77th World Health Alliance Geneva Switzerland 2024. Not what you think.

4 months ago

This is the Number of his name in action.

Revelation 13:17 and Revelation 15:2 in the King James Bible.

Barack Hussein Obama. Born 8.4.1961.
The 216th Day of the year. 6x6x6 = 216. Plato's Republic book.
Revelation 13:18. = 666.

Movie Knowing 2009. Filmed in Melbourne. 216 Radio. 48 Door. EE. Everyone else. Check out my countless Knowing movie breakdowns.

Released in Obama's 48th year his first year in the Whitehouse in it's 216th year since the cornerstone laying ceremony October 1793.

10th January 1997. Obama starts his political career as a Chicago Illinois senator.

+ 8461 Days (Obama born 8.4.61)

= 11th March 2020. The Day that United Nations W.H.O declared Covid 19 a Global pandemic.

+ 4 Years (48 Months) and 2 Months 16 Days (the number of his name)

= Today. Monday the 27th May 2024.

The first official day of the 77th World Health assembly.
"One Health"

Alliance, Accord, Treaty, Covenant. Daniel 9:27????
(that remains to be seen) Watch this space.

2015. 17 Sustainable goals 2030 agenda. Signed off by AC Obama and his False Prophet Pope Francis (All to the number of his name)

+ 15 Years (180 Months) = 666 = Tv Mini series Childhoods End.
Free view on Internet archive. (Check out my childhoods End videos.)
CE was also filmed in Melbourne. Directly connected to the 17 SDG 2030 agenda. = 15 Years 2030.

17 Goals = 17 events for the Great Reset/Great Tribulation = 17 events of Revelation 5th seal to the 7th Vial for 42 Months of Great Tribulation. Revelation 13:5 the 216th verse of Revelation. And the last mention of the biblical end of days durations in Revelation.

There are 5 only starting in Revelation chapter 11 to Chapter 13 all of which are Great Tribulation. 3.5 Years duration.

If you are alive and not rescued at the 6th seal (raptured) and remain on the earth past that when the remaining events of Revelation occur 7th seal to 7th Vial.

Oh boy you are in for a world of hurt. Movies. Rapture Palooza. This is the End. Hollywood makes a joke out of it. It will be no laughing matter for those who are caught up in it.

REPENT NOW. Get a King James Bible and a EVIDENCE Study bible and work out your Salvation in fear and trembling to escape for what is about to take place on the earth.

Call on the name of the Lord (not in vain in Blasphemy) but in repentance as a transgressor, a Sinner, a breaker of the LAW of God Almighty his Ten Commandments.

A sinner in need of forgiveness and the offer of Eternal Life. Jesus paid your Fine. He was Sinless and took your punishment on the cross. So, you can be forgiven and not Die in your Sins and be damned to Hell which is torment and Separation from all that is Eternally good.

Wake up and GET ALARMED. Much is at stake. Choose wisely.

The Georgia Guidestones is the substitute system at play right now. Even though they were destroyed in their 42nd year of existence.

Number 42 another Biblical story there.

Check out Movies with 42 in them by u tube channels.

God speed to all those who are listening and understanding.

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