A Salute to the Unsung Warriors of Our Time By PRAYING MANTIS - TEXT/AUDIO ARTICLE - TEXT AND LINKS BELOW - 8 mins.

9 months ago

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A Salute to the Unsung Warriors of Our Time
Memorial Day musings after four years of irregular warfare

As an immigrant who is now a naturalized American citizen, my heritage does not include anyone serving in the military or dying in wars. Instead, my ancestors were busy fleeing communist China or climbing out of poverty. In addition, I hopped through several nations before settling in the United States. Thus, the notion of patriotism and dying for a cause is unfamiliar, yet admirable. In this spirit, I salute all who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice.

We now find ourselves in a completely different theater of war. It is not physical in the traditional sense. It’s not even overtly against another nation. We don't have bombs or notices of battle deaths. But have no doubt, we are in a fight and it does have its physical casualties. We see it in those succumbing to the adverse effects of the clot shot: cardiac events, miscarriages, sudden deaths, turbo cancers, and rare blood diseases. If real history is ever made available to the general public, the death toll from this will likely parallel one of the great wars.

Another physical manifestation is the mutilation of those who have fallen victim to the gender confusion agenda. If a child presents anorexia or bulimia because they identify as fat, a parent's responsibility is to seek counseling. Medically speaking, these conditions are manifestations of mental issues and pose a grave threat to the child’s health and wellbeing. Why is gender confusion treated any differently? Castrating or sterilizing a prepubescent boy or girl because they question their sexual identity is barbaric. Like all wars, media control suppresses the regret, despair, depression, and anger of those waking up to the nightmare of surgically altered bodies.

Then we have the "coronials"—those kids still in school, who have been socially deprived and emotionally stunted because they were locked up during the pandemic. We still don't know the full consequences of how this experiment on humanity will affect their development.

The ultimate physical manifestation of this war is those incarcerated for exercising their civil liberties. These include the J6 prisoners still behind bars, despite being denied due process, and those who lost their jobs for speaking out about election theft or the corruption they witnessed in government agencies.
All these consequences are very real, yet to our great frustration the "Normies" do not acknowledge or are even capable of connecting the dots. This is an information war and it seems critical thinking is a rare commodity. These casualties will probably never be recognized on Memorial Day but to those fighting these cultural, mental, and information wars, I salute the mama bears, the school board activists, the medical tyranny fighters, the truthers on the alternative platforms, the artists who choose to go independent, the church leaders and business owners who exercised their constitutional freedoms, and of course, my tribe: the election security advocates. I salute you all for occupying your place in the pillars of society.

I know you are tired. I know you feel we have not advanced to high ground. Sometimes I wonder to myself, why am I doing this? Is it for the generations to come? Why are they all still asleep? I speak for myself, after having dedicated the last four years to this fight. And then, I remember those who came before me.

As a young executive back in the 90s, I developed a close relationship with my limo driver. At one point, he felt comfortable enough to disclose what he knew about 9/11, the Rothschilds, the cabal. He said he about to publish a book, but if people knew what he had, he would probably be dead. I thought he was insane. This was about 25 years ago. I often wonder what ever happened to Barry because HE KNEW.

To those of you who have known about this for decades and have had to live with this knowledge and frustration, I also salute you.

Finally, I pay my respect to those who lead the way in the aftermath of 2020’s election. What encourages me is that as I write this tribute, there are so many names I could list. We are not a small fringe group. There are so many voices in this fight that I choose not to name because I will forget someone important. So … to all of those who are known, we thank you for leading the charge. To those who remain unknown but are the persistent foot soldiers in this fight, I salute you for fighting the good fight: Keep on keeping on.

“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it political?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear Lord Almighty,

We pray for those who gave their life in service to this country. May their souls rest in eternal peace as they have found their way home.

We pray for the living who are guided by your Holy Spirit to fight this battle against evil and have surrendered to their divine calling. We ask that you continue to encourage them on a personal level so they are certain to be walking in your footsteps.

We give thanks for the doors you are closing and the windows you are opening. We are thankful for the many blessings you bestow upon us as we uphold our principles as we stand firm against the forces that seek to subvert our individual potentials and possibilities.

In Your name, we pray,


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