Dr. Richard Bartlett – “It’s no longer Your Body, Your Choice – It’s Your Body Hospitals Choice”

8 months ago

Dr. Richard Bartlett – “Healthcare has been off the rails for 4 years.”

Dr. Richard Bartlett: “Before January 1, 2020, it was your body and your healthcare of choice, not your body, the hospitals choice. Especially is the hospital is going to make $3,000 on once choice and $0 on another choice

This is regarding Ohio HB 73, a bill named the Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act, amends the Ohio Revised Code to allow the prescribing of off-label medications, drugs approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat or prevent one disease, illness, or infection, but which can be used for another.

One GREAT thing about this bill is it says that the WHO will have NO Authority in Ohio.

It’s really a great bill all the way through and EVERYONE Pro-Life should be for it.

I uploaded another great video on this by attorney Tom Renz. Link below in Source #2.

You would think that everyone would jump at this bill and be ALL for it. It’s a no brainer.

This bill puts the Patients in charge of their own healthcare, not the hospital, the FDA, the NIH, the CDC or the evil WHO – who wants to completely dictate everyone’s “choice.”

Medical Freedom is a right, not a privilege.

It is common sense legislation.

Dr. Richard Bartlett says there has been threats to throw this bill out so they can “Re-Write” the way they want.

If someone is on deaths door and there is a life saving treatment that goes beyond “Protocols” then the patient should have immediate rights to this treatment, even if it is a cheap treatment like Ivermectin compared to the patented Covid Vaccines that fit the protocol to make money for Big Pharma and the hospitals.

It is not healthcare, it’s “Moneycare.”

The healthcare powers do not want this bill passing because if this bill passes it will be a template for other states and their pipe dream of injecting with patented mRNA’s will be foiled.

The Prep Act of 2005 by Bush, gives blanket immunity for anything that is done as a “countermeasure” for a National Crisis.

That is why they are so gung ho about declaring all these National Emergencies and Pandemics now. It gives them right to administer experimental non-tested mRNA’s on the masses.

Then they create insane incentives for following their planned protocols of treatment. This has nothing to do with taking care of the people but it is for manipulating and flat out destroying the health of the masses.

They want us sick so they can “treat” us even more.

The 1975 Biological Conventions Treaty of the UN said bioweapons are bad, but you can make a small batch, if you make a “Vaccine” as a “Military Countermeasure.”

The Ohio House of Representatives voted for this bill, but this one senator, Steve Huffman, who is a Medical Doctor who should understand patient rights, he has been slow walking this bill and even threatened to throw it out, and then he wanted to write a new bill with different language.

Senator Steve Huffman is the Chairman of the Health Committee of Ohio. He is stonewalling all this, just waiting for another pandemic.

Who is filling his pockets?

There were 3 letters against this: They were all from the Ohio Lobbyists (who are paid by Big Pharma), the Ohio Hospital Association, the Ohio Pharmacist Association and the Ohio Council of Retail. So just these 3 lobbyist “associations” were against this bill along with one senator who must be a money lover and not a people lover.

Dr. Bartlett says if you look at OpenSecrets.com it says that some senator has received money from these lobbyists.

Guess which Ohio senator receives a LOT of $$ from these lobbyists?

Moderna earned over $18 Billion in 2022.

Pfizer earned over $22 Billion in 2022.

All for a toxic mRNA Jab that has nothing to do with preventing infection or preventing transmission of the lab made Coronavirus.

The next pandemic is being Advertised right now. This form of advertisement is called Pre-Programming, conditioning the human mind to accept it as the truth when it comes.

Bird Flu = Plandemic 2.0.



1. War Room With Owen Shroyer -- https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66513565507b4de70fa63d20

2. Tom Renz's Testimony at Ohio Senate for HB73 – Remove the Corrupt Bureaucrats from Science -- https://rumble.com/v4x42hb-tom-renzs-testimony-at-ohio-senate-for-hb73-remove-the-corrupt-bureaucrats-.html

3. Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom – https://ohioamf.org

4. Medical Right to Refuse – https://medicalright2refuse.com

5. https://budesonideworks.com


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Thank You!!

END. 6/3/2024 – 6:00 PM

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