WHO Pandemic “Treaty” Fails

4 months ago

The World Health Organization’s attempt to hijack local and national control of emergency responses under the guise of “global health” has failed. It turns out that pesky “national interests” have obstructed the road to a global utopia. The New American’s editorial staff break down what happened.

Also in this episode:

@ 19:40 | Kentucky Senator Rand Paul believes enough evidence to charge Dr. Anthony Fauci with crimes may finally have accrued thanks to recent congressional testimony from former top Fauci aide Dr. David Morens;

@ 31:30 | A large number of Democratic mayors across the country are asking Joe Biden to fast track work permits for the deluge of migrants who have overwhelmed their cities;

@ 39:06 | Some legal analysts predict a hung jury in the Trump hush-money trial;

@ 47:00 | The International Court of Justice is trying to exert its will on Israel’s Gaza response.


Watch "Biden & UN WHO 'Pandemic Treaty' Will Crush US Sovereignty" https://thenewamerican.com/video/biden-un-who-pandemic-treaty-will-crush-us-sovereignty/

Read "The Vax & Premature Deaths" https://thenewamerican.com/print/the-vax-premature-deaths/

Take action with the "Get US Out! of the WHO — Support H.R. 79" legislative alert HERE https://jbs.org/alert/get-us-out-of-the-who-support-h-r-79/

Take action with the "Get US Out! of the UN — Support the Defund Act (H.R. 6645 & S. 3428) HERE https://jbs.org/alert/get-us-out-of-the-un/

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