10 months ago

This book centers on a transgender girl (a mentally ill boy) who leaves his home because his guardian refuses to affirm his delusions. Unfortunately the authors characterizes Flor as heroic, misunderstood, discriminated and victimized. All of which isn’t true. The one place where he was actually loved, he left because his narcissism inhibits his ability to recognize what real compassion looks like. Flor ends up in New York City joining a community of like narcissistic, self serving individuals who validate their mental illnesses as normal. Though literature of this ilk is terribly regressive and corruptive, the main purpose of this segment is to inform you that this material is being offered to elementary school children, which I believe is inappropriate. Within the Placer County School district this book can be found at George Cirby Elementary School. The purpose of this campaign is to inform parents and our community about the materials that are being offered to prepubescent children and teenagers without the knowledge of their parents. I task all parents to educate themselves so that they can make an informed decision to determine if they feel this material is appropriate for their child or not.

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