Monsters Are Real: Doctor Proudly Proclaims He Needs No Testing To Know If A Child Is 'Trans'

4 months ago

Remember when the left in America tried to convince everyone that no children were being 'transed'? Despite mountains of evidence that minors indeed were being mutilated with surgery and sterilized with life-changing drugs and hormones, they firmly insisted that it wasn't happening. Obviously, that charade didn't last very long, so the left is now firmly entrenched in the 'it's good that it is' half of the 'It's not happening and it's good that it is' equation. The new deception that the left tries to sell is that children are only given 'gender-affirming care' (a diabolical term if there ever was one) after careful, lengthy consultation with medical professionals and families. You will not be surprised to learn that this is a complete lie as well. Over the weekend, the Twitter account Mythinformed released a video of a private Zoom call featuring Dr. Robert Garofalo, a pediatrics professor at Northwestern University and the chief -- CHIEF -- of young adult medicine at Lurie Children's Hospital.

We are not being hyperbolic when we say that this individual is a monster. See for yourselves: “I’ll turn to the child and be like, so yeah what gender identity do you have?” Dr. Robert Garofalo of Lurie Childrens hospital proudly admits the horrible truth behind the process of transitioning children. How does he determine if a child is trans? He just asks them, dummy. No further inquiry needed. This is cruel, this is criminal, this is abuse … this is insane. Twitchy readers may recall Jamie Reed, the whistleblower at Washington University St. Louis Children's Hospital, who exposed in 2023 that many young girls at that 'Transgender Center' were subject to almost no screening before being given life-altering, life-destroying drugs. Thankfully, due to Reed's intervention, Washington University halted all such services last year. But Garofalo's arrogant, smug bragging in the video above shows that Washington University was not alone in its cavalier attitude toward abusing children. One has to wonder how much 'gender-affirming care' has fattened Garofalo's wallet.

The video caught the eye of J.K Rowling, who was understandably and rightfully outraged. J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: “The Cass Report has revealed how very poor the evidence base is for transitioning children. We already know autistic, same-sex attracted and trauma-experienced youth are over-represented at gender clinics. Nevertheless, this man boasts about conducting zero psychological evaluation of children, proud that there's no 'battery of tests', explaining that he simply asks the child what their (unprovable, unfalsifiable) 'gender identity' is. The subtext is clear: unlike the worried parents, he's the cool dude who really gets what kids want. How can anyone still believe this won't come to be seen as the medical scandal of the century?” -- France has already called it the worst medical scandal in history as that country, like many others in Europe, is in the process of ending these practices completely. When will the United States catch up?

There's no truth to it. We are drugging & cutting up the vulnerable, rewriting the laws of all societies to redefine women as a feeling men can have about themselves, & there's no truth to any of it. You can dig & dig: there's no there there. It's the greatest scandal in history. And it gets even worse. Mythinformed also posted the full video where Garofalo says many other horrible things … gleefully. He also says things like we want to be a “one stop shopping” for transitioning kids. Soon, older tweets resurfaced on Twitter where Garofalo admits that he DOES NOT KNOW the risks of these procedures or medications. But he happily administers them anyway. Dr. Garofalo says they know very little about fertility risks, cancer potential, cardiac risks, but they want parents to take a leap of faith. They knew these risks were possibilities and they did it anyways. He also admits their informed consent forms are garbage.

And he also knows that children cannot provide informed consent. But he happily asks them for it anyway. Here, the doctor admits kids can't consent to these experimental treatment interventions because they lack the maturity to weigh how they will feel about these decisions as an adult. Yet, this treatment protocol is solely built upon the child's self- ID. This is malpractice. How is this man not in prison for the rest of his life for the lives he has destroyed?

• More at: Twitchy - Monsters Are Real: Doctor Proudly Proclaims He Needs No Testing to Know if a Child Is 'Trans'
Rumble: Dr. Robert Garofalo…We Want Lurie Children's Hospital To Be A "One Stop Shop" For Transitioning Kids
Rumble: Dr. Garofalo: We Know Little About Risks…nts Take A Leap Of Faith…Informed Consent Forms Garbage
Rumble: Malpractice: Doctor Admits Kids Can't Consent To Treatments Yet Protocol Built Upon Child's Self-ID

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