His Glory TV - Julie Green Joins His Glory: Take FiVe - Captions

9 months ago

Dave and Julie discuss the impending fall of the Babylonian system, including the financial system and governments, and emphasize the importance of relying on God for provision. They also mention the significance of silver and gold in the future and the intention of those who have wealth to use it to grow the kingdom of God. They close by expressing excitement for the coming New Kingdom era and the belief that it is almost over.

Wednesdays with Julie Green.

We just got together Sunday. We had a meeting together and then you went off back to Dallas and boy, a lot happened in two days. I don't even know what to say. I mean, it's just like explosive information. One thing after another, we just keep getting all this, like, we were just sharing our feeds, like our text messages. We're absolutely going crazy with all of this information that's coming out. And again, what we heard on Sunday is just, I wish we could just share it with everybody but we can't. But it's like showing whatever God has been saying in these prophecies and you hearing it from people that know it's true. I just kept looking over at you, just like, "God said that. God said that" over and over. It was phenomenal. But I mean, I'm telling you, things are heating up and now we can see it.

Well, let me give people an eye-opening because it was an eye-opening for you. Uh, oh yeah. Yeah, on Sundays, we had a summit. Our ranch is becoming like a mini Camp David. Our mini prophecies said that it will be the new Camp David here. So this was like number two summit that we've done. So, you got first-hand, I think it was a seven-hour meeting we had, sharing the spiritual realm with government, with military, and you got a taste of some of the sources I hear from. So, what were your thoughts on that? I remember seeing your eyes this big.

I'm I were that big because I was just I could not bat on the fact but they're saying this and I'm like, God said this and it was just one confirmation after another. So when you're hearing all these things sound like how could this be true, but you know it is because God is saying it to you and then all of a sudden you're hearing people who had proof of this stuff that's really going on and it's just it's so solidifies what God has been saying. And that's why I can't wait for everybody to get this, you know, to hear this information when it comes out because it would cross off any question marks and anything that anybody had is questioning, is God really saying these prophecies and why would he saying so much and politically and why that is both those things are so important right now with what we're facing.

Well, go back a year ago, a year ago, I think September, we had our first summit here. Nobody knew about it. We had friends from Canada and America and then we did our first summit. It was a three-day summit, similar to what we experienced on Sunday. I was walking around the property. I was asking the lord and saying, lord, what is this all about? Why are you bringing the prophets and the and government and military all into the summit? And he said, it's time for my government and my land to start hearing from the prophets again. He wants that to go back to the days where the kings would listen to the prophets and listen to what the word of God is saying to make all their earthly moves. You know, because and that is so true because that's what God's been telling us too. I didn't know he told you that. That's when God's been telling us in our team is because in the times past, if you look at in the Bible, and I know a lot of people know these stories but the prophets talked to kings. They talked to leaders of nations. They were very close with them. Why? Because people wanted what God wanted for them and so it was only the evil rulers that didn't but God's people had always been involved in political situations and political leaders because they wanted what God wanted for their nation. They wanted their nation to be blessed and so if you're you are listening to what God is saying or God's mouthpiece at that time then your nation was blessed. Well, that's what we're seeing. God wants the prophetic and he wants the leaders of nations to come back again once together just like you said, wants like that again because why? Cuz he wants his glory. He wants a blessing. He wants what his truth and the life that he wants us to live. And so however long this goes for, I don't know but I know this is for at least a short time where this is part of awakening and God's glory fill in there. Amen.

And so you got a sense of me while you were here because you now see why there's certain things I can't say because people would freak out and it would mess out with an operation that's going in place. It's deep. I was telling my team, I was like at first when you're starting to hear things, you're like, am I prepared enough? You know, you're just like, I knew this was happening going to happen but have I prepared myself enough? Have I my family. Have I prepared all the viewers enough by giving him the word, by giving them what God is saying before all this happens because people don't realize we're right here. It's not like it's going to happen somewhere far off in the future. We are here now and that's why all of a sudden in the last couple days, we've seen an explosion of news reports and I'm telling you, what's going to happen with this Trump indictment, this one in New York that's basically blown up in the face with Michael Cohen. Um one that one falls apart and they know that there's no way to put him in prison and there's no way to stop him from this election watch how things really take up and turn up another notch because of their desperation because they know they can't stop him yeah you see attacks going against Aledo this last couple days my one of my sources told me that because they know the ruling on the Trump case already it's leaking to try to get ahead of it so hang on hang on It's going to get crazier.

I want to go back to on the I think the first part when you were here when I saw your eyes about prophecy and legit. I'm I'm not going to name the name because it's not time yet and I and hopefully people understand it. It's you can't talk about these things until the right time and I'm not going to get in ahead of what I would what we were both were shown. Your servers. Talk about that how mind blown you were when the information we were put in front of us. Yeah. So, I was just sitting on the side of the stage during the event and I was just talking to this man. I've never seen him before in my life so I didn't know who he was. He was wearing a cowboy hat and he came up and introducing himself to me. We just kind of started chatting a little bit, you know, and then all of a sudden, we started talking about certain things and I mentioned, I can't wait for some of the servers to come out and he looked at me and he said, "How did you know about servers? Where did you find a out? How did you know this?" And I was like, well, God told me and I said, did you watch my show? I'm like, no because I again, I've never heard of them before and I can't watch things like that. Anyway, even if I had heard of him and I said, well, no and he said, "What you just said, I have just I have all that information about" and then he showed me a picture of it of where when God's talking about all the servers that these people had with everything we need basically to take down the deep state. Uh these secret Servers that they that they communicate with and why they communicate on secret servers under the radar is something so magnificent and it'll be mind-boggling and mind-blowing when people figure out why they use these servers and what they're hiding. That's just a miracle with God himself. Just the timing that you would happen to be next to him and out of all conversations because at these events, you can't get into really deep conversations because there there's so much going on that that would pop up. He goes, you said servers and I was like, yeah and it was, his name was Pete. That's his first name and I was like, yeah and I said, I, you know, I didn't know you had any information on that and so he was like kind of blown away because I mentioned it first and he was blown away by what we were talking about. Yeah, because he came right up to me afterwards and said, did you say something? I said, no. I didn't say anything. I didn't I didn't even know about what he had. I was at first I saw it. Yeah. That's why it was so it was So cool. All the things like even on Saturday night when I you know was talking to to Peter and then all of a sudden the next day we started having that summit and you just didn't want it to stop. I mean you just did it because you're just like all the information that's pouring out. I mean you kind of going on overload my team was like are you okay? I'm like yeah I'm just my mind just kind of like we were in the car on our way back here to Dallas and they're just like I'm like I don't even know what to say. All I know is God's awesome. That's all I'm going to say is God is so cool. Because he's been giving us all this information before I heard it from them. So, I mean, all the things that they said just was like those puzzle pieces of all the things that God has already said. Yup. Can you I you can't imagine but let me put this in perspective. If you if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ sitting in that meeting for 7 hours. What would your thoughts Ben if you didn't have Christ? It would make you a believer and it would make you want Christ as soon as possible. Yeah. Because you would think it's over. There I mean, it was a bleak report. Let's let's be bought about it. It was a report. Yeah. But with Christ it's not going to be a bleak report. He's going to he's going to turn around. Yeah and so when you're hearing all these things and again I was like sitting there and I'm just thinking that and it because it can kind of grip you when you hear this these these reports and you're hearing these things and God was just I mean we were sitting there praising, worshiping God, we were praying and we were like we were like calling all these things down too so it's like it was so in like you're hearing these things and you're it's gripping reality but the same time you're just like God's got it. I'm glad this is bigger than us. I'm glad we can't figure this out because God has it. God is the one who figures it out and all he needs is for us to trust him and that's what he wants for all of us. We are just supposed to trust him. That's all. We're not supposed to figure out how he's going to do it. We are just supposed to know that he can and he will protect us and deliver us from it all. Yes, so the in in that meeting, there were some key people I have to be careful how I say this. Key people and the next step are going to happen for the revival and getting things organized and separated for for Jesus. The humility especially in one man who has a lot of a power underneath his fingers. Uh that's what I'll say is he wanted prayer. Yeah. And that was a cool thing to me. It was it was it was an intel session but it just as much a prayer session as well. Lifting lifting everybody up. Yeah. It it was so amazing and like I said, I really wish we could share more with people but I just want to Encourage people because there are people that have like God's been talking about all these things falling. All the evil types of the seven mountains of influence if you want to say it that way but God has all of his right there, right ready. So, when all these things come down, his stuff is going to go right back in. Like, it'll just go like this. So, it's like evil come down and God's will go in. So, it's like when people are like, what about the economy? Well, God's got another one right there. What about always it. God's got another one right there. No matter what it is. God's got something waiting in the wings for the right time for it to flip flop. For it to go from the hands of the wicked to the hands of God's people. And so that's what I saw and I saw it. So so right in your face obvious. I'm like it was such a amazing pieces to so many different puzzles that God has been showing prophetically that he's like look I already have these things in place. All it takes is just like that. So when he keeps talking about all it takes is one day and one day is all God needs. That's why you know all it takes is one day. Because they're already there. You don't have to wait for something to be made. Um all these things are already made. And they're just waiting in the wings. It's cool. It's so cool.

So in that in that meeting was is very unique because we had the financial sector. We had the prophetic yourself and another. And we had government and we had military. So, we had literally all walks that were all on the same page and putting Christ first and the direction is through Jesus even though they have their own unique. Yeah, I would say there were so many bad things but the good things outweighed the bad. Like the good things so outweighed the bad and I just want to encourage people. I don't care what it looks like. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. God, what he has waiting in the wings for us is so much better than even what we were talking about is going to be so much better than that. I think we only have certain pieces yet to this you know massive puzzle that we're seeing before us and God is showing us that he's in control and it's so it's so much better than we think. It's just it will be so much better than we think. That that those Red Sea moments that God's talking about. And since Sunday I mean really there has been massive blow mind blowing reports. You have that president that was killed in a helicopter crash. Well I will tell you God talked about a leader in Iran dying. He also talked about a helicopter crash and it was sabotaged. So, no matter what they say, no matter what the news is saying right now, I have a feeling that will come out that that was probably done. It was not by accident. It was a technical failure or something. They either going to try to blame it on us or try to blame it on Israel to start something but just watch. I mean, that's a that's a major major thing and either I think they sabotage the helicopter themselves to try to get rid of this person. The lead, the president of Iran but you know, just the try to blame it on somebody else. That's the question. Um the confusing part is I've heard three different stories of of who did it but all three scenarios are it was done on purpose. It it was it was it was taken out. Uh so which one is true? I don't know. Um it's just like my contacts in Israel they they on a mission they keep quiet and they've been quiet. Uh first time I heard from them was late last night. So they're usually respond but I went 2 days from Sunday, Monday, until yesterday of silence, radio silence. So you know that there's operation at hand. That's a big deal. Having a president being killed. A huge deal. And it wasn't even just a president. There was major leaders in that government that was on that helicopter with him. And military or you know presidential helicopters like that. It's like our it'd be like marine or marine one for us.
You know something like that. You're going to check all of that stuff of that equipment on a helicopter even more so than you would something else. And so to have a technical failures and had them be up in the air when I guess it was foggy or something. I don't know if they ran into a mountain, whatever it was because they're in a mountainous region, mountainous area but let's just say it's sabotage, whether it was Iran themselves and they'll just try to say it was somebody else just to try to push blame and start another war. Yeah, either way even in either three scenarios I was told whether it was Israel that did it or whether it was Iran themselves that did it. I even heard the United States potentially did it. So whatever the scenarios as escalates everything to a higher level no matter who did it because Iran is going to go after Israel. I'm told finally after radio silence yesterday that there was high level war cabinet meetings ongoing in Israel. So they're preparing for the next level of battle. Yeah and they're trying to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for like what whatever they're saying that he supposedly did. Uh this is funny how they're going after President Trump and threatening arrest and jail time, you have that New York one and then all of a sudden you have Netanyahu that they're threatening with arrest and jail, why are they going after President Trump and Netanyahu as much as they are. It's because those are God's nations. They do not want these two in leadership and they definitely don't want them in leadership at the same time as they were in 2017 when President Donald Trump was president for that time. They don't want those two leaders in connection because they did a lot of damage to the world elites. So and then get this. Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab down. God said people be stepping down and God said resignations and God said it'd be surprising and shocking so. I have a feeling that was done by that was not done by his choice. No. I it wasn't. But the bombshell of all bombshells is what popped out yesterday. Well I was I I was supposed to have Rudy Giuliani on yesterday and he couldn't make it because they arrested him in in Arizona Christina Bob president President Trump's attorney indictment. They took a mugshot of her yesterday because of the Arizona elections but what came out of of the cross-fired hurricane that the FBI was going to use lethal force at Mar a Lago. I don't think the American people comprehend that bombshell yesterday. That means you woulda had FBI under Mark Garland giving the authority to shoot and kill a former president or president and have a firefight potentially between FBI and the Secret Service. That's what they want for documents and not now it's come out by several sources that what we spoke about on a Wednesdays with Julie Green probably when it happened. I think it was August of 2022 when this was raid. Uh what I was told it was about crossfire hurricane and more. It was damaging information not on President Trump but on them. On them. And that's what is starting to be reported on them. Remember I was told today it's far worse. He's God's David and he has that stone. Yeah. He's got that information that's going to take them out. That's why they went. And they're petrified. Yeah. They are petrified and they're desperate. And that's where they went to that extent. You gotta think. Think about that. The FBI. Now God has said he was going to expose the FBI and how dirty they were. And of course Merrick Garland and the DOJ which Merrick Garland just just watched some here pretty soon what's going to happen to Merrick Garland because again they're not he's not going to get away with that. Um But any of these people that are doing what they're doing, God's saying, look, days of Haman's reward. So all the stuff that they wanted to go against Trump, it's backfiring, it's not actually working against him, it's actually helping him out and it's actually damaging to them. You can see the the ramifications of this already. Yeah. Uh Christina Bob who was arrested yesterday. Former marine just a wonderful person we've had on several times. She was at Mar a Lago when that when that happened. So she could have been in jeopardy. Uh she I think she tweeted out that she was the one that was was working on President Trump's team when they asked for the documents. And again remember the documents were a setup. They they set the documents up and put them out of order and then put in there to the the awe authorized use of force and now they're coming out and saying well that's standard operating procedure. There's no standard operating procedure for authorizing use of force against a president? Uh That's an a secret service, active members of our government? Nope. There was nothing. Now, like if it was like a drug cartel, if it was like you know, a serial killer maybe but it was a president. Now, a former president they say but it's a president and you have him home. Now thank God he wasn't there. But even he had staff there. And I know we were talking with this in the car on the way back from breakfast this morning. We even said if they had we're sitting there doing that. They would have done that. They would have blamed somehow on Trump. Oh well his team shot us first so we shot a shoot back. They would have blame it on him. But it didn't go the way they planned it to go because God keeps saying no matter what they have planned it's not going to go that way. So it's the this whole thing the entire thing is going to blow up in their face. Especially with Biden. I'm telling you it's these things are going to explode. Oh yeah. Explode right back on O Biden. Yep. Uh as we're speaking I'm looking at all the news networks. We have six different feeds coming in right now. Most of them fake news. Not a single one. It's well one is talking about the deadly force in Mar a Lago. That's insanity. This should be blinking From every housetop that former president they they use use of force. That's unheard of. Yeah and Christopher Ray and the CIA director they have a lot to answer for and no matter what they do I mean Christopher Ray I he is not going to get away with anything that he's done. Period. The end because God talked about it. Just watch. He'll probably resign shortly or be removed. Have you have you have you ever words about Merrick Garland because he's in a world of hurt right now too. Yes, many. Oh yeah. A lot of he overrode and those documents, he overrode the FBI. The FBI senior level pushed back saying we don't need to do use of force and he's the one that said I gave him the go. So he he overruled them. He's the one that ultimately signed off and saying use of force. Yeah. That's what was reported yesterday. Yeah. He there's a lot of words about him and nothing good. Nothing. Whoa. You can't go against God. God keeps saying woe to those who are against me. You don't get away with what you're doing when you're going against God. No matter how, you know, big you think you are and no matter what position you think you're in, it's not bigger than God. So, it's they're they're going to be in trouble for sure. He'll be removed. Boy. One way or another. And Insane times. So what your thoughts you got to spend some time with Governor Sarah Palin here in Texas. Oh I love her. Oh my gosh. She is so down to earth and she's so amazing and I just you know she's she's an amazing woman of God. I got to actually spend some time with her and your wife at you know at the main house while we were like stuff was going on and we just gotta kind of I had to sit there for a little bit and talk about God. It was really really fun and I wish we gotta got more time with her. Um yeah it was it was great. Yeah but she's not your typical politician. She's she's the real deal. She's she's she's the real deal. And we are back with Julie Green. Julie and I were talking through into the break. I'm I have my iPad up this time because there's so much so much news. Just a couple quick ones and I'll turn it over to Julie to expand upon this but this is President Trump declassified crossfire hurricane which implicates Obama, Clinton, and the CIA as the biggest scandal in American history. So they authorized deadly force against Trump with assassins and a medical team on standby and then this was an one that was reported yesterday that went nobody picked it up is that the government paid billions to Walgreens and CBS not to fill Ivermectin. Wow. Of course they didn't want to have ivermectin filled because in that again they wouldn't be able to use the the shots against people and they wouldn't be able to get their planned pandemic. So I mean obviously I I'm avid for I'm advocating for Ivermectin. It's a great thing. Uh it's I mean I'm telling you whenever we have gotten sick we have it on our home. We take it as we are directed by a doctor and it works extremely well. It does. Every time I get something I I take it and if I travel to a place that I'm going to be for like reawaken or something I take it with me and I take it proactively just to help through. Um but they couldn't have got the emergency authorization through if if they could if they admitted that that worked. So there's going to be lawsuits now that this is coming out. Yeah and it was I remember we were talking about certain things about and I I know we can't say I have to be very careful we say. But there was also things we talked about at that summit about these very very issues. Um so I in a lot of these things are done on purpose. We already knew that because God's already talked about it but I don't want people to worry about what those shots have done to their bodies or done to their family members bodies because God is the one who said he can undo it all because God is a God who nothing is impossible. So, they were, you know, they were meant to do more damage and we'll start to see that happen more and more because God's talked about a lot of people are going to start falling. So, and not in a good way and there's me a lot of death. So there was a lot of conspiracy theory about the 5G towers and how that connected to the jab. Uh here's another interesting post yesterday. Uh in 2021 Pfizer was granted a patent for cellular tower communications with graphene injected humans worldwide. Why would why do why would Pfizer need a patent for wireless cellular towers? The whole house of cards is starting to unroll. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Yeah. Everything they're going to do. God said every lie would be revealed. So everything they're doing is going to be unsealed. It's going to be told. It's going to be revealed. And so when we're seeing all this stuff come to pass. That's why God says shocking off. Why do you think it's coming kind of like that a beginning of an avalanche? It goes on a little bit slow and then it speeds up some. We're in that time where it's starting to speed up a little bit more. You know we're not that full force yet because I don't think people are still waiting for that because the prophecy I had, I just gotten over this time while I've been here in Dallas, one of the things that God said, people keep praying about going back to normal before the days of COVID, he said, that wasn't normal at all. No. No. He said, my people are still praying that way. And he's like, I have to show 'em that that was not a normal way of life. That was what your adversaries wanted you to think was normal but it wasn't normal at all. So slavery and bondage. That's right. Uh this is what I mentioned earlier. Uh this is from Jack Post so this is the fact that the media has started it on Thomas and Alita is a big hint. They've been tipped off about the ruling in the January 6th cases going coming out. And then Julie Kelly who is just a marvelous reporter. One of the few out there speaking the truth. She's the one that came out with a bombshell about Mar a Lago yesterday. She said 100 this is 100percent. They know Skotus will overturn DOG's DOJ's lawful use of 1 512 C two in January 6 cases and kick back lame immunity opinions to Chukin and DC Appelle Court. Wow. Wow. So does that mean that a whole bunch of them will be released from the prison cells that they're in right now? It opens the door for that to happen. That's it's it's going to be huge. That's that's going to be huge. Might be a time for a movie called War on Truth. I think it might. I'm huh? That's awesome. Cuz you know what? No matter what. That's why you're going to start seeing more of these things happen like guys been talking about about chaos in the streets and about confusion. He talked about how deception was going to grow and confusion was going to grow because the more that they're being exposed, the more desperation that is becoming they're they're getting in and the more they're going to start doing things against us. Yeah. You can you can see and feel the panic setting in because this is not just a normal well we've never been in a normal like this you know with seven all seven mountains on fire but you're seeing a fight counterfight that's not one sided you can see you see good is starting to shine through and expose this evil Sometimes. Amazing. And they're using weather too. I mean look at the crazy weather like okay not only did Iowa and I'm in Texas still. But Iowa had I know five major tornadoes and that was when the last time that we checked. I was talking to my CEO about it because it happened in her area. Shoes lives in Des Moines. There was five like massive mega tornadoes that were there. And they just did a lot just tons of destruction. But the same time there was a dust storm warning in Illinois. A dust storm warning in Illinois. I have never heard of such in our country for sure that I know of. I mean especially not by any any desert at all anywhere. But yeah there was a dust storm warning yesterday because these impending you know storms that were coming. Uh so that was extremely odd and unusual but it's like they're becoming more and more frequent. They're also like I think like right now like here in this area there's supposedly like some duration warning for later on or thunderstorm warning or something we're supposed to get like high crazy winds or something down here. Uh so obviously we're rebuking that and we're not going to let it stop us what we have to do tonight before we go home tomorrow. So yeah it's just it's a lot of a lot of crazy weather. Let's just let's just say and a lot of it is modified and it's not normal and typical. Gotta talk about it. Yeah so when we had that attack here weather in Texas it was about three weeks ago. It knocked our power out for two or three days. Some people went out for a whole week. Uh I was sent a video of from an Intel source that showed how they did it. They shot it right into that and they created it. I was. You got a little bit of insight on that and our summit on how they do that and how long they've been doing that, manipulating the weather. We talked about that a little bit. Yeah. It it was I saw lasers that went inside of a tornado and turned it from like a like a normal thunderstorm into a massive, you know, tornado and then I saw one, there was laser and it and it and it like turned the tornado and it went opposite direction. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. Remember when they I I think we've mentioned this several times before. Remember when they ridiculed President Trump because of a hurricane coming. He said you just shoot a nuclear warhead in the middle of it. And they said he's he wants to shoot a nuclear warhead into a hurricane. They made him sound like he was crazy. Took it out completely out of context. But that's exactly what they do with with with harp in the weather. They they changed the by yes it moves it to for safety or moves it for harm depending on who's in control of it. Yeah I had no idea that even harp even existed until I heard some of these prophecies about weather modification and what they do and all of a sudden somebody said did you hear about harp and I said what's harp? I had no idea what they were and who they were and what they were doing. Um and then they showed me. I was like well that would make sense to what he was saying about them modifying hurricanes and weather and and it's not even just about hurricanes. People thought I mean a lot of people know that it's hurricanes but there's more to that. There are weather Doing what tornadoes, what they're doing, like even in like the Midwest, you see it like pounding over and over in the same exact spots. Like it, now it's moving around a little bit for like two weeks straight. It was in the same exact spot right in the middle of the Midwest. Wow. It was insane. You don't see weather like that. It just it was odd. So yeah, last night, I mean, just pray for the people in Iowa. Uh there was a town that was completely leveled by the tornado. It was it was nowhere by me. I was in the middle of the state but it was green Field I think. It was the name of the town and they were completely just devastated. It was it was pretty bad. So. Wow. Well just the amount of stuff that we've got in the last couple days is enough for probably six years, 7 years. Um what other things are on your heart? What we've seen in the last couple days? Uh let's just say so okay so the whole thing about that Biden DOJ. Again God has been warning about this and I actually oh I saw going through some prophecies that I have not given out yet. I actually heard them while I was here and then some that I had up last time last Wednesday when we were on that I didn't get a chance to get to. But about that and DOJ and what happened with that. That is a massive massive revelation of how desperate these people are and what God has been saying that they were doing because if they can't get him one way, they will try another.
There was even a prophecy that God had, and I don't have that one pulled up right now, but he's just bringing this up to my heart now. There was one that he talked about and he said, woe to those that were trying to assassinate or try to kill my David or any family members of his or any members of his team. He warned them that they would not only not kill him but they were the ones who were actually something was going to happen to them instead. So, God has been warning his people, warning these people not to touch his anointed. You touch down his anointing. You don't do that because if you do that, then you'll get ramifications back on you. God is telling these people and it's only the fact that this is not a Democrat Republican thing and I want to keep saying that to people. This is not a Democrat Republican thing. This is not what this is at all. This is a good versus evil thing. And he's not you know he's not saying like okay I'm a Republican so I'm a Republican. That's not what God's saying at all. It's who he leads. Who he chooses. And who's also willing to be used by him. God can use anyone. Especially if they're willing to be used by him. Cuz he's talking about Putin and Putin's not that great of a person either. You know I mean God can use people who are not perfect people. God didn't pick perfect people. He picks people who are willing. So you have what they're doing against President Trump. You have what that what Biden. What's on their heart and you saw that. What did they want? They wanted not only if they weren't going to get to him they were going to get to people next to him. They were going to use that against him to try another way to try to throw him in prison or try to kill like maybe not get to him but try to kill one of his family members. That's what they want because I've actually had a prophecy that I had to get to give to somebody regarding it wasn't just attempts on his life. It was attempts on I won't say their the names but there was attempts on certain family members. Right. Uh besides President Trump. That that's a that's a incredibly good point because we're we we think of President Trump with that that raid at Mar a Lago but his family, his innocent family sitting there could have been hurt or if you're you know, happen to be at Mar a Lago visiting you could have been in harm's way for something that never needed to be done which they even knew even worse. It was on them but also they set it up. They they sent documents there to set him up and put him out of out out of order. Wow. They're that desperate to stay in control. Remember what God's been saying about their desperation. He said that the more desperate they are, the more mistakes they will make and he's also told us several different times that he's infiltrated infiltrators. How do you think all these documents are slowly coming out? That's right. They're planned on when they come out because I'm telling you, couple years ago, I I don't even know if people would've accepted some of these things, understood some of these things because they weren't awake enough. Some people just were not awake. And so now that they're actually seeing what's really going on. Um it's slowly coming to have a bigger effect. Like a volcano erupting. I guess you want to put it that way. Right. It's getting getting explosive that's for sure. Yeah so again going back to Sunday when we we had a a taste of what I've been hearing for a long time. Uh just put that in perspective if that was all thrown at the American people at once. They couldn't handle it. That's why I had to go this this this like this strategically. So like you just said people would be able to comprehend and and digest what has happened and what is going to happen. Cuz it's my and another reason why is God has allowed things to go as slow as it seems. Uh for God's people to be prepared. And that's what I really on my heart. Because so many people if this was you know a year or two ago. And this was as even in 20twenty-one, which all of us wanted it to happen in twenty twenty-one. You know we want an attack right after the you know inauguration of the Biden. But it God's people weren't ready back then. And another thing is this makes it way more fun. Did you see the eyes of a couple people on Sunday when I told the story about the Mongolian president and the White Horse? The eyes got this big because I I I was get told by an intel source to talk about that four or five years ago and have President Trump send a code back to America on what we're talking about to to verify it. So yes the President of Mongolia there right in on a white horse and you saw I can't go into we can't go into details but you saw why Mongolia is important to that. Uh huh. There's a lot of missing puzzle pieces and I think that a lot of people are going to appreciate it even more when it starts coming but again I think because people's were not ready because a lot of people were afraid or some people weren't believing in some of this stuff but I will say that a lot of these things are going to start making more and more sense people and more people are going to wake up and realize what truly is going on and it's going to I mean it's going to shake people up. It truly will shake people up and some of them it will be in a good way because it'll go from completely blind and believing a lie to oh my goodness I believe it been believing a lie. I'm going to go this other side and I'm going to seriously I I believe what God's been saying people are going to be running into churches yes now which we've also know and we also heard is that they are going to try to do things against our country now God's already said that that's the reason why I'm I can say that they are going to do stuff against our country I mean they are they will try things it's not going to go the way they want it but it's going to be allowed to a certain extent in order to wake this country up because there's still people right now you know I'm sitting out this you know massive window here in Texas and I'm sitting here thinking of all these people like when they're driving by like do you know the truth you know do you know what's about to happen do you you know do you not understand because you think about this in a perspective up high and you're looking down really low and you're and you're thinking of all these different people and all these lives and how they can be affected and what side of the fence are they going to be on are they going to be on the right side or the wrong side and it it really the perspective of we need to really truly pray regarding the body of Christ and even people who are not in the body of Christ who are just all around good people but they just are so far deceived. Yeah. It's going to happen real quick here soon. So you can see now how God has prepared the billion soul harvest. It's coming. Yeah. Because people are going to be desperately in need our king and that's one thing I've experienced last four years traveling and I'm sure being here in Mount Pleasant, Texas getting to share time with people that came in to visit you is just the the love and the the appreciation of of fighting the good fight and how much closer they are to God. How much they pray more, how much they're in the word more and they weren't that way three, four years ago. No, that's what I hear from so many people that just blessed my heart. I love meeting people. I mean, I'm just a people person. I love meeting people. And hearing them say I'm I'm reading the Bible more and I'm like have a great relationship with God more than I ever have in this fellowship and I'm and I understand his word more. I understand authority. I know I understand how to pray now more than I ever have and that is the most exciting part and even being on the stage and and you know, it was like all the people we're on the stage with the other day during the Q&A. Oh, it was so cool anyway. It was it was amazing but it was just like seeing people and just knowing how excited they and some people you know they're not afraid. They are so excited to see all this come down because they're realizing God really is bigger than all this. Yeah. I think that's what's the best part of it. God is bigger than all of this. God is bigger than this these globalists. God is bigger than the deep state. And I actually had a prophecy that I have not given out because I just had gotten it while I was here. And he said he is going to reveal everything when he's pulling the roots out of the deep the deep state. He's literally pulling roots out and he's going to show us everything that was hidden underneath and so he's he's going to be revealing to us exactly how far exactly how deep he was involved and it's very exciting to see what what God's doing because it is so they are like pip squeaks compared to God how what kind of size pants they're wearing I don't care I don't care what's you know what position they're in they're nothing compared to God so you brought up amazing point that just hit home again is when we went out there for the Q&A there was five of us that went out there there was Louie Gomer Uh Sarah Palin yourself, Chris Burge, and Nick Searcy. You have Hollywood. You have politicians. You have the prophetic all coming together and what was the theme? I don't think we talked about politics much. It was about the only way out of this is through Jesus. Yeah. Cuz I mean they they've said some points that seemed bad and then we all talked about what was a good thing. That we are in a situation where we can't get out of our stuff. I mean that's plain and simple. We can get out of the situation ourself. Period at the end. We just can't. But we don't have to. We have God. And that's the one thing that people have to realize is that we cannot sit there and figure this out on our own. We all no matter if how big these generals are that are on the good side. No matter what kind if it if it's the FBI, the CIA, if it's you know, President Trump himself and you're in these high positions. You have to have God. You have have God because this is a fight of good versus evil not of different politicians or different departments. It's God. Is God versus our enemy. That's it. But we have to rely on him. And that's what the cool thing about it is because people are starting to realize that wow this is like we can't rely on just President Trump. We can't. But this is one thing that the Lord said before. He had to set him aside. And the reason why he had to set him aside is because people were looking to him to save this country instead of looking to God. That's right. Yup. And we couldn't look to a man. We had to look to God. That's absolutely right because there you know there people say that the plan that trust the plan, trust the plan. Well, there was a there is a plan but the plan is us. Uh the plan is God and every single person and that we I've dealt with in this all give glory to God because he's the only way out of this and you talk about the supernatural even if there was a plan but how God is orchestrating the meetings of the people. I go back to just you being at the stage at the same time that somebody told you that. That I didn't even know he was going to be here. Uh I'm glad he came but I didn't know he was going to be here and I didn't know what he what he showed you until he showed me. The chance of that are. It's God. I just thought. Yeah. My husband and I were there talking and Chris and I were just like and I'm like, yeah, God told me that. I was just like, it was so and he was just His eyes get really big you know and I was just like yeah the Lord told me these things and I started laughing. I said yeah I was on with Pastor Dave and some generals were asking where is she getting her Intel? Cuz what he what he showed you could be the biggest domino of them all. Yes. Yeah. That's that big. Yeah and another thing. Did you did you hear the thing that happened today about the RNC? Yes. Lockdown. Vials of blood were sent to the RNC. I have a feeling that that was a warning to something. Yes it was. I don't know what but there there's there's no coincidences. Um yeah. I mean you just you couldn't you couldn't possibly make up this much chatter. Um and again not to get into fear because the the Bible tells us to fear not but to trust in God but the the source that we had on Sunday. Confirm my other almost identically. They're not the same source. I can tell you that. They don't even know each other. Uh but there's a ten or eleven events that they're worried about right now that each one of them would be ten times more than nine eleven. Yep. And that's what God was saying because he's been warning about these things. He's been warning about an attack. He's been he's been telling us that look if COVID was as bad as it was and it didn't wake up everybody. Mhm. What is it going to take to wake up the nations and my people? And he's going back to that. He has to allow certain things and he's talked about blackouts. That's another thing that was mentioned. He's been talking about that they were going to try to bring a war. He talked about how they were going to try to stop the election. Listen. They will do anything to stop that election. Anything. By not having it. Period. But. Yep. And I tell people I don't care what they say. I don't care if they you know you know. Now God's warned about something that's going to happen to the Biden that they're not going to be able to to fix. Um he's misfiring I think is one of the things that the Lord said but now they're starting to talk about replacing him. Again God has also been saying about that. We talked about that for a while. But if they're going to come to that desperation to replace a person you know they're going to let him fall. They're going to let him be exposed. They're going to let him be exposed on such a scale that he can't be saved. Because they want him to step down. He's refusing to step down. Because he knows if he steps down he's no use for them anymore. And what happens when people aren't needed. Yeah, it's interesting he accepted the debate on the twenty-seventh. I don't think that we see that. Well, we shall see. I am go ahead. The twenty-seventh. As you say the twenty-seventh is is a long way away. There's going to just to look at what's happened in the last 2 days. Um many things are going to happen before then. I loved how Trump said take a drug test. He went out and talk to us. I'm like yeah. Because that's what they'll do. They'll try to you know prop him up on whatever because like just like the other day all I saw was just a little bit of chatter from I saw thumbnails and stuff. I didn't watch the videos. But apparently he did some speech somewhere that he fumbled up really bad. Uh I don't know if it was a graduation speech or where it was. I just know that he made some major gaps and he sounded pretty bad. So. And again I I still haven't seen a Biden for president ad. I I have these six news feeds going all the time. Which to me is just peculiar that there's no there's no campaign going. No and I the only time I ever saw about who is running for Congress or Senate is Trump put a couple things on True Social. I'm like oh okay that person's running. I didn't know that. You know because no one's talking about it. I don't even know. I'm in Iowa and I haven't seen anything. You know, we're here in Texas. I'm not even seeing any signs. None. Hmm. I I don't see signs of any anything anywhere and we've driven quite a ways in this area, quite a lot so. Yeah, I I was with somebody yesterday and they've they've been involved in politics for a while helping candidates for for years, done it for years and she said the same thing. She goes, I haven't seen any campaign ads. This is unheard of. It's unprecedented and unconventional. Yep. And expect the unexpected. Yes. Uh the extraordinary out of the ordinary. I know that for sure. Remember I talked to you last week. Um this is another one that I'm going to mention again because I I don't think I totally got to this one. This is from May eleventh. It was called the shutdown is coming. Remember guys been talking about a shutdown. He's been talking about lockdowns or lock ins. He mentioned civil unrest is coming in a major way. So this is one that's already come out. Um I think I had prerecorded that one from last week. Uh civil unrest is coming in a major way. Get ready in the land of my eagle. The establishment is about to try something they have never tried to this scale or to this degree. So when that says but they won't get past me. So do not fear what you see because the civil unrest and the civil shaking is for your enemy's destruction not yours. You will see them tear each other apart trying to save themselves and for their own agenda. What they have planned will backfire on themselves in major way. They will shred their plans apart and it will bring more fear and unrest to the enemy's camp. Remember how God said that they were going to start turning on each other and we heard something on Sunday and I'm like, God said that. There's groups of people that are being used for their for the deep state but in their own agenda, okay? They're both in it for their own reason and what's going to happen when they don't need the other the other group anymore, they're going to start going after each other and start tearing each other apart. It's kind of like again to me it reminds me of second Chronicles twenty. Yep. So you're going to see these groups of people that are here in this country that was at Trojan Horse. Some were sent by the north. Some were sent by and through the south because God been talking about both of our borders for a couple years now. But one of the things he said specifically I think it was to me on the twentieth. It was on Monday or something like that. He said they're using the southern to distract from the northern because it actually more than the northern that's happening in the southern but
Every Wednesday with Julie Green is pretty explosive, but we've never had this much news to back everything up. Coming off a time that you are with me in Texas to get a debrief of what's going on behind the scenes and it's all starting to connect all the dots and the pieces in the puzzle, isn't it? It is. I love the fact what God is doing. That's why I said it. My mind was just I didn't even I didn't know how much to talk when I was in the car on my way home are we back here in Dallas? I was just like I yeah I was just like so like my mind was just in so many different like okay how do I take this and how do I take that and how do I take this and how do I pray about this or how do I pray about that? It was it was amazing. So it was it was fun and there was something else that he said it was funny because it actually got brought up in a prophecy the week before. Again, Uh was London and was the Vatican. Yeah. Um so this is the same prophecy. Major news stories will break out of London. Things are hidden are about to break wide open. Secrets there will be secrets no more. I've told you things are not how they appear to be with the royal family. A shaking is taking place that they will no longer be able to hide. Someone from the inside is about to expose it all. So you have this is what's so important about the royal family. There's a reason why I'm mentioning this. Is because you have what's going on with King Charles and then you have what's going on with Princess Catherine or Princess Kate. How they both have cancer. Then you also have Sarah Ferguson who also has cancer. Then you have also somebody that was Saudi Arabia. The king there in Saudi Arabia. He has some type of lung infection or whatever and he couldn't make something that was in Japan. Uh so you have him not feeling well and him not being able to do his job duties. It's Saudi Saudi Arabia. I think it was the Crown Prince is the one who had taken over some of his duties. His Time. So you have these and then you have the Iranian president that died. You have all these leaders. You have Biden screwing up anytime he gets in front of a camera. You have Trudeau being exposed all the time. So you've all these different leaders in all these different ways. Whether they're sick, whether they're being exposed, whether they're showing their weakness, you have what's going on with Selinski. There are so many things going on with leaders all around the world. It's not just the Biden. It's not just how and how weak he is then you see what they're going and they're doing against Israel. You're seeing a things intensifying against nations because they're intensifying against nations. They're trying to cause a conflict because they're trying to cause World War three. That is their goal. So you see weakness in in leaders and you're going to see you're going to see more leaders unfortunately and you're going to see more of them pass away. Yup. Yup. I think about the whole thing with Charles and his picture was that was just like to me an indication about if he if he's not already, which I believe he probably could be, he will be soon. Yes, exactly. Um it's just it's the intensity is just speeding up, speeding up, speeding up, and speeding up. Um wow, Yeah. And then this one was about the Vatican. The Vatican will be in your news for a shocking reason. Things are not how they appear to be with the pope either. The things inside that they have not that they have been hidden won't be for much longer. The things hidden in the Vatican are very important. So that's all I'm going to say about that. We're not going to go too much into that but there was some talk about Vatican and that's why I was like freaking out because I was like the Lord talked about that several different times and he had just talked about that right before I came there. Yup. Uh so that was that was pretty awesome. Yeah. It's that's why it's it's it's sometimes I I'm act slow. It's because I have to process what I can say and what I can't say. It it's hard sometimes because what you experienced is like 150th of what I get because I got all the all these other sources and you gotta can you say that? Can you not say that? You just have to pray and let the Holy Spirit give you discernment when to say it, not to say it. Um. I know. It is super super hard. But remember when we talked about the other day and I thought this was very interesting. Um we actually talked about suspicious activity near the White House and then then a hearse Yeah. And then a blackout. So this is the the words that I heard after this prophecy. It was Windmiller Winehouse Windhurst. I think I pronounced that. Quad Corp deleted emails. Then again he talks about the Clinton Foundation. Massive things are going to happen. I'm telling you the Clinton Foundation that's a whole can of worms that's going to explode and it's going to indict it's going to implement a lot of people. Uh and then you have suspicious activity near the White House. A hearse and a blackout. Um so we talked about the the garden. Um right. There yeah. Anyway so there's there's a lot there was another that the Lord talked to me about. I think it was in the one on the twentieth that I haven't given out yet. Not from the very bottom. A silence in the White House. Remember how he said a phone was going to unlock things in the White House? Mhm. I'm curious to see what that means but he keeps going back to the White House. And in in saying things that you normally wouldn't like it makes you go huh? You know it there are certain things and certain keywords I think he's using for a reason. Um but he also says an alliance will be broken. And then he says China Joe will be no more. So he calls him China Joe also every once in a while. Cuz he calls usually the Biden. But there are because there was a person who's literally China Joe. He was connected to China. And so that is going to start coming out. Um This was from the twentieth that you haven't heard yet. He has been talking a lot about okay. So let me right here. Let's see here. Major things are be let's see here. Major things have been taking place at your ports. Oh United States. Things will send shock. Things will send shock waves through this nation. How they have used them against you in many ways. So he's talking about ports again. And then he's Says watch an incident after incident will take place at your ports. So he's mentioning them again like they have done with your bridges. Some things that they want to destroyed to hide things from you and some are about to bring great disruption to your chain to your supply chain. So doing some of these things on purpose. And then he mentions black swan events. He says many black swan events will start to take place things that are about to do so much greater than what they already done against you. So they've already done some black swan events and he's saying look this is going to be so far greater than what you've seen before. He's he's really warning about some of the things that they're they're going to do. Um against this. And then he mentions I thought this was weird. Because I I I don't know much about this that he says bubonic plague. This will be in your news for a significant reason. Uh they are Trying to bring this back to life but it will affect them more than it will affect you. So the bubonic plague. I you said they're going to try to bring it back to life. Then he talks about let's see here. He said an event was going to take place in New York City. He doesn't say what type of an event. He said oh sorry an attack on New York City soon will be evident. That's what it said. An attack on New York City soon will be evident. Um and then let's see here. This is where he talked about the northern border again is much he says my children what you have seen or heard about your northern borders much darker than you have they have done. It has kept from No one is looking. They're using the southern border as a diversion so you would not pay attention to your north and who they are bringing through there against you. They have brought and trained enemies for what they are about to pull off against you but it will not be the death to this nation or Israel. It will be the death to them. Again, he's talked about who they've trained but now he's saying, look, it was supposed to be a death to you and you're going to find that out and he says but it was actually going to be a death to them instead of a death to us and Israel. They're really going after the United States and Israel pretty hard. Wow. We can obviously see that. And so he's warning us about that. And then he also mentions I thought this was really weird because remember how I asked you of it was like two or three weeks ago about dirty bombs or about some type of bombs and This says I will show you their sleeper cells. I will show you their dirty bombs. I will show you their labs. I will show you their Trojan Horse. I will show you their roots to the deep state as I pull them out. I will show you their manifestos, their dirty books, their servers, their computers, their Emails, their phone conversation, their murderers, their blackmail accounts. So they have blackmail counts and who they all have dirt on. Some true and some were forced. So that means they had blackmail on some people that was true but they some of were forced or tricked in those situations and some were drugged. I will show you their hiding places and all that isn't hidden there. I will show you they're hidden on things hidden underground all over the world that was suppressed and used to kill you to steal to hide from you precious things from you to control the markets. I will show you all that has been kept from you that will tear them apart. I'm in control in your are not remember that for what you're about to see. So, again, he's talking to us about dirty points. How do you say that? He said they were let's see here. They're dirty books. Dirty books manifestos servers. So, he's mentioning all these different things because it's all these different ways because he's infiltrated them so deep. He's like, look, I have their books I have their servers. I have their Email accounts. I have their phone. I have phone conversations. I have the murders that they have actually murdered people. He's going to reveal it because remember he said it was last week I think I was on where he said that there was going to be a death that was going to be exposed that was going to rattle the ones in DC. Yeah. There's been there's been murders that have been hidden that soon will be come out in the open and that's what that's going to scare em. I mean, it's going to shock waves. Soon as in potentially this week because some of that ties to a conversation we had on Sunday

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