#007 3D to 5D = earth rotation reversal CRITICAL DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon

4 months ago

"When the student is ready.....

The Teacher will appear."

The Three Days of Darkness May 27, 2024

Part 1 of a Channeled Message from the Urmah (The Felines)

Dear brothers, it is with great joy that we have come through this channel to complete the missing information; so that you understand what is happening at the planetary transition level, and the so-called “Three Days of Darkness.”

This information that we will transmit to you is of essential light codes, to share and spread. They are a kind of antidote, to neutralize insecurity and the energy of fear, which are generated by so many erroneous assumptions about the Three Days of Darkness.

Errors that drive the vast majority to a certain panic, which in turn pursues denser energies: that is not good. So let's clarify what those days will be like and why they are necessary.

So that instead of fear, you wake up, and you have a clearer vision of this period that will forever change the course of life on your planet.

We know that many of you have been wondering about this topic. 156 million years ago and not 320,000 years
ago, as some think, a new species was being created. The human species; the original human who lived on Earth for a long time.

Each Earth has portals for various parts of the universe…. for Sirius, for Arcturus, for Andromeda, for The Pleiades, for Orion….. among many others, making it easy for various civilizations to access the planet “Agartha”, as this planet was called until the times of Lemuria and Atlantis. Which, after the fall of these two Civilizations, Agartha was renamed Gaia for future civilizations, and is now called planet Earth.

However, for us, the original name of your planet is still Agartha because she has such an easily accessible location for various other civilizations in the universe.

Agartha was chosen so that we could create a new species; a species that could freely enter other dimensions and visit other spheres through interdimensional portals. That is to say, your body was like a type of vehicle capable of using these portals without the need for any other vehicle or conditions.

Among the geneticists, scientists and other specialists who were working on the development of this perfect species, there were also the Draconians who intended to remove the species from The Source by reducing their connection to the central sunlight which was already relatively distant.

For knowing how the species would develop, since if they were always connected, they would have no way of knowing how the species would behave far from The Source or what would happen if they traveled far beyond for Central Sun; if they were lost or disconnected from The Source.

At first it seemed like a good idea for the board they also hypothesized that a species was evolved and created after so much work technology and energy invested would need more security since they did not know what awaited them in the infinite, that is the universe.

So the plan was to create even greater protection, also preventing beings from possibly entering the planet. Except that this protection would also prevent it from being possible to live it. We realized that this could be something irreversible, if we all got caught up in this orb. We tried to reverse the situation in the council, but the Dracos realized they had acquired greater power over this quadrant so they demanded everyone follow their suggestions because they believed that, due to the fact that they had Superior war power and greater control of a creation through their technologies (that were developed with the help from all of us) they deserved a prominent position in the council. Clear advice I would never agree to that!!

Something similar would promote millions of years after the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria. Those who were under the veils of “protection” that were being created, then decided to leave before it was too late. But others remained, as in the case of 12 Consciences that sacrificed themselves to stay alive in the heart of each Being.

Human, unconditional love of the Source, because in this way, no matter how much the connection with the cosmos was completely cut off, the flame of Love would be lit in their hearts.

These consciences gave rise to the 12 crystal skulls. 66 million years ago the Archons also reversed Agartha's magnetic poles because they knew that in this way Agartha would become denser, since everything that rotates Counterclockwise generates density, and everything that rotates clockwise is more subtle.

Agartha is currently rotating in opposition to the Natural flow of the entire Cosmos, so seashells, plants and everything in the universe are spiraling clockwise. To maintain this inverted position, The Moon was strategically positioned always turning to the same side so that the modifications made by them were maintained. Therefore, they were sure that the Earth would not return to her normal axis.

As they made all these changes suddenly it was what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. After that episode, Agartha had other restarts; one of which caused the Deluge that was deliberately caused by this non-light species trying to control the planet and cause global catastrophes, or where the moon hit the ocean.

The waters of the ocean rose, thus covering the entire planet. Even today it is possible to see the signs of this shock and the displacement of water at the top of the hills in Portugal and in Africa, and also on the surface of the planet where previously the ocean did not go.

With this impact, the hills of the Himalayas, the highest mountain range on the planet, located between the plain the South and the Tibetan plateau were formed in the depths of the ocean.

Biological sediments are made up of shells of few types of plankton-like organisms, a type of sedimentary rock of Biological origin, made entirely of shell fragments.

With the impact of the Moon, these shells were transferred to the top of the mountains forming yellowish calcium rocks. The reversal of Earth magnetic poles to the original position began in 2009.

In 2013, a gigantic meteorite was in a collision course with Earth and would cause a massive Global cataclysm. The meteorite, which in turn was disintegrated by the galactic Fleet, hit only a small part of Earth in Russia, where only a few people were injured but there were no death.

Earth was already been aligned by the galactic fleets so it slowly returns the right without the major catastrophe or the extinction of the human species. If Earth's pole were suddenly reversed, it would again cause destruction through major earthquakes and tidal waves.

Two gigantic spaceships have been been positioned and approaching since 2009. What are a Azhigmus, the ship of Archangel Michael and the Athenna ship, of the Arcturians? These spaceships are made up of consciousness, and within them there are still other consciousness.

Humans in their original form, using 100% of their brain capacity, can take whatever shape they want. These beings, as in the case of Archangel Michael, can become aware and design a ship. So Azhigmus is consciousness by Archangel Michael.

The Earth has a gravitational force, just like the Moon that was positioned so that through these interactions between the gravitational forces, the Earth would remain in the counterclockwise position where the Archons placed it.

So in order for the earth to return to its original position, the action of the other gravitational forces is necessary. The ships are interfering with the rotation of the earth, and as these two ships get closer, the Earth will slow down until it comes to a complete stop.

After completing this process, these spacecraft will slowly drift away, so that the Earth will slowly rotate clockwise again. Therefore, without much movement, each is placed at one end of Earth magnetic poles slowing down the planet's rotation until it stops spinning completely.

In the final moments of this intervention, one of the ships will be placed in front of the Sun, where it will also stop and begin to move away slowly, so that the Earth turns again clockwise.

This journey will take 3 days, causing the 3 days of darkness. This is the time that it will take for the ship to make the journey staying between the Sun and Earth and returning the same way it entered.

The electrical, electronic devices and everything that contains electricity and electromagnetism will stop working due to the approach of these ships.

A few days before, all beings on planet Earth will hear a signal that will warn them of what will happen. A last call from Mother Mary, who will speak in ears of all her sons and daughters who will remain without a doubt, especially the awakened ones who will clearly understand the sign.

On that day, all human and nonhuman beings - every being with a brain - be it human or animal, will freeze along with planet Earth and will only return to their motor activities after the Earth begins to spin again in clockwise direction.

On that day, everyone will be aware of everything that happens around them, but they will not be able to move.
This may be scary, but there is nothing to fear because when the Earth rotates to her original direction, you will return to all your abilities and motor coordination.

When your bodies on the Earth are paralyzed, all the dimensions parallel to the third Dimensions will interact. There will be no difference between the living and the dead: it will be possible to see all the dimensions.

At the time of this transition, you will make a brief transition to the Fourth Dimension. When Agartha returns to its original axis, you will be in the fifth dimension. The third dimension will cease to exist, as it's a denser dimension, a density that was deliberately generated by the change in Earth's rotation.

After 3 days of darkness you will have contact with all beings that are already in The Fifth Dimension, and the the Earth will be on her original axis: fully connect to the Central sunlight. That will be the cause of the three days of darkness.

Have confidence and love. The time to practice meditation, inner peace, and unconditional love is now. Because this way, you will move smoothly to the transition point without fear; just trusting that everything will be fine. That is necessary so that everything returns to the plan of Source.

In these three days, do not open the door of your houses. Keep all windows and doors closed, and do not allow anyone in your family to leave the house, because their bodies can be paralyzed at any time. Take the necessary precautions to make them feel comfortable in your home at that time.

Planes can fall out of the sky, traffic accidents can occur, among other things that can be caused by physical paralysis. When that happens you will know what is is happening. You and your loved ones will also count on the help of your Cosmic families, Soul families, mentors and guides, who at this moment will be much
closer to you due to the crossing of Dimensions. Even those who are not awake.

Your pets will also be paralyzed, however, they will make a very natural transition because they have never been
disconnected from Agartha.

Beings that are still vibrating with hatred, pain and fear - that are vibrating in a very low frequency pattern, or still very attached to limiting beliefs - will not not make the transition in the physical body. These bodies will cease to exist, along with the third dimension. Their souls will pass to other orbs that are compatible with their vibratory frequency.

There is no space or time for the spirit, so when one dreams. he is simply somewhere else without having to travel a path. It will be like a dream for these people. They will wake up in another orb so that they can continue their cycle of evolution.

The moment you are paralyzed do not open the door of your heart to doubts in any way. Keep the faith to the end, especially as you go through this moment of transition. Trust in Divine wisdom. Do not lower your vibrations. Everything that still vibrates in the third dimension will cease to exist. On Agartha, only souls and beings that already vibrate in The Fifth Dimension will incarnate.

Those who go through the transition will have the option to continue for a while and then they will have the option to continue with their original family, their original orb, or to follow their evolutionary processes. Or, they choose because the source determined it.

At the time of transition it it becomes difficult to stay focused and focus on the higher vibrations. Repeat this

“I am light, I am free, I am one with Source!”

so that you can dispel any low vibration feelings that maybe are bothering you. No matter what you say use that time to work on your own. Always stay safe and vibrant: everything will be fine.

After this information there is more to come…..


Please share this far and wide; this is the seed-planting that Lord Ashtar was calling for us to do, in the previous Disclosure #006. For those of you who are not familiar, the Urmah and the Taygetans have a close friendship. There is mutual love between the races. I love the Urmah, for caring for us, to share this! I am aware of one of their timely interventions on Earth recently (Pfizer warehouse in Carolinas that was hit by 'mysterious" tornado). They have our back!

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