Rekeita's Sins Roosting

7 months ago

"Flagrant" Attorney (who can trust counsel??) arrested for "corrupting the youth and imbibing materiels not suitable for children".

In cohort, according to tabloids, so were his wife and "that jezebel leech of Aaron Imholte, April Diane". Allegedly by others, "the rekeita couple machinated toppling of matrimony with glib assistance of the 304 april in a flaunt to the youth."

This is simply parroting what some would call "Divine Perception and Justice"

All language herein, verbal or written, is protected by 1st Amendment. Omniscience is humanly impossible, yet so is Omnipotence.

John 1.4
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world

May YHWH & Yeshua & <Holy Ghost> Mete Necessarily for Aaron and children of the future.

1 of many eyes on the soap opera:

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