COMBO PAK Lahaina Maui Fires Water Was NOT OFF & MIA Where Is The Footage Of Fir

9 months ago

COMBO PAK Lahaina Maui Fires Water Was NOT OFF & MIA Where Is The Footage Of Firetrucks Battling Fires edit2
Since Lahaina has come back in the discussion and now its the 1 year anniv. I am hoping THIS TIME people will not be fooled again with all the psyop lies that tricked them a year ago.. My many many Lahaina vids are clear with more research than the goofballs spreading psyops lies no research around to trick everyone.

Let me be CLEAR... this was NOT a natural fire, But so many people were spreading lies about it to DISTRACT and trick everyone from finding out the truth. And also to make us truthers look crazy and dumb... it worked..

Lets learn from it NOW and not do that again guys. Lets look at Lahaina fires again with fresh eyes...

Drop the blue blue blue broken record lie. Drop the thousands of children kidnapped lie and the yellow school buses lie and the oprah blue roof lie. Drop the water was off LIE, the water was NOT off. Drop the power poles caused the fire lie, the electricity WAS off and not on. Drop the hundreds of dead bodies in the water lie, guys that water was shallow and NOT deep which I showed in a few vids that I made discussing that issue.

Think Q when you hear these psyop/lies. Lets call them QLahaina intel operation lies hustle bitching around..

Drop the idea that just because the car doors on front street were shut it means that people were burned alive inside them. False, my blue blue blue vid link below destroys that idea. Drop the refrigerated trucks lie, remember NYC 2020 during the first lockdown all those refrigerated trucks? Yeah they were all for show, just like here. Bodies turned to white ash don't need to be refrigerated guys. Yes i'm talking to you Shelby for spreading that lie.

Front street cars was the ONLY area showing a line up of burned cars, nowhere else. Meaning most of the town DID finally get out, thank god, even though the police blocked them from leaving and trying to escape.

Ironically the fires and smoke got so bad that even the police that held people in that were trying to escape, they themselves abandoned their posts which allowed all the blocked in cars to get out also.. Ironic huh? Cops tried to block them from leaving and they failed, cause even THEY had to leave cause it got so bad.

MY VID From 11 Months ago explains why and how the blue blue blue was always a lie with drone footage and a walk down front street after the fires. Just a little research destroys the 24/7 Broken Record Mantra of BLUE BLUE BLUE was always a LIE/Trick/Deception/Distraction/Psyop... and it worked. Plenty or non blue things survived (Huge Lahaina Shores hotel for example) and plenty of blue things burned. But you wouldn't know about that, cause the burned blue things are now burned and no longer blue, get it? Here is the vid >>>>>>>


BLUE Lahaina Maui Fires Dead Bodies In The Water LIE Dead Inside Front Street Cars With Doors Closed LIE

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