FALSE FLAGS similar americans 'china balloons' on america sky [NAZI NATO zeppelines on russia border]

8 months ago

[WARNING] FALSE FLAGS ALERTS ALARMS on europe nazi nato coutrys russia border, newspapers tried use for war propaganda lies to start world war, video helps remember 'chinese balloons' what was american false flag operations aka pearl harbor 2.0 where americans was fake japan attack to pearl harbor to connect japan into world war 2 how japan was cant explain sitauation was forced finnish attack what americans false flag was start when was already staged blamed attack to american military base, japanese was seen from high altitude spy plane what was happen when false flag was happen how japanese was know they been framed staged blamed already when false attack was happen, all wars been false flags not real reasons exist for wars

[note] days old news photos from one airship told is 'russia new weapon' still on newspapers in food shop also people was keeped move slow on lines to force people read newspapers topics thats whats happen on NATO proganda country russia border, thats how ready paid deep programmed false flags propaganda lies made whats all satanism whats mislead earth surface population for mass murders killings sacrifices whats global business on what all ready paid deep programmed officials are on in

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