Pet Cougar Interrupts Owner's Workout

6 years ago

Cats are incredible creatures. It seems that no matter how much we try to describe them, we can never do it in one word. There are so many sides to a cat and they switch between them all in the blink of an eye.

They can be real angels, nudging you with their marshmello paws on your chest and looking at you with round intelligent eyes, knowing that you need some furry love. They also love to wake you up with those same paws in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. They are extremely intelligent creatures and they can weather any storm on their own. It seems like you can never truly domesticate them and it’s absolutely fine, they are perfect each way.

However, at times they can be really distracting, say, right at that time when you need to workout and you need all the concentration possible. Just ask this owner, he’s got lots of experience with these cuddly and extremely needy furballs. Only, there is one twist. This isn’t a regular domestic cat we’re talking about here. No, this man has a real pet cougar.

Messi the domesticated cougar makes it difficult for his owner to workout when all he wants is some affection! The lethal feline rubs her body all over his head demanding scratches. It’s a little hard to achieve that task, and the cougar realizes this, so it drops the subject and decides to wait its turn. What a life!

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