528 - "360° HEALTH: Redirecting Fitness Culture Toward Exercise for Holistic Wellbeing."

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🌿 Let's shift the focus from just physical results to a holistic approach to fitness! 🧘‍♀️ Exercise isn't just about looking good, it's about feeling good inside and out. It's time to embrace exercise as a mindbody practice and reconnect our mind, body, and spirit through movement. 🌸

🔴 Tuesday | May 28th | "360° HEALTH: Redirecting Fitness Culture Toward Exercise for Holistic Wellbeing."

Dr. James Cooley and Guest Co-Host Dr. Michael Mantell have a sit-down conversation
with Dr. Michael Hosking -- Creator of Revocycle Mind and Body Cycling, and Author

Live at 12 PM PST | 3 PM EST on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Rumble and YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@itsyourliferadio.

Points covered 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
* The current Fitness culture
* Exercise as a Mindbody practice
* Cartesian dualism- mind separate from body
* Exercise as a spiritual practice.

For nearly 50 years Dr. Mantell has been helping people of all ages and backgrounds disturb themselves less and create lasting positive change with his compassion-based rational emotive behavior coaching methods.

Website: www.drmichaelmantell.com

Michael Hosking, Ph.D. (Indiana University, Bloomington) has taught at Indiana University and Davidson College and is the creator of Revocycle Mind and Body Cycling, a mindfulness-based indoor cycling program.

Michael has studied exercise and the brain through Harvard Universitywith John Ratey, M.D.  (Harvard University Medical School; author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain) and teaches how exercise can promote mental health through neurogenesis and reduction of the stress response.

Michael currently serves on the Program Advisory Board of the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation and is an advisor to The WellbingThinktank.

Website: https://revoyclemindandbodyeducation.mn.co

Brought to you by the J.C. Cooley Foundation, "Equipping the Youth of Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow."
"It's Your Life with Dr. James JC Cooley" streaming Monday thru Friday 12 PM PST | 3 PM EST on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Rumble, Twitter and YouTube @itsyourliferadio


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Twitter: @JCCooley9
Instagram: @j.c.cooley
Dr. James Cooley's Facebook: /james.cooley.167
J C Cooley Foundation Facebook Page: /cooleyfoundation
It's Your Life Show Facebook Group: /groups/itsyourliferadioshow

▶Foundation Website & Donations: www.cooleyfoundation.org
▶Cooley Books: https://www.jamescooleytheauthor.com/
▶Want to be included in the Show? Email jamescooley145@gmail.com
▶Speaking engagements: Email jamescooley145@gmail.com


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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