Railroading the Trans Agenda

9 months ago

Doctor tells 11 year old boy he is in the “perfect place” to begin taking puberty blockers to become TRANS.

Joseph is actually a boy whose mother began transitioning him to a girl at age 6. 


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This child does not look happy about it, my guess is the mother wanted a girl at the birth. There's something not quite right here. These Doctors are also paid by big pharma, just as they were with Covid-19, which was a depopulation agenda. The Trans agenda was straight out of the communist playbook, this is why the WEF and Governments were in lockstep. It was all about destroying the Christian nuclear family, the same pledge that was actually stated on the BLM manifest "to destroy the nuclear family". The same reason why the same marxists push for abortions.

I am perfectly happy with organic transvestites, transgender, transexual, gay, bisexual...but it must NOT create a victim and be of legal age and with fully informed consent and with no coercion. So long as there's no victim I see no problem.

Children are often changing their interests and opinions, their likes and dislikes, one day they want to be a train driver, the next a pilot, the next day it'll be a chef. Let the children have their childhood, chances are their desire to be the opposite gender will fade away. If not then they will then become an age where they can make their own decision.

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