Enacting ritual and ceremony

9 months ago

Ritual and ceremony are acts of magic, and magic is used by countless systems from Egyptian to Kabbalah, from Christianity to Magic itself.
Ritual and ceremony are acts of magic because they are based on suppression of reason, befuddling and the heightening of Emotion.
And all magic works on the emotions. So this technique is an odd combination of suppression and overload. The whole point about any really good ceremony or ritual is that the person must be left with no idea whatsoever of what is about to happen, or even what is going on.
The repetition, the ritualistic behaviour, the bowing down, the standing up, the touching of the forehead, the waving of arms, the taking of implements, the reciting of phrases,
the monotonous intonation, all of it is intended to befuddle the Reasoning system and defeat the Learning process.
Once the intonations are intoned in an unknown language, it will act like a spell.
Strange clothes, amazing lighting, and interesting smells all help. Music with a rhythm and steady beat also help.

Enacting Ritual and ceremony - links and notes
An entry for our website, along with observations can be found by following this link

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