Do Not Worry!

9 months ago

This is Spiritual Warfare— Your enemy, the devil (and his demons), has a mission and that is to keep you worried, upset, angry, stressed, sleepless, scared, mad, frustrated, depressed and worried about something all the time.

When you finally got a handle on one thing, boom, something else happens elsewhere.

The devil is going to broadcast negative and evil thoughts to your head (or do it through other people) to get you upset, to keep you off balance and distraught.

Don’t be a puppet of the devil! Cut any strings that he may be using to destroy your life.

It is a demonic strategy of attrition to wear you down.

You’re Under Enemy Attack!

Spiritual Warfare is raging right now between Good and evil, and the Battle is for Your Mind and the Arena is in Your Mind.

Life is not perfect, but it is beautiful!
Learn Spiritual Combatives to be an overcomer in Spiritual Warfare.

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