Lost Planet 3 | Part 8 | Gameplay

9 months ago

Lost Planet 3 is a third-person shooter action-adventure video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Capcom. It serves as the prequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition and Lost Planet 2, taking place on the same planet, E.D.N. III12. Here are some key details about the game:

Plot and Setting:
The game is set on the harsh and unpredictable planet of E.D.N. III.
Players take on the role of Jim Peyton, a rig pilot who leaves Earth to work for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) on E.D.N. III.
Jim’s mission involves surveying uncharted terrain and obtaining samples of the planet’s energy supply, known as Thermal Energy.
The fate of the Coronis mission depends on locating a natural source of Thermal Energy, as NEVEC’s existing reserves are running low.
Jim faces treacherous environments, indigenous Akrid creatures, and changing climates.
Lost Planet 3 offers a diverse range of gameplay, including on-foot battles and intense first-person action.
Players can explore the planet, engage in combat, and utilize a utility rig that provides safety and essential tools.
The game also features multiplayer modes alongside a compelling single-player experience.
Reviews for Lost Planet 3 were mixed, with some praising aspects like the acting and storm effects but noting occasional flaws in combat modes.
Despite its reception, the game remains an interesting addition to the Lost Planet universe, revealing hidden truths about E.D.N. III’s colonial history.

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