The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 039

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The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey and John Rotolo have a jam packed episode!!!

Discussing the validity of the Apple Music rankings:

The Gracious Two express disbelief at the Apple Music rankings, questioning how Lauren Hill's album could be considered the greatest of all time over classics like "Thriller" and "Abbey Road." They speculate about the criteria and methodology used to determine the rankings.

Criticizing Lauren Hill's past controversial statements:

The guys bring up past comments made by Lauren Hill that were perceived as racist, and argue that she does not deserve to be ranked above other legendary artists, especially given her controversial views.

Discussing current events and politics:

The conversation shifts to discussing current events and political topics, including the war in Ukraine, the Biden administration, and concerns about government overreach and erosion of individual freedoms.

Expressing distrust in mainstream media and government:

The Gracious Two express a deep distrust in the mainstream media and government, accusing them of spreading misinformation, covering up scandals, and pursuing agendas that are not in the best interests of the people.

Concerns about the direction of the country and potential totalitarian control:

The Gracious Two voice concerns about the potential for the government and elites to implement totalitarian control measures, such as limiting personal freedoms, rationing resources, and restricting access to information and technology, ultimately leading to a dystopian future.

Recap and plans for future episodes:

The Gracious Two recap the discussion, acknowledge the seriousness of the topics covered, and discuss plans for upcoming episodes, including rescheduling a guest appearance and potential future topics.

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