Two Skiers Slam Into Each Other And Then The Cameraman

6 years ago

There is something about this video that while funny, and it is, is also surprisingly zen. I could watch this video over and over again for a sense of peaceful calm, and I have. It is, I acknowledge, a weird video to find some peaceful zen from. But, hey, fails can be a place to find learning and interest and fun, so why can’t it also be a place to find some kind of strange meditation. It starts with the beautiful mountain shot and the gentle decline as a large group of skiers come down the trail.

As the skiers start to separate and go there with the opening up of the path. You can make out two skiers, the girl in the pink jacket and another person in a blue jacket, start making their way toward the camera. The slope of the hill is gentle enough that you can see the skiers slowly working their way to a gentle stop in front of the camera. It looks like everything is going work out pretty nicely. However, this is America’s Funniest Home Videos something funny has to happen.

The two skiers misjudged their angles and it seems they are both headed toward the same exact stopping spot. The pink jacketed girl does not see the person in the navy jacket coming until the last possible second. The two skiers wipe each other out crashing in front of the camera. But then because they are on skis they keep going and take out the cameraman as well! It is, in a word, a pretty efficient fail. Everyone got hit in this fail and it makes it pretty glorious all things considered. Did you find a kind of zen in this video as well?

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