Communing with nature

9 months ago

Communing with nature means getting away from cities and centres of man-made and high population and relaxing in natural surroundings. Woods, meadows and fields, moorland, and gardens. Wild flowers, birds and animals - hares, badgers, rabbits, deer and so on are a welcome addition.
You should do this alone or if anyone at all is with you a sympathetic friend who does not talk. There must be no noise from either of you.
The vast majority of people who commune with nature get 'invisible input' – inspiration and wisdom, bliss and overwhelming peace and joy, a sense of oneness with the universe and all of life.
This feeling can change people’s lives.

It will remind you of things long gone, of things within our deep subconscious that lie buried, of how human beings were once a true part of nature and not in opposition to it, or trying to conquer it.
It will remind you of what we have lost by fighting nature instead of working with her.
The beauty can inspire intense emotions if we let it, the silence or sounds of insects
and the wind in the trees But we have to let go, and we have to stop trying
to name every plant or analyse every event.
We must just let it be.

There is a page on the website you can visit for more detail

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