8 months ago

Krishna and Jesus Christ explained. Krishna and Jesus Christ have similarly corresponding life events 99including:
prophecy of their birth.
occurrence of divine and extraordinary events during the time of their birth
they were both born at humble places.
They were both protected from tyrant rulers at the time of their birth through divine intervention.
They were both raised away from their home town and birth place.
experience ablution and baptism at rivers.
The transfiguration.
Favourite devotees and disciples
Anointment by oil with women
Return to their original spiritual form after death.

Both Jesus Christ and Krishna have an origin of Royal Blood.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna reveals his divine nature to Arjuna, including his royal
origin. Krishna was born into the royal family of the Yadavas, specifically as the eighth
son of King Vasudeva and Queen Devaki in the city of Mathura.In the Bible, the royal origin of Jesus Christ is traced back to his ancestry. According to
the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is depicted as being descended
from thelineage of King David, who was a revered king of Israel.

Divine prophecy
The extraordinary events surrounding the birth of Krishna are described in Hindu
scripture, particularly in the Bhagavata Purana.Before Krishna's birth, there was a
prophecy that he would be born to Devaki and Vasudeva and that he would ultimately
vanquish the evil king Kamsa, who was Devaki's brother.The birth of Jesus Christ had been prophesied several generations before him by
prophets Isaiah, Micah,Jeremiah as the messiah from the house of King David.

Appearance of celestial beings with Gifts and announce during the birth of both Jesus
Christ and Krishna.
Krishna's birth was accompanied by divine manifestations, including celestial voices, showers
of flowers, and the appearance of various gods and demigods to offer their blessings.During the birth of Jesus Angels appear to shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem and
announce the birth of Jesus, proclaiming peace on earth and goodwill toward men.bright star appears in the sky,
guiding wise men, or Magi, from the East to Bethlehem, where they pay homage to the
newborn king by presenting gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Edict of a tyrant ruler ordering the death of newly born during the birth of both Krishna
and Jesus Christ with Divine intervention.
Krishna was born in a prison cell in Mathura where his parents, Devaki and Vasudeva,
were imprisoned by Kamsa. To protect Krishna from Kamsa's wrath, the god Vishnu
intervened by instructing Vasudeva to take the newborn Krishna to the village of Gokul. King Herod saw Jesus as a potential rival to his throne and felt his power was
being challenged.In an attempt to eliminate this perceived threat, Herod ordered the
massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and

Both Krishna and Jesus Christ experienced the Transfiguration
with their disciples revealing their true complete divine Nature.Krishna reveals his divine form (Vishvarupa) to his devotees, demonstrating his
true nature as the supreme deity.Krishna's transfiguration occurs in the Bhagavad Gita,
a sacred text within the Mahabharata epic. In the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad Gita,
known as the Vishvarupa Darshana Yoga (the Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form),Krishna grants his friend and disciple Arjuna divine vision, allowing him to behold
Krishna's universal form.Jesus took three of his disciples—Peter, James, and
John—up a high mountain, traditionally believed to be Mount Tabor.Jesus's appearance changed dramatically. His face shone like the sun,
and his clothes became dazzlingly white.During the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah,
representing the Law and order the Prophets, appeared alongside Jesus and spoke with him.

Both Jesus Christ and Krishna had favourite disciples/devotees
who were Cousins.Krishna's arguable favourite devotees include.
Arjuna,Sudama,Radha and Uddhava.
Jesus' arguable favourite disciples include.
Simon Peter,John,James the Greater,Mary Magdalene.

Both Jesus Christ and Krishna were in rituals and ceremonies
involving anointment with oil by women.
the gopis of Vrindavan decided to celebrate Krishna'sdivine qualities by performing a ceremony known as abhishekam, which involves
anointing the deity with various auspicious substances, including oil, milk, honey, and
water.Jesus is anointed by a
sinful woman in the house of a Pharisee named Simon.The woman, is described as a sinner who bathes Jesus's feet with her tears, dries
them with her hair, kisses them, and anoints them with fragrant oil.
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