X22 Report-3363-Market Pricing In One Rate Cut-DS Empire’s Grip On America Has Failed-Ad Free!

7 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3363a - The Market Is Now Pricing In One Rate Cut, Right On Schedule

Pete is now trying to convince the people that air turbulence is from the climate hoax. The people are not going along with this, they know the truth. The [CB]/Biden administration is failing to convince the people that the economy is doing well. Rate cut coming soon.
Ep 3363b - [DS] Empire’s Grip On America Has Failed, We Knew This Day Would Come, Dead-Chicken Strat

The [DS] has lost it's grip on the American people. We knew this day would come and the people are ready to fight. The people now see Trump as the victim and Biden as the attacker. If they throw Trump in jail he will become more powerful and the people will see the political hit. The strategy that is being used is the dead-chicken strategy and it's working. Everything must happen to Trump first. Today we honor those who served this country. 
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