Lois Christy Prayer Group conference call for Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

4 months ago

Lois Christy 05/28/2024
Meeting notes and Scripture references
Regular Prayer Call Schedule (please adjust for your local time)
-The Tuesday and Thursday calls begin at 8:30am Central Time
-The Saturday call begins at 9am Central Time.
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Lois gives the opening prayer:
Heavenly Father, we come boldly before You today, into Your Throne Room of Grace, in the Name of Jesus and we take our seat of authority with the enemy beneath our feet. We are here to do Your will, and for You to have Your way on this prayer call. We pray from this place of victory.
Thank You for this prayer group, to do Your will and good pleasure. We don’t want to miss anything, so we ask the Holy Spirit to help us, to guide us, to be effectual in our praying and to hit the target.
We love You God, we love You Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, we want Your manifest presence, influence and counsel on this call, for You know the mind of Father and Jesus and what they want. You know everything, and You are the One who give us utterance in known and unknown tongues. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God. They are powerful for the pulling down of strongholds. Thank You Holy Spirit that we do this in unity with You.
You have full reign on this call. We thank You for praying with power, passion, and precision. Thank You for bringing to our remembrance the scriptures, so we can wield the Sword of the Spirit, for the angels to take and perform to do the will of our holy God; to make an eternal difference for our nation and the nations of the earth. Thank You for the anointing to pray with our known and our unknown tongue.
Amen and so be it.
Discussion of PDJT’s trial and closing arguments. Attorney Todd Blanche representing PDJT, and being anointed from the Lord today for his argument. He will have two hours to present his case and the prosecutors will have four hours to present their case. The judge has forbidden the laws to be read to the jurors.
For PDJT’s victory:
Is 54:11-17
“O afflicted one, storm-tossed, and not comforted, behold, I will set your stones in antimony, and your foundations I will lay in sapphires. Moreover, I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of crystal, and your entire wall of precious stones.
All your sons will be taught of the Lord; and the well-being of your sons will be great. In righteousness you will be established; you will be far from oppression, for you will not fear; and from terror, for it will not come near you.
If anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me. Whoever assails you will fall because of you.
Behold, I Myself have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and brings out a weapon for its work; and I have created the destroyer to ruin.
No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord.
Father, we ask for Your anointing to be upon Attorney Todd Blanche. Let there be an anointing and presence of righteous conviction, that it pierces the hearts of all that are in the court room, particularly the jury. Let the jury agree that they cannot send out a quilty verdict because nothing has been proven.
If anyone fiercely assails you PDJT, it will not be from Me. Whoever assails you will fall because of you.
We bind the demons from influencing the jury, and loose the influence of the angels of God to favor the jury with the favor of PDJT.
In Jesus’ Name we ask this.
Ps 118:5-7 NASB
From my distress I called upon the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a large place. The Lord is for me; I will not fear; what can man do to me? The Lord is for me among those who help me; therefore I will look with satisfaction on those who hate me.
Discussion of:
Closing arguments will begin Tuesday in the Manhattan business records trial of former President Donald Trump:
Praying in tongues for the favor of God to be with and on PDJT in the court room.
For the prosecution:
Now by contrast, let the weak, ineffectual, irritating, not believable, and disgusting words of the prosecution be heard by the jurors. Let the jurors be so irritated with what they hear from the lengthy, babbling and going on of the prosecution, that they are disgusted and declare “not guilty”. Let their body language, the folding of their arms speak loudly of their disgust.
Let the jury be so irritated with the words of the prosecution that the jury finds them obnoxious.
Father, we pray that truth floods into the court room today and the jurors will receive it. The jurors will declare not guilty for PDJT, and he will be set free. In the Name of Jesus.
Praying in tongues for the weak, unarticulated, stupid, phony blabber of the prosecution. Let the jurors have a holy hatred for the lies that the prosecution and the judge are speaking. Open up the eyes and hearts of the jury to the truth.
Ps 140:9-11 TLB
Let their plots boomerang! Let them be destroyed by the very evil they have planned for me. Let burning coals fall down upon their heads or throw them into the fire or into deep pits from which they can’t escape. Don’t let liars prosper here in our land (and for PDJT); quickly punish them.
For the judge and jurors:
2 Chron 19:6-7 NLT
Say to the judges, “Always think carefully before pronouncing judgment. Remember that you do not judge to please people but to please the Lord. He will be with you when you render the verdict in each case. Fear the Lord and judge with integrity, for the Lord our God does not tolerate perverted justice, partiality, or the taking of bribes.”
Father, we ask that You put a guard and a clamp on Judge Merchan’s mouth so that he cannot interrupt PDJT’s lawyers as they give their closing augments. Let the fear of the Lord and the fire of God fall on everyone in the court room.
We thank You Father, that PDJT has favor with You and with man today. The verdict will come from You, it will come from heaven, it will come from Your judgment and no one else.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Ps 17:1-2 VOICE
Listen, O Eternal One, to my cry for justice. These words of mine are true—turn Your ear toward me. Announce that I am free of all the charges against me—only You can see into my heart to know that to be true. Treat me with fairness; look at me with justice.
Father, we are in agreement, that the prosecutors will be tongue tied, and they will stumble over their words and be unsure when they speak. They will not be able to say what they want to say and will actually exonerate PDJT in their speech, instead of prosecuting him. They will speak in favor of PDJT without knowing what they say.
We pray that the fear of the Lord will fall on them and that angels will tie up their tongues in such a manner that they stumble and trip over their own words. Let there be confusion in their tongues. Let the juror’s demeanor show confusion on their faces.
Let the jurors spiritual and physical eyes and ears be open to the truth, so that the lies fall to the ground and do not prosper.
The Blood of Jesus over everyone in the courtroom and all that is in it.
Father, we ask that truth tellers have wisdom and insight that comes from the court room of heaven. Let the words of those that defend PDJT be crisp and clear and that their tongues would flow smoothly to speak what You would have them to say. Let their words be full of peace and calmness.
Let the prosecutors’ words be disastrous to themselves and what they want to have for their outcome. Let them be irritated and uncomfortable.
Let the jurors see the difference between the lies and the truth and between peace and chaos. We ask that Your justice rule and reign in the courtroom.
In the Name of Jesus.
Discussion of what the judge is going to tell the jurors. He does not want the laws read to the jurors, so they will not know what is legal or illegal. The defense has two hours, and the prosecution has four hours.
Father, we ask that You give the Defense utterances of truth and the oracles of God to speak with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Let those that prosecute and do not want justice, be in total confusion and not make any sense. Give clarity to the jurors and discernment to tell a lie from the truth. In the Name of Jesus.
Father, we are praying the following prayers for PDJT, America, the Church, and ourselves:
Eph 1:17-23 J.B. Phillips N.T.
That God, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ and the all-glorious Father, will give you spiritual wisdom and the insight to know more of Him: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realize how great is the hope to which He is calling you—the magnificence and splendor of the inheritance promised to Christians—and how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God.
That power is the same divine power which was demonstrated in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and gave Him the place of supreme honor in Heaven—a place that is infinitely superior to any conceivable command, authority, power or control, and which carries with it a Name far beyond any name that could ever be used in this world or the world to come.
God has placed everything under the power of Christ and has set Him up as head of everything for the Church. For the Church is His body, and in that body lives fully the One who fills the whole wide universe.
Eph 3:18-21 J. B. Phillips N.T.
I pray that out of the glorious richness of His resources He will enable you to know the strength of the spirit’s inner re-enforcement—that Christ may actually live in your hearts by your faith. And I pray that you, firmly fixed in love yourselves, may be able to grasp (with all Christians) how wide and deep and long and high is the love of Christ—and to know for yourselves that love so far beyond our comprehension. May you be filled though all your being with God Himself!
Now to Him who by His power within us is able to do far more than we ever dare to ask or imagine—to Him be glory in the Church through Jesus Christ for ever and ever, amen!
Col 1:9-14 J. B. Phillips N.T.
We are asking God that you may see things, as it were, from his point of view by being given spiritual insight and understanding. We also pray that your outward lives, which men see, may bring credit to your master’s name, and that you may bring joy to his heart by bearing genuine Christian fruit, and that your knowledge of God may grow yet deeper.
As you live this new life, we pray that you will be strengthened from God’s boundless resources, so that you will find yourselves able to pass through any experience and endure it with courage. You will even be able to thank God in the midst of pain and distress because you are privileged to share the lot of those who are living in the light.
For we must never forget that He rescued us from the power of darkness and reestablished us in the kingdom of His beloved Son, that is, in the kingdom of light. For it is by His Son alone that we have been redeemed and have had our sins forgiven.
Reading from Tierney Real News:
Former Obama voter: "It’s over, we’re tired, that’s it. We're done. We're voting for Trump. We're gonna be voting red all the way down ticket.”:
-“A lot of these politicians are friends. They just name them Democrat and Republican to fool you. When the TVs are off and the doors are closed, they’re shaking hands and hugging and hanging out together. It’s US against THEM. It’s as simple as that.”

-“You liberals, especially the New York Times, because you guys are globalist papers, let’s be real…the New York Times and globalist papers carry water for the globalists (Communists) and you guys are destabilizing this country purposefully.”
-The veil is being lifted, and you guys are gonna see in November when we go to the polls.”

- “You guys are gonna get your feelings hurt badly. And you know what? I can't wait, because I'm gonna stand outside in Manhattan with my coffee mug, and I'm gonna let the liberal tears just drip into my coffee, and I'm gonna take a nice sip of it. Trump’s gonna win in a landslide. He’s gonna win in a landslide.”

-“Before Trump, I voted for Obama the first time. And then I saw that he was full of shit because he was nothing but divisive in this country. And then the second time around, I sat out because I didn't see the point in voting for Mitt Romney because he was a RINO.”

- “The average Trump voter is not a white dude. The average Trump voter is an American who cares about their country. There’s no color. Look around. This crowd is ridiculously diverse. Right? There’s black, there’s white, there’s brown, there’s Jewish people. That’s another one of your false narratives - that Trump supporters are racist white people from the Midwest. That’s a lie. Trump supporters are tired of the bullshit that’s constantly going on in this country from the Democrats and the RINOs.”

- “Nothing personal, but the New York Times is trash. You know, legacy media is dying. You guys are on your last leg and that's it. There's gonna be a bunch of final nails in the coffin on election day.”
PDJT said during the Bronx speech, that we have to send the people back because it’s an unsustainable problem.
The devil doesn’t like our joy and the phone call was interrupted by line/cell interference.
Mention of praying in tongues is spiritual ammo:
Mt 18:18-19
“Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst.”
Praying about the WHO:
Father, we are asking and agreeing for the continued chaos and disruption of the WHO meeting. We are asking that their minds and their mouths will not be able to perform what they intended.
They cannot get it together and it collapses into a chaotic heap. Let them become fuming mad at each other; they cannot agree on anything. Nothing is resolved on their behalf.
Father, let this be the final blow against this meeting. Let this set them back for years so that there will be no treaty put forth. Let no one will sign this treaty of wickedness. Let them not get it together as they intend. We are all are asking this in Jesus’ Name.
Praying in the Holy Spirit to loose the power of our prayers on the WHO to stop and block their plans.
Lois: seeing humpy dumpty taking a fall:
Humpty Dumpty has taken a fall, Humpty Dumpty treaty will fall, fall out the back wall.
All the king's horses and all the King's men could not put their Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Humpty Dumpty treaty shall fall, fall off the wall.
Done before it’s begun, their evil plans will not be performed by their evil hands.
Thank You Lord.
Hearing the word hobble:
-To walk in an awkward way because of pain or an injury. To strap or tie together the legs of a horse or other animal to prevent it from straying.
-To fasten together the legs of a horse or mule by short lengths of rope to prevent free motion. To impede, hamper the progress of; an act of hobbling; an uneven, halting gait; a limp; a rope, strap, etc., used to hobble or hinder an animal.
Synonyms: fetter, handcuff, hogtie, manacle, shackle
Father, we are thankful that You are hobbling the strategies of the WHO, in the Name of Jesus.
2 Thess 2:6-7
And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
Thank You Father that they are hamstringed from doing what they want to do. Thank You that our prayers are effectual and are joined with others that are praying. In the Name of Jesus.
Mention of binding the Biden administration and setting the stage to hand ultimate control of America’s health care system and U.S. national sovereignty over to the WHO. No, this will never happen while we are here. We will not have it, in the Name of Jesus.
Mention of the demon-crats outside the courthouse and having a press conference, bashing PDJT. This will all fizzle out in the Name of Jesus.
Phil 1:28
In no way be alarmed by your opponents—which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God.
Phil 1:28 AMPC
And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God.
Lois prays for everyone:
Heavenly Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus over everyone that is on the call, those that come on later and over our loved ones. We pray for the divine protection of the Blood of Jesus over everyone’s spirits, souls, and bodies. Divine health too, by the Blood of Jesus.
Lord, the Blood of Jesus over our dwelling places, they are peaceful habitations. There will be no calamity, harm, plagues, tornadoes, fire, floods, or intruders coming to our houses and dwellings.
The Blood of Jesus over our finances. Father, thank You for Your provision and for You helping us to prepare for what is ahead. Thank You for giving us Your wisdom and guidance in our finances. We bind the thief from our finances and what has been stolen from us in the past, the enemy must restore seven-fold to us. Thank You Lord that You are a faithful God to us.
The Blood of Jesus over our pets, they are happy, healthy, safe and have a long life.
Aaronic Blessing over everyone:
The Lord bless you and protect you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
We pray this all in the Name of Jesus.
Praying for Joann and the tornado damage in her area. Thank You Lord that the houses in her neighborhood were not touched.
Father, we are in agreement that the power company will repair this damage quickly in the Name of Jesus. We ask that You expedite the repairs and for them to have electricity quickly; even more than they could ask or think. Thank You for hearing our prayers and answering them.
No weapon formed against Joann and her neighbors will prosper and every tongue that rises against them will not prosper. This repair will be done quickly and in good order. Thank You Father, that You do everything well for Your children. You are a mighty God and you said when we call You answer us, deliver us, and put us in a high place. We bind the spirit of delay, in the Name of Jesus.
Prayer for Lois:
Father, we are so thankful for Lois because she is such a good prayer warrior and demonstrates faith. We pray that she will be led by You all day long. Thank You for the special anointing that You have on her and that it goes wherever she goes to demonstrate Your goodness.
Bless her financially, bless her body and strengthen it and bless her vehicle today. Thank You for keeping Your hand of blessing upon Lois today.
Thank You for allowing us to use Your Name, the Name that is above all Names, Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your Spirit that is so heavy on this prayer group. We ask that You increase Your Spirit in us.
We ask that You give Lois a blessing that she is not even expecting today.
We agree with every prayer warrior that was on this prayer call today, and we expect and look for Your good hand to bless America, PDJT, the Church and us.
Aaronic Blessing:
Lois, the Lord bless you and protect you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
In the Name of Jesus.
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life John 6:68
Make much of the Blood of Jesus & the Blood will make much of you.

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