S.L. Kanthan & Prof. Jens Sörensen on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 25 May 2024

8 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: S.L. Kanthan Columnist, podcaster, blogger, prolific tweeter. substack.slkanthan.com, @slkanthan2030. Columns on Sputnik, Global Times, Politik Spezial.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Jens Stilhoff Sörensen is Lecturer in Peace and Development Studies / International Relations. He came to the School of Global Studies in 2007 and is also a Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA). He received his doctorate in History and Civilisation from the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. Jens has previously (1994-2000) worked for the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida, the OSCE (Organisation for Security- and Cooperation in Europe) and EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission). Jens founded the research network INDESENT (International Development-Security Network) in 2007 and has been a member of the Swedish Research Council’s advisory group on civil society research since 2010. Jens has lived and worked in the former Yugoslavia for several years. Jens is a representative for 'Academic Rights Watch', a new organisation with the objective to promote and monitor academic freedom.

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