Squash the big I AM

8 months ago

One of the biggest blocks to spiritual experience is the ego, Ahaṃkāra in Sanskrit, a word meaning "excessively conceited, absorbed in oneself; self-centred, selfish, and arrogant".
The Ego is the self important you, the one who thinks he cannot possibly be wrong, or the one who won't forgive or seek forgiveness, who lords it over others, who bullies or manipulates - the control freak.

One total block on any form of ecstasy or union with your Higher spirit is the ego.
Thus this activity is also absolutely key to achieving any progress on the Spiritual path.
Interestingly enough, there are a number of Overload techniques that also squash the ego – Humiliation is one, but these are for people with very big egos.
This is a lifestyle approach not an occasional ‘once every so often’ activity.
This is because you can have no impact on the ego unless the pressure is always on.

The entry on our website describing this activity can be found by following this link
This entry also makes reference to a number of methods

Humility - https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/humility/120
Generosity https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/generosity/120
Avoiding conflict - https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/avoiding-conflict/120
Follow don’t lead – https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/follow-dont-lead/120
Minding your own business – https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/minding-your-own-business/120
Patience- https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/patience/120
Serving others - https://allaboutheaven.org/commonsteps/serving-others-charity/120

For those with egos that are beyond help, the entry for humiliation can be found by following this link

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