How to Connect with your Inner Child.

9 months ago

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“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw

Adulting can be a hectic juggle. And play is often well earned, these days.

Objectives- Upon completion of this course students will:

1. Connect with and identify your inner child.
2. Track triggers and projections to root traumas.
3. Begin reparenting your inner child.
4. Cultivate a trusting bond with your inner child.
5. Understand the power and importance of your inner child.
6. Create proactive communication, meeting the needs of and playing with your inner child.

Learning Outcomes- measurable learning objectives:

1. Recognize when you alter/ your inner child is reacting.
2. Recognize how to de-escalate triggers.
3. Reacquaint/ be comfortable with play, happiness, trust, nurturance with your inner child.

Define inner child
The inner child is a younger aspect.
Multiple aspects- we have many inner children. Potentially there is an aspect for every trauma point in your life.
Their power- unintegrated inner children control your reactivity and how you present in interpersonal and life dynamics. Their perspective is your subconscious life view.
Safeguards- self love, self worth, self esteem, boundaries, vulnerability, attachment style- stable goal, creativity, prosperity-relationships, fun, play, joy, laughter,
Loop cycles-
Sabotage Patterns-
Projection triggers, redirect to inner child.
Root traumas,
follow the line of trauma, triggers, projections.
Clarify and fulfill their needs.
Connection and presence.
Play time
bringing out the inner child's magic
trusting the bond
unwavering love
anchoring security
when the inner child surrenders
adult to child
reframe present projection and see past trauma, triggers
disarm defensiveness



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