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Elijah Streams - Dog the Bounty Hunter & Katie Souza - Miracles Breaking Out in Prisons! - Captions
Dog the Bounty Hunter & Katie Souza discuss their own testimonies of being in prison, how God connected them in ministry, the miracles breaking out in prisons across the country, helping trafficked victims, and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Dog the Bounty Hunter & Katie Souza!
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Video Transcript:
I haven't seen you in a while. It's good to be back. This one's going to be on fire. I can see that. Dog, I've seen you over the many, many years. We've never gotten to really spend a lot of time getting to know you. So, this is going to be great to hear your story, and you're going to be back here in a few weeks or two, whatever that is, and on the God Talk part of the show. So, that's another thing that God's doing with those who are celebrities where we specifically bring on to talk about your pursuit of God and all of that.
But Katie, let's do this. You and I were last together when we were in the building that we have just purchased. We've told people we bought the building now. We've owned it for 30 days now. Our first meeting will be there with Robin Bullock in June, which we haven't quite put the link up there, but tell people what you told me. You remember about that building coming into that building?
Yeah, okay. So, the first time I ever walked in that building, people told me that there was a revival there back in the 2000s in the lobby area. Right. So, I walked in, and I walked in the sanctuary. There were, I don't know, a thousand something people there, and as I walked in, there were big, very tall angels lining the walls. And I looked up at them and I said, "What are you guys doing here? You know, what did you come to do?" And they said, "We're waiting for your command." And I went up on the stage and I just started releasing miracles. I mean, we went straight from worshiping into miracles. A lady had a dead bone come back to life. Another lady had her bones sticking out like this on her spine, and they flattened out. That bone got pushed in. Somebody else had metal disappear from their neck. A guy had a shattered eardrum totally get healed. I mean, there were so many miracles.
And then in the lobby, Steve, I didn't tell you this part. In the lobby where the original revival happened was in the lobby of the new building. That's right. A guy had a metal braid in his foot because he shattered and smashed his foot bones. The bones in your feet. Right. And that totally disappeared while he was sitting in the lobby.
Oh, that's amazing. Well, my goodness. But here, let's do this. Ladies first, let me have you tell. Give us a five or six-minute version of what brought you in life to this stage. We've got so much to cover today. But people want to hear what was your experience that brought you into ministry. Some people have heard it and some people have never heard it, so.
Yeah, I'll keep it really quick because I know Dog has stuff to share too. It's just, you know, living on the streets as a collector. I did collections for drug dealers, you know, for drug dealers that people refused to pay their debt, so I go and get the money. I was a meth cook. I was a career criminal, and I lived that lifestyle for a long time until I was arrested by the feds and I was given 12 and a half years in prison. Went to prison, totally came to the Lord, became a leader in prison, you know, led a large group of women. I was one of the teachers there and heads over that ministry. Got out, wrote a book while I was in prison, and now that book is being read in 4,000 prisons around the United States.
While I was inside, God showed me how to work miracles of deliverance. And so now we see metal disappearing constantly. We just came back from a meeting, and there were four people at the meeting that Dog and I and Francie did—his wife Francie—that, you know, four people had metal disappear from their neck.
Do you still use the metal detectors?
Yeah, that's a kick in the pants, right? Because here you are, looking like you're at the airport, you're screening people, but I've seen that work, and all of a sudden, there's no metal anymore.
Yeah, it's fun because that really raises people's faith to know that, you know, a miracle happens. So it's awesome. We see all kinds of miracles everywhere we go. And when Dog and Francie and I go into prison together, we see incredible miracles. A lady swallowed three razor blades, and they could only extract two of them. She had one left. I didn't even lay hands on her. I was just praying over the group as a whole, and she pushed on it. It used to stab her. Totally disappeared. We see people get out of wheelchairs. We see cancer totally shrink down. People running around that couldn't walk before. Just incredible miracles. God's really moving.
Wow. Oh my goodness. Okay, Dog the Bounty Hunter. I'd love—now, I haven't heard your whole story from start to finish, and we're going to do the detailed version in a week or two, but give us a recap of your life, Dog.
Well, I'm not like Katie. I was raised in the Assemblies of God. And so through my early twenties, I thought God was too busy in Vietnam to watch me. So he wasn't. And I was called to the ministry, prophesied to be called to the ministry from about seven to nine years old. Was baptized in the Holy Ghost at church camp at seven or eight. I was saved at three. And I joined the Devil's Herd, which was the devil's disciples. They're a sister club to the Hell's Angels. So in the 70s, I found myself in prison for first-degree murder. And five of us went to prison for that. One guy went inside. There was a shooting, came outside saying—so I thought I was in the clear because, you know, I didn't see it. We only heard the shot, and it was an accident, but what happened. And in the 70s in Texas, if you didn't call the police, you were just as guilty. So a 12-person jury convicted all of us. So I received five years and a day. Went to prison. Became Dog the Bounty Hunter. Got out of prison. Started—I've arrested over 10,000 in a 40-plus career. And my forte is, I thought it was, you know, beating 'em up and throwing 'em down. But everyone liked what was called the "backseat ride." So I would put 'em in the backseat, give 'em a cigarette, and beat Jesus into them. You know, sometimes physically, which she does too.
And from then on, you can read "Nine Lives and Still Counting." No. Yeah. Yeah. But so we—so let's get what I like to get back to is where we just came back from. Yeah. You know, she's kind of—Katie, my sister Katie, is kind of, you know, there were a few miracles. I have never ever—I've been in Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman, Betty Baxter. I've seen stuff raised in Assemblies that were incredible. Goiters popping off of necks, and wheelchairs piled up, and crutches back in those days. I have never seen what just happened. I'm a motor—I'm a gang member now of a Christian motorcycle club called Soldiers of the Cross. There's some dentists and doctors, but most of them are from the Hell's Angels or from Gypsy Jokers. All, you know, Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, and they backed our play. One of the things in this club, there's over 100 members nationwide, is you have to be—you have to be able to speak in tongues and pray and know faith. And so Francie—you know, I've known—I've met my wife about three years ago. Okay. And now I'm known as Mister Francie. Because my sister Katie and her lit that place up. And every four feet I walked, there were demons being cast out. She—yelling, spitting, throwing up. Miracle after miracle, out of wheelchairs, out of this, out of that.
Yeah. So right before she started, I always throw a Kirk in the—that's my sister. So, you know, I throw a curve ball at her. So she was telling how many miracles were going on because that builds people's faith. And so she started, and I said, "Okay, I'm first." She's like, "What? Go sit down." No. And so I—
He always interrupts me when I'm preaching.
Just like she does me right now. And so we—I pulled my—this big hip muscle or whatever. Yeah. And so, you know, I have faith in everybody else, but when it comes to me, you know, preachers that have faith healing a gift, they wear glasses. Or they do this or that. And I thought, "Yeah, what's the deal, Bill?" So I thought, "Oh, okay, I'm going to let my sister pray." And I have taken three Tylenol, one ibuprofen yesterday because a little bit of a reminder.
Just muscle memory.
Yes, a muscle memory. You just got the healing two days ago.
You know, once she got done, she was doing the most to pray. My brother's laying hands on me. And I didn't even think about
Being healed. And I went home and I was healed. I didn't think about it. I went to sleep and I got up and I'm like, "Oh my goodness!" Well, I'd been begging Him for a week. But I knew, I knew. More than a week. I had this plan with my wife Francie. She knew it. So I was not going to let her take me to the side and scream, "Fire-fire-fire." I was going to wait until it was in front of everybody. So while she was getting hot and started speaking, again, I interrupted her.
"Ka-tie," I said. "Listen, pray for me." She's like, "Oh my God." So what that did was build—I knew it built the faith of everybody, right? Yeah. And so not just because I did that first because I kind of like to aggravate her once in a while. And I do that when she's getting ready to preach. And I can't do that with my wife because my wife slugs harder than she does. But it was the most outstanding miracle moment I have ever seen in my life. Countless people got saved. Yeah, they got saved.
What happened was I brought up three metal people that had metal disappear, and they testified. And that's what built faith and Dog to jump up and get prayer, and then he got healed! So I have faith by just waiting for you to take a breath! Let me do this. Let me do this. Let me—let's go show that video. That first video, Emily. It shows these guys making trouble together at this place. So here we go with Dog and Katie in the prison. Alright? Here we go.
Phoenix, Colorado, California, Arizona, Sergeant of Arms. I was one of the worst best devil's disciples there ever has been. And you know what the enemy did at that moment? He stole my identity. You want to come at me? You want to put a gun in my mouth? Go ahead. Because I'm going to give it to you right back. I know you, Jesus. I know you know me. I told the Lord, "Listen man, I will change my life."
It's time to rise up from the ashes. God said, "You better get used to it because I'm going to show you miracles." We see metal disappearing. There was a hump right here. And now it's gone. Yes ma'am. We see people get out of wheelchairs. When's the last time you walked around the whole unit like that? Oh. It's been a long time. I started walking in that mantle of supernatural power and healing in prison. And now you're going to see the move of God. I have total cancer. I felt the Holy Spirit come all the way, and He took it all the way out of me. I'm not even hurting right now. But now you can breathe. I can breathe!
In the last days, I shall pour out my spirit, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams and see visions. You used to be able to feel the bullet in your lap. Can you dig for it? It's gone. You're going to see the power of God. You're going to experience the power of God, and I'm not going to stop until I get everything He has called me to.
Oh man, that is just amazing. That is just amazing. Now, Katie, you all know which videos you've given us. So, at some point, if you want to call for the next one, you know which one. Which one—I don't even know what to ask you next. How often do you guys get to go into a prison like this?
Well, let's see. We've been building—we went into a big one about a year and a half ago, and we saw such an explosion. People, you know, I've always gone to prison. I've always done prison ministry for the last, you know, 15 years, but it's taken on a whole another level with Dog and Francie. You know, I've always seen incredible miracles, but now because Dog and Francie are coming, people come to the meeting that would never show up. They're like, "Oh, I'm not going to go to a Christian meeting. I'm not a Christian. I don't do that." But now, Dog the Bounty Hunter's here. "Oh, we're going to go." You know, "We're going to go do that."
In fact, there's a video. I don't know if you know they have it up online or not, but there's a video where a guy comes on and he says, "Well, I came to the meeting to see the Dog. The Dog. Reality TV right here in person. But I didn't expect a revival."
Oh well, let's see. Emily says she's got that one. She wrote me. Let's roll it. Let's roll it. Here we go.
"Friday, I'd already signed up to see the Dog. That's what I saw my expectation was—to see the Dog, the Bounty Hunter from true real television. The Dog. And I wasn't expecting any revival. I wasn't expecting any healing. I wasn't expecting anything. I was angry, unforgiving, and bitter. And when our sister was doing the leading of the singing, she wanted everybody to stand up. I said, I couldn't stand up because I had been too long because I had bad circulation because where I was shot by the police in 2004. That's where they shot me, and then they shot that femur in two. There's two places where screws, two here and one here, and that's where they had it like a suction tube, that little place there. I've been suffering from that pain. It was real tender. I have been times when I just barely bumped it. I had somebody just come up and tap it, and it'd be so tender. I couldn't sleep on my right side because it hurt all the time. My circulation was bad. I could feel it burning sometimes. I could sit or stand, and my leg just start swelling. And so, I asked for my healing. And He had to take away the pain, and that's what He did! And He did it to increase my faith. This was a new beginning for me, and that's something I—I didn't come in there not to expect anything, just to see the Dog. I got to see the Dog, but I received so much more than that! And I thank our Lord for what He's done, for what you're doing for those that are forgotten. Those of us behind bars. And that means a lot that you cared enough to come see us. Thank you for loving us, and may that same love that you share with us, we shared with you."
I gotta ask you, Dog; so how does that feel that like these guys are in—some of them I don't know if they're in for life or what—each one is different, I'm sure. But how does it feel like you're the draw, and you didn't even have to say anything, yet you brought them to the Lord almost without a word. Talk about that—what God did in you to prepare that.
Well, I'm the bait.
You really are.
You really are.
Yes. No, I am. I'm the bait. And it was in Proverbs where King Solomon said he asked the Lord to be famous and give him wisdom. So I got the fame, and Francie got the wisdom. Right. So I'm the bait. They come to see me, and lo and behold, I didn't even know I was going to get healed. And so that's what I am there for. God told me to use my platform to bait 'em in.
You know, so everyone that we put behind the back seat, we talked about Jesus. So now instead of, you know, arresting the body and taking them to jail, we're releasing the soul and getting them to heaven through the word of God. It's not me, but my testimony. You know, they've seen me for 20 plus years on television where God has taken control. We can't find the guy, and I stop and say, "Lord, which way do we go?" And then I'll say, "Turn right, turn left, turn," and boom, we got him.
So people have seen the miracle. You know, I think that almost everybody, and I might be one of them, is a doubting Thomas. You know, they want to be able to see it before they can believe it. So that's why she does the metal thing. I've seen a guard run the metal detector over this one guy that was shot in the face with a shotgun, and he ran the metal detector, and it went off. The day before she prayed, he went out, he had so many, you know, different screws in him. And then when he got healed, he came in, and the cop was like, "Wait a minute," and he changed the batteries in the metal detector and said, "You know, there's a red light that says it's on," and he did it again. And that guard, then another guard saw all these miracles and brought his wife out in the parking lot who had a bad lung, and God healed her. So miracles—the plumber says, you know, poop runs downhill. And miracles run downhill too. When they see that, when they see, and it builds their faith. Of course, the Bible says that faith cometh by hearing, reading the word, that faith is hope. It's like you dream for it. All those things work together. And everyone has their own many gifts of the spirit. You know, and Katie has absolutely the gift of healing. And I believe that—I think it's Kenneth Copeland that says whatever gift you need at the time, you can pull in. So yeah. She's definitely blessed with the gift of healing. My wife has just got the gift of prophecy. Wow. I'm still working on stuff, you know. I'm probably the worst Christian there is in the world. I'm always repenting. No. So I have a gift of repentance.
Well, okay, so I gotta chime in here because Dog, you know, you heard him say that when they were hunting, that he would hear the Lord tell him. He would say, "You know, where is this guy? I gotta find him." You know, "Turn right here. Turn left here. Go over here. Go over here. You know, go down to Mexico." And so he has this gift of word of knowledge. So we have actually a clip, and then I'm going to—after this clip, I'm going to play the clip about the guy with the screws in his jaw. But Dog has definitely the gift of word of knowledge.
So I'm going to set up this video we're about to roll in that Julie has. We went to the first prison ministry we ever did together. We were, you know, trying to see how's this going to work. Are we going to, you know, is God's oil on it? We felt like it was. And we went in, and it was a men's prison. It was higher level security because there were a lot of violent guys there. And the guys were standing in the bleachers like this. It was like, so the atmosphere was so hard, right? And we're preaching our guts out. We're trying to get them to sing. We're trying to, you know, get the breakthrough. And what broke through was the moment that Dog got a word of knowledge about brokenhearted men. So we're going to roll that clip, and then we'll explain that, and we'll show you the miracles that happened. Just one of the miracles that happened as a result of that word of knowledge that God gave Dog, breaking through the resistance.
Okay, wow. That Julie. Alright, here we go with that.
"There's about 60 broken hearts, baby. How many of you men have broken hearts? I want every brokenhearted man to come up here and line up, and my whole team is going to pray for you. Go team. Everybody pray for these men right now. While I pray for this man right now...."
Okay, so.
Yeah, and you know, that's—I mean, that was powerful, Dog. You know, I can see you kind of self, you know, self-criticizing. Look at what you did with that word of knowledge.
Well, yeah, and you see, I have to interrupt her at times.
All the time.
All the time. But tell them about the shot-caller.
Okay, so those guys, you know, you think, okay, so like sixty guys came down at least, and they were all these guys are hardcore. Including there was what we call a shot-caller. A shot-caller is the person, an inmate on the yard, that calls the shots. They're like yard boss. One of the toughest. Right.
This guy was the toughest in that penitentiary. So, tell the story about how Francie and Katie were ministering, and I could see this guy kind of looking at Francie. He had next to him this imp—well, it was his "girlfriend." Yeah, another man who was his "girlfriend." Okay. So, I saw that. I called the imp over there and said things I wouldn't say on national television to him because he was distracting this man. He was touching him and making him laugh. So, I told him again, using words you can't say. Be all things to all men, okay? Sometimes you gotta use some of those words. Good. Yeah. You don't have to drop F-bombs, but you could threaten to kill him, which he basically did if he didn't leave. So, he left, and then the altar call was given. You don't give an altar call in prison like you do at church.
Yeah, it was after the word of knowledge. Right. The altar call. And then they came down. The shot-caller came right up to Francie, and Francie prayed with him. I saw him cry. Shot-callers don't cry. Whoa, my goodness. And then the next day, when I looked at him like King Nebuchadnezzar—the Bible says that he looked in the fiery furnace, and his whole countenance changed. He looked differently. Totally. And this guy, the next day, still was big, and you probably wouldn't bump into him. He still was boss, but now he got saved. He was smiling, and I was like, is that the same guy?
Yeah. And then a lot of times, and I don't mean to throw this in here, but I'm going to—you know, they first of all, they're like, yeah, you came here for the money. And we go, yeah, we're going to pass around a hat and take an offering. So, you know what is hard? I mean, you gotta get motels, hotels. You've gotta rent cars. You gotta go in there. It is hard. The only hard thing is getting the finances to be able to go to these prisons, right?
Yeah. And you know, I know people give $16 a month to dogs that are sick and cats. So right now, we're working on something because, you know, the Lord will provide, I'm sure. But it's tough! When you go to a church, you can take a love offering, or the pastor will help, but it's tough to do that stuff.
Yeah, you know, the thing that was great about the shot-caller being saved too was Dog's Word of Knowledge broke the atmosphere. They all came down. They got healed. He's part of it. He gets saved. He gets healed. And then, like a week later, there are different shot-callers. Like, he was a shot-caller over the Caucasians. Okay. Shot-callers over the African Americans. Then there's shot-callers over the gangs, shot-callers over the Muslims. So, like a week later, a guy shows up in the Chaplain's office and he pulls off his shirt, and the chaplain goes, what are you doing? He goes, no, no, I gotta show you this. He had a big growth that was draining and had pus and stuff in it that just totally disappeared when I prayed for him.
So, he's standing in there telling the story when three other shot-callers come into the chaplain's office and say, is it true that when Dog and that girl came, that metal disappeared and stuff happened? And the guy with the growth says, yeah man, look, don't you remember that thing on the back of my neck? It's gone. So, the shot-callers for the Muslims, the African Americans, and the Indians came in and said, well, now because we heard all this happened, the next time they come back, we're going to sanction our guys because they have gangs. Sanction our guys to come to the meeting, but we're ordering them to all get along and not fight so that they can come to the meeting and hear the message and get touched by God. Yeah, it's a big deal.
Well, and one of the things we did together was we passed communion around. And those guys, some of them never even heard of this. And the way she does communion now is unbelievable. My goodness. And she just did it at this meeting, and I tease her because I had to hold the bread up so long. My arm was getting sore. But so, we did it in the prison, and as you know, if you do communion and you're not saved, you got a problem. So, we had them saved first. We got them saved first, then we did communion, then we told them, now we tricked you into getting saved. It was, and then you flat out said that kind of language—we tricked you into getting saved. "Holy Ghost trickery," she called it. Wow. The way he talks to them is beautiful, right? This is the way I talked to them too because we're from the street. Well, we've both been to prison, and Francie should have been there, but she never got caught.
Now, you're telling me they've got the communion video and they also have that jaw one. So, which one should we? Well, let's roll the communion video and then we'll go into the jaw one because I'll tell a little story about the communion video really quick. You know, we're supposed to examine ourselves before we partake, so we got them all saved. And then I heard the Lord give me a word of knowledge. He said, I want you to dare them. And so, I got up and I said, who's up for a dare? And they ALL, I couldn't believe it, 500 men are in there shouting, "I'm up for a dare! Yeah, give us a dare; we want a dare!" And I was like, well, you don't dare a convict. You don't dare a convict. So, I'm hearing this and then I said, what am I supposed to dare, Lord? He says, dare them this. And so, I just repeated what God said to me. I said, "I dare you. I dare you to get up, go across the room to the man that you are angry at and offended at. Ask for forgiveness and then forgive them." And they all jumped up and did it.
Well, let me tell you, you know the backstory of that. It was crazy. The guards were standing around me and were like, oh my god, I knew that John wanted to kill Phillip. Oh my god. This one guy ran all the way across and walked up to Phillip—different gangs—and said, and they hugged each other. Yeah. Really? We don't know what happened when we left, but they were healed at that moment. And there were no fights that broke out. The head of security, who's now Assistant Warden, came up to me and said, "You're lucky that it didn't break out in a riot when you did that." And I went, hey, I'm just doing what the Holy Ghost is telling me to do, so I knew it wouldn't start any trouble. So, we've been begged to come back. Mississippi. Mississippi. We have the biggest—no, it's Missouri. That one was Missouri. Oh, no, no, no, I'm sorry. You're right. That one was Missouri. The biggest prison in the United States. Well, let's go ahead and run the communion one then. Okay, here's that one.
Everyone who wants to receive Jesus right now, stand up. Stand up. We're going to take communion tonight together as a family. But here's the deal. You cannot take it unless you're born again. This is a meal only for the family of God. So, every man that's standing up that didn't have the Lord before is going to be able to partake with all of us. This is guaranteed stuff straight from the mouth of Jesus. This is going to heal your broken heart. The body of Christ and His blood—everybody in here just got saved! Earthquakes happened, and the gates of hell were just shook! The next step we take is baptism in water. Any sin you think of is common to man. But God will provide an escape now for you not to do it. You are blessed to have such a warden.
Wow. Wow. Yeah. We didn't get a shot in there, unfortunately, but it was so beautiful to see them all on their knees, that entire room, with their heads on their chairs, repenting to God for anything that was in them, including being offended because they had just gone around hugging each other. And so, it was a very powerful moment.
Wow. Well, and the Bible says where sin doth abound, where there's a lot of sin, grace or forgiveness, much more doth abound. They accept the Lord and miracles a lot better than you do if you're in a Holy Ghost Church.
Well, I was going to ask, is it harder or easier to get them saved?
Oh, it's so much easier. Because they're at the gates of hell. And they all know why. There's no such thing as an atheist in prison. They may have been before they got there. It's like the guy says that, you know, I don't believe in hell. Well, after you're there five minutes, give me a collect call. Because they believe there's a hell. They know why they're there.
Yep. That's amazing. There's just so much good that comes out of these things. I don't know if we should play that one video about the man that had the screws in his jaw.
Yeah, let's do it. You got that one, Emily? Go ahead and run that one. We think we got this labeled correctly. Thank you.
Fire of God. Fire of God. Now I want you to touch them. Tell me if they've changed shape. If they got softer, if it's getting, if there's the same, change shape, any smaller, tell me.
I don't feel nothing.
You don't feel them anymore? Did you feel them before?
It's real sore when you were pushing in on 'em.
Yeah, and now?
No? At all? You could feel it before with your finger? How's that feel?
It's not there. Honest to God, it ain't there. It's gone now.
What's that? This is... Amen.
Wow, this bolt right here, you could feel it because it was poked out. You can see there's two holes there. It wasn't there.
Excuse me. Ooooo... I'm sorry. It's emotional. I had it for 23 years....
By the grace of God, I didn't feel disfigured no more! He said, well, what do you think, Turner? Do you think it's gone? I said, man, I can't feel it. I don't know what happened, but I can't feel it. And he told me, he said, I tell you what, you go on visit every Friday. They give you a body scan. He said, have them scan you. I said, well, they're going to scan me anyway. He said, yeah, but you go up there every Friday. Everybody knows you got those bolts in your jaw, and they will scan you, and they could tell. So, when they went up there, I said, hey man, let me know. He said, I said, how many bolts I got left in my jaw? He said, Turner, you know how many bolts you got left. He said, you've been doing this for how long? 23 years. And you know, we kind of laughed at that. I said, yeah, but enlighten me, just let me know. And he said, well, you got one big one and you got two small ones. He said, but you don't have another one in your jaw. And I said, what do you mean? I said, you know I got four in my jaw. And he said, yeah, he said, I know. I've been screening you. He said, what happened? Did you go to medical and they take you out and have to remove one? I said, no, it disappeared through the grace of God, but I ain't had no pain!
Wow. It's fun and no pain. My goodness. And then you're not allowed to lie in prison. You get thrown in the hole. No. You've been there. Do you lie? If you lie to the sergeant, if you lie like that, you go to the hole.
Well, let me go ahead. So, he was shot in the face with a shotgun. That's why he had the metal. We wish we would have, as we're both looking, we wish we'd had the before the prayer and after the prayer. Yeah. It's been a while since he'd been there, right? I cannot—I CAN believe because I saw it—the difference in his face. Let alone the screws being gone. The difference in his face. And he'll never get out of prison. He is doing natural life. That means when he dies in the cell, they bury the body. So, he doesn't have to lie. He doesn't have to—it was a cop that—okay, so let me back it up for a second.
So, he gets shot in the face because him and his cousin were in partnership running drugs on the street. Oh. And his cousin shot him. It's his cousin that shot him in the face because a drug deal went sideways, and he raised up his shotgun and ended up killing his cousin. So, his face blown off with a shotgun. Yep. He goes into prison for 23 years. They put four bolts in there. Now, remember how he said he had one here, two small ones here, and one here. Well, they were all the same size. What happened is a miracle happened on Tuesday. Friday, he went to visiting, and when he left, the same guy that's been taking an X-ray—they X-ray you when you're coming out of visiting so that you're not smuggling stuff. Yeah. So, the same guy that had been seeing his X-ray for 23 years was there, and he said, well, you know the big one here, two small ones. Well, these were the same size as the other ones. They weren't screws; they're bolts. They had to bolt his jaw onto his face for reconstruction. What had happened was, the miracle was still going on. The metal was still melting. These now were getting—this one was totally gone. These two were getting smaller, and this one was still the same size. The miracle was still happening even three days later when he went to visiting. And it was a cop who took that X-ray, so we know he's not—the cop's saying the truth, right?
Well, and here's what I think too. Again, I just went through it with my hip. Okay, a little bit. I took three Tylenol this morning. And I'm thinking, you know what? I think that, wow, this is—wait till you hear this—put—I think—stop doing scratchy scratchy. I think that God may leave a remnant, like a scar, to prove. Remember Thomas said, I ain't going to believe it. And Jesus said, bruthah, look at the scars. Go ahead, stick your finger in there. And I don't know if Thomas did. I think he went, got close, and went, oh my God! So, I think that the remnant, the scar, will be there to always remind us that God healed it. And I'm sure if we go through the scriptures, you know, that we could find something that would confirm—think about that. Yeah, for him to—he didn't have any bottom teeth because his jaw was so fragile that they were never able to put like a plate of teeth in. Well, if you do look at a side-by-side of him the first night I prayed for him. Oh man. And then when he did the video, you know. It was a—he had an improved face, didn't he? Yes. His face. It was improved. It was, I—it was still deformed, but less deformed. Well, he said, I don't feel—what? Cuz I have a—no pain. No, he said, I don't feel deformed in it. Yeah, right, exactly. Yeah. And you know, we know it regenerated. You can see it. Yeah. You can see his face regenerated, but also, about a month after that interview, they went back in and they looked at his jaw again, and for the first time, it had regenerated so much. Really? They're able to put a lower plate of teeth in. Oh. So now, he, for the first time in 23 years, he has a lower plate of teeth. Wow. Yeah, but it would be huge. Yeah, they couldn't do that before, but the jaw regenerated. So, it was really—let's do this. I want to—I know we've got one that's got women in it. So, yes. Do that one, revival breaking out in Missouri, Emily. Let's do that one. Is that a good one whether we—the one that says revival's breaking out in the women's prison. Um, yeah, I'm not sure which one it is. There's a bullet that's really good. A bullet coming out of a female inmate. Okay, do the bullet one, Emily, and then after we're done this, let's run one or two videos on the women's because we've had many of the men. Yeah. What you guys got a project that I want you to tell us about too, so okay, here's that one.
If you were to stomp your foot right now, would it hurt to that leg? Father, I thank you now. I release the angel right now, and as you spend time, I command that bullet to dissolve. I speak to that bullet right now. You dissolve in the name of Jesus. And right now, I command the bones and the muscles and the tendons to grow back. Now I want you to start stomping your feet. Ha ha ha! Do you have any pain anymore? Okay. Do you have any pain anymore? You don't have no pain no more? You don't have no pain no more?
What's that mean? Ha ha! What's that mean? Ha ha! That mean that bullet is gone! That mean that bullet is gone! Wanna wander? What? Wanna wander? Now, hold it. Okay. Thank you. I promise I'm not fake. She said I'm faking. No, I'm not. That's the devil.
Tell everybody your name.
My name Monique, and I had a bullet in my leg before she got to talking to me, and I don't know what she just did, but—
How long has that bullet been up in your leg?
Seven years.
Seven years. Now, did it give you trouble? Like, besides it being there, did it cause you pain?
Yes, ma'am.
What kind?
Every time it rained or it was cold, I had a body ache, and I could just feel before the rain came.
You could feel the pain from that bullet being in there. Seven years. So, what happened? I prayed for you, right? And then I told you to get up, and I told you to stomp your foot. If you would have stomped your foot normally, would you have pain?
Yes, ma'am. I could feel it.
What happened when you got up and stomped your foot?
I ain't feel it.
You don't feel it at all? Alright. So, we have a metal detector. See how it turns red...
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