Beauty Through Mattus

7 months ago

The short film, "Beauty Through Mattus," is the continuation of a larger project entitled A Time with Isadora. The larger project explores how one artist influences many by integrating historic dance works, new choreography, visual art, photography and filmmaking. The short film specifically takes a dance created for A Time with Isadora and uses film to amplify the themes of the choreography. These intentions are to demonstrate that the job of the artist is to work through the disorder and chaos to give the audience a glimpse of the divine and that the need for beauty is innate.

Directed by Carolyn Stine McLaughlin & Carrie Miller
Cinematography by Carrie Miller
Design & Editing by Margot McLaughlin
Music by Andrew Choe
Danced by Charlotte Angermeier, Julianna Feracotta & Jodie Jernigan
Painting by Margaret Katz Nodine
Choreography by Carolyn Stine McLaughlin
Costumes by Carolyn Stine McLaughlin

Funded by the City of Atlanta Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs

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