear fear god no respect or consideration for man Verse five yet because this widow continues to bother me.
I will defend and protect and avenge her Because she wasn't give up. She wasn't gonna lose heart. She wasn't fainting and she wasn't gonna quit That's the attitude that we should have refuse to faint refuse to give up and refuse to give in Refuse to turn. Refuse to lay down. Refuse! To let them win. We should all have that deep in our heart that we should have that attitude of we ain't quitting.
Now, then it says, yet because a woman continues to bother me, I will defend and protect her lest she gives me intolerable annoyance and wears me out by her continual coming. She was wearing him down or at last she come and rail on me or assault me or strangle me. Verse six, then the Lord said, listen to what the unjust judge says.
Verse seven. So if an unjust judge will defend and protect this widow woman because she was consistent and persistent and that attitude is she wasn't going to give up until she had the right answer. That was an unjust judge. Just think about how God is a God of justice. He's a good judge. Just think if we keep going to him and we're persistent.
And we won't give up. And we won't quit. And we're telling him to defend. And we're telling him to protect. What's Jesus saying here? Verse 7. And will not our just God defend and protect and avenge His elect, His chosen ones, who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf?
Well, if an unjust judge does not, why would a just God do that? He wouldn't. Verse 8. I will tell you, He will defend, protect, and avenge them speedily. How do we get God to avenge us speedily? Not to lose heart. Not to faint. Not to give up. Not to quit. Obey. Listen and obey. Sorry, listen and obey. I will tell you he will defend and protect and avenge them speedily.
However, now he's saying keep going. This is what, this is what's gonna happen if you do those things. But, however, when the Son of Man comes, will he find persistence in faith on the earth? Because a lot of Christians nowadays, and a lot of people in the Christian community, Where's their persistence? They pray for a short time.
Things don't happen the way they think or wait. Well, it's not working So then they quit. They weren't persistent. Persistency pays off. That's why it says in God's Word in Hebrews
chapter 10 in verse 35 Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 35 says don't fling away Therefore do not fling away your fearless confidence For carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. So again, that's that being persistent. Don't fling away your confidence. That means don't give up and don't quit on God.
Don't quit on trusting on God. Don't quit on His Word. You hold on to His Word and know that He's faithful to perform it. Verse 36, For you need a steadfast patience and endurance that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, thus receiving carry away and joy to full what is promised. How do we get what is promised?
We are persistent. We are consistent. We hold fast. We don't give up. We don't quit. That's how we get it now i'm gonna go back over this prophetic word again
first paragraph my children watch the waters Watch the water Surrounding your nation. He says the waterways Which to me would be like a lake a river Harbors things like that watch the waterways watch the water surrounding your nation now He's mentioning the oceans again. He says Many attacks by your enemies have been planned, but many have been averted So that means the enemies have planned attacks, but some of them have been stopped already.
Some are about to be activated! Some by man, but some naturally. So things are going to happen that man are going to do. Do you guys know the same time that the eclipse is going to happen next Monday you have the globalists and their plan was to turn on CERN. CERN is that big machine that, you know, opens up portals to the, to the enemy.
This is what they want. They know what the sun signals as an eclipse. That's why they have state of emergencies in all these different places. They want mass chaos. They want fear. What is God telling us? Stop. Things that they have done have been stopped. So stop getting into fear. They're only gonna be able to go so far in order for an awakening because some people still to this day as Christians first aren't being told this at all in any congregations period.
They will not touch on politics. They won't touch on what's going on around the world. They won't touch on, you know, things like what's going on with the eclipse. Or the lunar eclipses, which are the blood moons, they won't touch on these things. Because it might ruffle people's feathers, and it might make people mad, and people might leave.
Or some people are afraid to talk about it. So that's why some people won't even talk about the book of Revelation in churches. Because they don't understand it, so they won't talk about it. Even though that's the only book in the Bible that says you're blessed for reading it. Revelation is giving us a revelation on what the future holds.
And what god's wrath really is this is judgment. This is not wrath. We're not in tribulation No matter what people say we're not and it says I told you to watch and pay close attention to the ring of fire Now this is not the first time he's mentioned the ring of fire. He's mentioned the ring of fire quite a bit actually You can look up on our website under prophecies.
He's mentioned the ring of fire quite a bit. It has been activated Well the ring of fire there's lots of volcanoes That could possibly erupt. You have tectonic plates, which is underneath the water, which can cause earthquakes, which earthquakes can cause tsunamis. The reason why it's called a ring of fire is because of volcanoes.
He says pay close attention. The ring of fire has been activated. Many things will intensify in that area, causing things to take place in those waters. So again, waters, he's talking about waters again. And as I mentioned that a lot, which will reveal things that have been hidden by man that are about to be uncovered.
He talked about more than once that there are things hidden in the water. So things hidden in the ocean. He's been talking about submarines. He's been talking about warships. He's been talking about all these different things. That are going on in these waters that we had no idea what's going on and God's saying he's going to reveal it Then he says watch what I do to protect you God is faithful to protect us read in a lot of the book of psalms.
Just go do a study on refuge Fortress do the studies on those scriptures and see what God does to protect There have been many attempts by your enemies that have already failed And they will continue to fail at the efforts to destroy you my united states But even though we know that God said they're gonna fail, we still have our part to play, remember?
We still have to repent and pray and pray for the repentance of this nation as a whole. This nation will morally turn back to God.
Then the next paragraph, many have been being caught in the act. Traps, he says it three times, traps, traps, traps are going off and your enemies are stuck in them all. Do not worry about what you are about to see because all you need is me. He said he's been set many, many traps for the enemies and he said now they all are stuck in them.
It means there's no way out for them. Next paragraph. I will say this location in bridge again. The Golden Gate Bridge. Well, we'll be in the news, we'll break, and many will shake at what takes place to that bridge and that location. I told you great shaking was coming. Now, for some places, it is closer than people realize.
So watch news around the Golden Gate Bridge. I don't know if this is the third or fourth time he's mentioned that. Same bridge. And then I thought this name was different. Volrath. V O L L R A T H. Volrath. This name will be in your news for a very unusual reason. And then correspondence. This word will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Many explosive exposures are coming. I told you my children, I have it all. Every email, every line of communication has been recorded. from your enemies, and it's all about to be used against them in a major way. God's been telling us he's been having it all, and he does have it all. And there's nothing that enemies are hiding that can't and will not be known and brought to light.
Because God said that in two different times in Luke, that everything that's hidden will be revealed. Okay, now keep your eyes on Paris. Something significant will take place there. A location your enemies have their eyes on to attack. Some will allow this to take place for destruction and chaos. Yes, but for also for a destruction.
Now you can see all of God's been talking about Paris a lot. He's been talking about France a lot in prophecy. And he's been talking about watching what's going to happen there because there's been an uprising there against Macron against that president of that nation, but people are fed up with their freedoms being taken away from them.
They have had a lot of uprising, a lot of resistance. They're doing things against and protesting against their government. Well, they don't want people to protest. They don't want people to keep going on what they're doing against them. So it shouldn't really be a surprise. Something significant will take place because they've had their eyes on that location because they want to stop resistance.
They want to stop people that are resisting against them. And so they will do multiple things. So watch Paris and then he says my children know he says know this many distractions are coming So he's warned us many Distractions are coming what you keep focus on me on who I Am and how big I really am no matter what you see Believe in me.
I'm your protection said the Lord Distractions are coming was a distraction for to get your eyes off God to get your eyes off the truth To get you confused to get you overwhelmed.
Okay, please bring up the scripture. I gotta read
john many of you know it I read it a lot. John 16 33 John 16 33 in the amplified says I told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence In the world you have tribulation trials distress and frustration. He already warned us of that But
be of good cheer take courage be confident certain and undaunted for I have overcome the world I deprive it of its power to harm you and i've conquered it for you God's already taken care of it. God's got it. In other words, in the world you're going to have all these things are going to look like it's, you know, all hell is breaking loose and everything's against you and say, he's saying, Hey, I've already taken care of it.
Be of good cheer. Receive my joy. Receive my peace. Receive my rest. I've got you covered. He's already destroyed the power of the enemy. All right, I need to look this up.
Undaunted, not intimidated, discouraged, by difficulty, danger, or disappointment. So God doesn't want us undaunted. He doesn't want us intimidated or discouraged. By difficulty, danger, or disappointment. That's what the enemy's gonna want. He wants you undaunted. He wants you intimidated. He wants you discouraged.
He wants you to be distracted, and he wants you to be very disappointed at God that he's not doing what you thought he was going to do when you thought he was going to do it.
That's how people get, you know, offended at God. Let's keep reading. This is a big paragraph. I had to pray a lot about this because this is not easy to say. And again, not everybody in these three letter agencies are all bad. They're not. Pray for the good ones who are in there. Your CIA or United States is about to crumble along with their narrative.
Things that they were, things that were covered up. Evidence is coming out to show you the murder of many. The lies, the crimes, the treasonous acts that have been committed against this nation. Along, so the CIA has been a part of that, but along with presidents, now that's more than one, and government officials that were a part of it all.
And joined to help with destroying this nation, their opponents, or anyone that would have stopped their agendas or their power. They set people up who were against their narrative or their plans. So there were setups and then it says the cia took part in destroying their lives Or they were murdered who the people who were against them anybody then he says to further the destruction They caused confusion So all the people that they set up if it wasn't good enough and they murdered them Then he says the further the destruction of this country or the of the truth.
They caused confusion They used the word conspiracy to throw people off their sense You so many people are they'd go in different directions and different dead ends. So they would, hold on. They use the word conspiracy to throw people off their scent to so many different dead ends. So they're going here, there and everywhere.
They're not paying attention to the right thing that was right in front of them. So they would just quit looking their way, but would look another, blaming the innocent when they were guilty. Who? All were involved.
The CIA, the presidents, government officials, other people that they were guilty. They distracted people, and they blamed the innocent. Evidence is coming big time, so hold on to what will come out next that will bring a great shock upon this nation. So watch what's going to explode when it comes to that three letter agency.
And again, we've seen a lot with the FBI, we're going to see a lot with more of the CIA, and we're going to see a lot with the NSA. Alright, then the Lord talks about, and then he goes on to the next paragraph, a big Biden secret is about to be revealed. No more cover ups, no more hiding, no more changing the narrative.
A full force of truth and proof is coming for that White House. So a big Biden secret. It's about to be revealed. Why is it gonna be revealed? Because a full force of truth. God is truth. And truth sets people free. So he says truth is coming and proof is coming. And he says to that White House that no one will be able to stop, sayeth the Lord of hosts.
And remember Lord of hosts means Lord of angel armies. No one's gonna stop the army of God. No one. All right, next paragraph. Your enemies are turning on each other more and more. Their plans are backfiring and and enraging more people on their own side. Because of what? Because their plans aren't working right.
Then he says, Backlash will grow on the left and they will continue to divide. Continue to be enraged at their own party leaders for decisions and actions that they are being taken or aren't being taken. Your so called leaders, We'll continue to make decisions that will fire up their own camp, set it ablaze with no one, no way of putting the fires out.
You can already start to see this with what's going on between the side of the left where, you know, the, the Palestinians are against Biden because Biden hasn't fully done stuff to stop things in Israel. They want him to side against Israel. So they're trying to play both sides. When really, the Biden regime is against Israel, and it's very, very obvious.
Yeah. Then he says so that's why more distractions and more chaos are coming to your states and to your nation So when things are being set ablaze plans are not going as planned things are going wrong For the biden regime and we see that now They're going to try to cause more chaos. That's exactly what happened in the book of exodus.
Go read it Then the next paragraph the trojan This Trojan horse is about to be unleashed against you, but they will not be successful on how they want to carry out against you because you have me on your side. So they're going to carry out this, this Trojan horse. Okay. I don't know what it is. He didn't say.
Honestly, part of it would probably have to do with the illegals that have been released in this country. They probably have some partner to play in that, but you have a Trojan horse. It will be successful to the point where they will do it, but will not go as planned. Remember, we have the power and authority in the name of Jesus.
We may not be able to stop certain things, but we can lessen the effects of them. So now God is giving us a thing to pray against. He's giving us a prey to pray against this Trojan horse. That it will not be successful. Then I will not go as planned. It might do enough, you know, to get people's attention, but not the damage or the death that they want.
Then he says, this is the hour to wake up my children because. More shakings are upon this nation and will continue to intensify. So hold on to my words closely and you will not be shaken. So again, he said that the Trojan horse is about to be unleashed against you. He talked about a false flag events. We see what happened with that bridge last week.
Well, bridges one collapse, but there was stuff that happened to other bridges. But again, what is this for distractions? chaos, disruptions, shortages. These are acts of war and that's what we have to be paying attention. That's why God said, Hey, this is the hour to wake up.
Then he says catastrophe. This word will be all over in your news. The next things that are coming against your nation. So you're gonna start hearing the word catastrophe a lot. This is a time of the great wake up call for this nation to fully turn back to me. This is why we're seeing this eclipse.
And again, don't miss tomorrow's show at nine o'clock. Okay. Don't miss tomorrow's show at nine o'clock. I will not have one at six 30. So if you try to tune in six 30, I won't be on. I'll be on at nine. You need to watch that. It is extremely important. There's a lot of evidence. There's a lot of truth that people need to hear.
This is part of that waking up. All right. The time on the great wake up call for this nation to fully turn back to me. And it's including what we're going to see with this eclipse. All right. Now I told you my children, this is allowed only for an awakening. This shaking is destroying your adversaries at the same time, restoring you of what all has been what they have stolen from you.
So again, it's destroying our enemies, but it's also bringing us back to the restoration. And bringing us back to things that should have already been ours now. Then the last paragraph says so hold tight praise and worship me. Why do we hold tight and praise and worship god? It destroys the power of the enemy.
Find your deliverer and soon you will know that for a fact no one on the other than me Could have done for you what i'm about to do. No one's gonna get credit for this but god Just like no one could get credit for the red sea, but god No one can get credit for the walls of Jericho, but God. No other than me could have done for you what I'm about to do.
So rejoice the battle of the lords and there is a great victory on the horizon for your nation. So this is a time of a call of repentance. This is a time for us to be aware. This is time for us to change a course as not only a nation but as a body of Christ and us as individuals in the in the army of the Lord and it's from the most high God.
We have to start paying attention to what God is saying. Remember what he says to listen and then to obey and then speedily he would subdue our enemies So the key is God we need to listen to obey and you speedily will subdue our enemies We right now have to listen and pay attention That's why I'm having this special guest on tomorrow and I really am adamant about you guys tuning into it It's important.
It's important for you to know the timeline that we're on, where we are as a nation, where we are in the world today, where we are in the body of Christ today, and what God is telling us. There's nothing to fear. They're trying to cause panic, and yes, we're going to start seeing things that are going to happen after that, but it's not to bring fear.
It is to bring a wake up call, and a turn. So this nation turns the course from this immorality, from all these crimes, from all this evil, from all this injustice, for all the stuff that's going on in this country and turn it back to God. That's why there has to be the shakenings that are happening in this country today.
And don't forget, I'll be on with Pastor Dave here at 11 o'clock central time. I'll be on with Pastor Dave with Take Glory with his Take 5 and His Glory. So be watching for that. I have a feeling it's gonna be another great show. He always is with Pastor Dave. This is a really fun time to start doing things like this.
Because God is showing us so many things in prophecies, and He's showing us so many things in the news today. So be watch, watching for that. Again, it's today at 11 o'clock. I want to pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we just pray. Right now for this nation, this nation is turning and repenting.
That this nation, Father God, will heed the call of repentance and this nation will turn from its wicked and evil ways in no direction that the evil rulers or the so called rulers of take this nation or the leaders have taken this nation. It will not stay on the course of the path of destruction. We thank you, Father God, that there's no weapon formed against this nation.
It shall not prosper. So no matter what this Trojan horse is, we call it down and we thank you father God, that is a trap for the enemy, but it will not cause a destruction that the enemies want to cause. We thank you father God for stopping and stopping these plans of the enemy in our waters, stopping the plans of the enemy father God, that they have done to infiltrate this nation infiltrate our governments.
I think that their plans are not going as planned. I think that they are turning on each other. Just like you said, what happened in the Tower of Babel. Confusion is setting in in their camps. I thank you, Father God, that nothing, nothing and no one can stop your mighty hand. And we thank you, Father God, that we choose to look to you.
We choose to obey you. We are listening. We are obeying. And we thank you because we are listening and obeying that you will speedily subdue our enemies in every plan they have planned against us. We thank you as they are going into their own destruction, just like Pharaoh and his men did, that your glory will be on your children and shine through us, Father God, because light destroys that darkness.
And you even said in your word that a light rises in darkness. So we thank you, Father God, for leading us all in the right direction. We should, where we sho
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