Don't hurt

9 months ago

Conscience is a remarkable thing, it affects even the apparently most hardened person. It is its own spiritual experience, because it is the opposite to love and we are supposed to be creatures of love not hate. EVERY religion embodies this principle - Don't hurt.

Rabbi Hillel in the Talmud said that the whole of Jewish law can be summed up with the words DON'T HURT.
“That which is hateful unto thee do not do unto thy neighbour. This is the whole of the Torah”.
Ahimsa in Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, is the ethical principle of not causing harm to other living things. The concept is embodied in the so called “Golden Rule” which states that one should treat others [that is all living things ] as one would like others to treat oneself – do as you would be done by .
It was even embodied in Ancient Egyptian beliefs, for example, a Late Period (c. 664 BCE – 323 BCE) papyrus states:
"That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another’

Every religion
Don't hurt

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