How to get to heaven - Higher spirit

7 months ago

Using this link please turn to The Model of the Mind on our website which shows where the Higher spirit is in relation to the Mind

This Model has three parts, and the Higher spirit is found at the top of the diagram. Only it has access to the realm beyond the mind. This is our Immortal soul, whereas the Conscious and subconscious mind together make our mortal soul. When we die, the Immortal soul continues, but the mortal soul goes. All that book learning,
all the desires, the old ego and Personality that drove us on, go; And we are left "with the face we had before the world was born"

The Higher spirit also provides us with a unique identifier within the spiritual world, a bit like an Internet address. It is why organs can get rejected in transplants - all your body parts use this identifier to keep together and inter communicate.

The Higher Self is immortal, eternal and indestructible. It has no gender and it is our Higher spirit that we ‘meet’ in near death [and death] experiences.

The Composer is a part of the Higher spirit It provides the spiritual experiences, 'composing' dreams, visions or hallucinations or finding us needed input for our imagination, or to help us be wise. Premonitions come from our Higher self and pangs of guilt.

There are numerous synonyms for this concept - the I-There and the I-Self, the Immortal soul, the Atman, jiva (or jiwa), gidim, etemmu, the zaqiqu (or ziqiqu), kelah, the atai, navujieip; mzimu and doshi, the iruntarinia, the eno, the moya, the ort………… The Greeks used the word Daemon……….. so does Philip Pullman.

What survives on death is the Higher spirit and our Perceptions. In other words, ‘we’ are really defined by these two things, the essence of us is the things we have perceived - what we have done - together with the core nature - who we really are. Hence the expression 'Know thyself'.

So there is a very good reason to make sure our Perceptions are joyful, they go with us and affect us eternally. We are what we do.

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