Finally a Homemade Laundry Detergent for HE Washing Machines!!

7 months ago

I think I finally found an actual Laundry Detergent that you can use in H.E Washing Machines. All other recipes use bar soap and those leave residue and build up on your clothing. Those bar soap recipes were meant for old school wash board style laundry cleaning. This recipe does not have bar soap and will not build up on your clothes over time. This is good for 1 year. Let me know if you use this recipe and like it in the comments below. If you have a better recipe let me know. Let's learn self-sufficiency together!

Homemade Laundry Detergent
4 cups distilled water
2/3 Cups Washing Soda (removes minerals that can make water hard. It has a higher ph of 11 and makes it a mild abrasive quality that helps to lift and remove dirt and grime)
¼ cup Sals Suds surfactant (Removing debris and contaminants from surfaces, Reducing the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and lift away dirt and grime, Emulsifying oils and fats, making it easier to remove stubborn stains and messes)
1/4 cup Borax to half gallon 64 oz (softens water, helps stains, removes odor)

Natural and non-toxic: Both borax and washing soda are natural and non-toxic, making them a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to harsh chemicals and synthetic detergents. Borax and washing soda have different pH levels and cleaning properties, which allows them to work together to create a more effective cleaning solution. Borax is a mild abrasive that can help remove tough stains, while washing soda is a strong alkaline that can help break down and remove dirt and grime.

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