Paul Wallis is a Luciferian Deceiver

4 months ago

This is a reaction video to a Paul Wallis video where he "answers" Bible questions and just so happens to get EVERY SINGLE CONCLUSION to be directly AGAINST the truth of the Bible-- all the while having these Theological Degrees and having served as a "Christian Pastor."

THIS right here is what is wrong with the Western institutionalized Christian Church - they have been utterly INFILTRATED by Luciferians spewing lies and imparting misunderstanding, in the guise of being erudite, experts, and degreed truth-tellers. Paul Wallis achieves this inversion against reality by RE-IMAGINING the Bible through what he calls "Paleo Contact" - his own special version of Ancient Aliens deception. This video rebuke/rant is limited to correcting Paul's Luciferian re-interpretation of Sodom & Gomorrah.

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