How to get to heaven - introduction

9 months ago

Using this link please turn to The Model of the Mind on our website

This Model has three parts - The Subconscious mind, the Conscious mind and the
Higher spirit. Beyond the Higher spirit lies the area Beyond the Mind, and this is the only source that we can turn to, to obtain real wisdom, real inspiration, divine love, bliss and peace.

Unconnected we are like a stand-alone computer - isolated, dependent on
the information we enter into it, but with no access to the Internet that lies beyond the mind. The Mind sits in its underground 'cave' and sees only shadows.

But once we realise there is an opening - a bridge that can be used to gain access to the Higher spirit, we can climb out of the darkness of the cave and connect to this virtual Internet using our Higher spirit. The Higher spirit in turn can give us the input we need .

But it sends what we need to our Sub conscious mind not our Conscious Mind.
Our Conscious Mind has all the functions able to do something with this data, but
only our sub-conscious mind is able to receive it.

Thus all spiritual experience - this connection to the virtual Internet of discovery and inspiration - is dependent on us being able to keep the channels of receipt open,
principally by quelling the Conscious Mind long enough to hear the still small voice
of our Higher spirit calling to us with help.

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