Who You Really Are and How To Take Your Power Back

7 months ago

Series 7 of Shifts Happen - Dissolving Shame is NOW completed!

Today’s Shifts Happen Session was “Rising into Self-Totality.”

This is a BIG conversation regarding moving from 3rd density Separation Consciousness, feeling small, separated, and powerless, into 5th Density Consciousness, knowing our unlimited nature interfacing with a Field of Plenty.

For those who love spiritual growth and ASCENSION, I trust this will help empower you and give you great hope for the future.

This supports your ability to rise into your power, happiness, and abundance, regardless of what is going on out there or what you are dealing with.

This is so needed in the world right NOW!

Plus, I speak to the largely experienced influx of OPPORTUNITIES flooding into everyone's lives recently and what to do about this!

Watch "Who You Really Are and How To Take Your Power Back" here on You Tube.

Please S H A R E with others who are seeking this information!

Love Mel ❤

For Weekly Ascension Coaching as a Shifts Happen Global member, with a soul tribe of global souls and to receive the full Series 7 – Dissolving Shame.

Plus, access to all previous 6 Series of 4 x 90-minute Healing workshop sessions.

Series 1: Source Foundation | Series 2: Self Foundation | Series 3: Manifesting Abundance | Series 4: Connection to Others | Series 5: Integration Incoming Ascension Energies | Series 6: Empowered Action.

Plus, upcoming Series 8: Cultivating Compassion

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