Show 145: The General Judgement and the End Times

9 months ago

In this episode we discuss the General Judgement when Jesus will return and judge all humanity.  Again, I explain that we really are not close to the Apocalypse no matter how bad things seem.  I also explain why Catholics cannot be antisemitic without committing grave sin.

Immediately after the resurrection the general judgment will take place.
The general judgment will take place in order that God's wisdom and justice may be made manifest to all creatures. Christ will be Judge in order that the honor of which He was robbed may be restored to Him before all creation.
Christ will conduct the judgment in the following man-
ner: He will reveal all, even the most hidden things, will exact an account from all men of the works of mercy they have or ought to have performed, and by a final sentence separate forever the good from the bad.
The Day of Judgment is unknown to us, though certain signs have been revealed which are to herald its approach.

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