Is There A Civil War Coming? WACO A Discussion With Art Bell

4 months ago

Aikman graduated from Oxford University's Worcester College in 1965 and gained a PhD from the University of Washington in Russian and Chinese history in 1979. He worked as a journalist for Time magazine from 1971 to 1994, during which he reported on nearly all the major historical events of the time. He has interviewed several major world figures, including Mother Teresa, Manuel Noriega, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Pham Van Dong, Boris Yeltsin and Billy Graham.
Aikman served as a professor of history at Patrick Henry College from 2005 to 2015. He is also a senior fellow at The Trinity Forum. In 2002 Aikman presented a pro-creationist film called Raging Waters: Evidence of the Genesis Flood in Australia, which was produced by Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis.

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