Rahan. Episode Ninety. By Roger Lecureux. In the entrails of the "Gorak"! A Puke (TM) Comic.

8 months ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Episode Ninety.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

In the entrails of the "Gorak"!

The mist dissipated quickly on the "Endless River."
And the son of Crao regained hope.
He soon discovered a shore.
Rahan does not want to play, "spearfish"!
The night was too exhausting!

All night, in fact, he had faced the storm.
The wind had carried away his sail.
The waves had dislocated his raft.

The large swordfish, which had been circling the skiff for a while, was not "playing".
He suddenly rushed.

Page Two.


Rahan did not even have time to grab onto a trunk.
The fish returned to the attack, as fast as an arrow.

One of us will join the "Territory of Shadows."

But it will not be Rahan!
Narrowly avoiding the fearsome "Lance", the son of Crao struck.

Its belly opened, releasing its entrails, the swordfish disappeared into the depths.
Rahan could have ended up like this unfortunate.

Page Three.

The spearfish went through his chest from side to side!
But he could not get away afterwards!
Two tangled skeletons lay on the sea floor.
That of a man and that of the swordfish who had stolen his life.

Happy to have escaped a similar death, Rahan returned to the surface.
Rahan is still alive but for how long?

How long could he survive, lost in the heart of the "Endless River" carried by the currents?

The pale sunlight filtered through the dissipating mist.
Rahan saw better, saw further.

And suddenly.
No! This It's impossible!
Either Rahan is having a nightmare or his eyes are betraying him!

Page Four.

Ten arrow ranges away, in the diffused light, a fantastic monster gathered on the ocean, ready to pounce!

The "Goraks" do not walk on water!
And "Goraks" this big do not exist!
Oh! Rahan understands!

As the mist dissipated, the son of Crao realized that it was a gigantic cliff that nature had sculpted like this!

Circumventing the granite monster, he discovered a shore.
A boat indicated the presence of men. As also indicated by the staircase cut into the rock.

Where did these steps lead?
As he looked up.
He saw just in time the spear falling straight towards him!

Page Five.

The men above are not welcoming!

The silhouettes were outlined on the cliff.
Rahan will not always avoid their lances!

As the men threw their spears, Rahan threw himself into the boat, overturning it on top of himself.

A few spears stuck in the hull, without piercing the hard wood.
Under his curious shield, he was now safe!
Why do they stay up there? Do they think they probably killed Rahan?

Rahan could escape with this boat.
But he will not. It has been too long since he has met any men!
He wants to understand this clan!

Page Six.

The son of Crao emerged at night.
Under the moon, the gigantic granite "Gorak" looked even more fantastic!

They do not care about Rahan anymore!
But why do they scream as if they are in pain?
Muffled cries, like complaints, sometimes arose.

It was not discovering a village on the cliff that amazed Rahan.
It was discovering a fleet of boats there!
How do they get their boats up here?

He slipped towards the huts.
We should not have obeyed you, Baham!
Perhaps the man with fiery hair came as a friend?
Maybe he would have taught us to “Crawl on water?”

We had nothing to learn from a stranger!
May the "Great River", by withdrawing, carry away his corpse!

Page Seven.

The "Grand river" would especially have carried away your spears, Baham!
That is why Rahan is bringing them to you!
The son of Crao brandished the weapons ironically.

Since you thought he was dead, Rahan could have surprised you and taken revenge!
But he does not kill "Those-who-walk-upright"!

Baham will break your skull.
Baham did not have time to throw his axe!
Rahan was much faster!

The heavy net fell.
Ha-ha-ha! Rahan does not kill "Those-who-walk-upright."
But he knows how to prevent them from doing any occasional harm!

Projected with astonishing precision, the other lances brushed against the man, pinning him against the large tree, paralyzed in his mesh strait-jacket!

Page Eight.

This feat raised an admiring clamor.
You can release Baham!
You were able to take revenge.
And you did not!
You could have killed Baham.
And you did not!

Your audacity, your skill, and your generosity would have pleased Khada the brave one!
Who is Khada?
Or who was khada?

They freed Baham who, humiliated, hid himself in his hut.
Khada was our leader.
One morning, with three other brave men, he wanted to unravel the secret of the “Stone Gorak”

But that day, the "Great River" broke loose, Khada and his companions could not resist the current which carried them towards the mouth of the Gorak.

And the Gorak devoured our brothers.
The sun has returned as many times as the fingers of both hands twice since that horrible day!

Page Nine.

Our brothers died in the bowels of the Gorak!
We sometimes hear their “Shadows” moaning. Listen!
Muffled and distant complaints seemed to come from the flood, which was rising and rising.

The dead do not moan!
The mouth of Gorak is only a cave.
Where Khada and his people are undoubtedly still alive!

It is impossible.
None of us know how to “Crawl on Water”!
How would these brave people have survived in the torrents where the Gorak is engulfed in each tide? Look at it!

The son of Crao had never seen such a fantastic tide.
The flow impetuously attacked the cliff and the granite monster soon seemed to drink from it!

Rahan understood why the fishermen moored their fishing boats on the cliff.
From there, at high tide, they could set sail.
How do your brothers survive?
Rahan does not know hot, but he knows they live!

Page Ten.

Why did you not try anything to save them!?
Baham says the Gorak devoured Khada because he wanted to give us another leader.

Who could be Baham, no doubt?
And Baham also says whoever opposes the will of the evil spirit.
Would be bad for the clan!

Baham is deceiving you, brothers! Rahan will prove it to you tomorrow!
The tide, just as fantastic, lasted all night.
The mouth of the granite monster once again became inaccessible by the sea.

But it remained so by another path.
So you are not afraid to challenge the evil spirit?
Rahan does not believe in evil spirits!
And these vines are strong!

The fishermen were divided between concern and admiration.
Only Baham wished the worst.
May the Gorak devour you too, “Fire hair”!

Page Eleven.

The son of Crao was quickly abreast of the monstrous maw.
But he had to give his body a strong pendulum movement to project himself into it.

The echo of a deep cavern amplified his clamor, to which distant calls responded.

After attaching the vine to a granite fang, in anticipation of the return, he plunged into the "Entrails" of the Gorak.
A Lake!

On the other side of the lake, he saw three exhausted men. Khada are his companions!
Rahan was right to hope you were alive!
He will join you, brothers! He will save you!

The “Great River” will rise again!
“Fire hair” will remain in the entrails of the Gorak.
Unbeknownst to the clan, Baham cut deeply into the vine!

Page Twelve.

Rahan had joined the three men.
Because you do not know how to "crawl on water".
How did you survive so many days?
And were there not four of you?

Yes. But Kaida was swallowed up by the “Great River” when we were swallowed by the Gorak!
We, we were thrown onto this rock.

The roar of the ocean attacking the cliff suddenly sounded.
When the flood arrives, it leaves us very little time to take refuge up there!

A moment later, in fact, a torrent surged into the cavern, swelling the lake whose level rapidly rose.

Soon there remained, between the stalactites, only a small pocket of air!
The “Great River” never rises higher.
This is how we survived, Rahan!

Page thirteen.

As the waves began to recede, the son of Crao imagined the ordeal of these men.

Forced to take refuge there at each tide.
And this for more than twenty days!
And hunger must have tortured you!

No, because fish often become trapped in rocks!
What tortured us was the almost endless night!

And above all it was the anxiety that the “Great River” would one day rise higher than usual!

The Gorak's “Belly” emptied very quickly.
The lake returned to its level.
Rahan will take you to the other side of the water!
A vine will allow us to join yours!

Page Fourteen.

A little later.
Do not move brother.
Let your body go.
You have nothing to fear.

The son of Crao thus brought back, one after the other, the three men to the other side of the lake.

Who are you really, Rahan?
A man, or a good spirit?
Rahan is just a hunter who never abandons "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!

Khada and his hunters screamed with joy when they rediscovered the sun.
Rahan pulled on the vine to test its resistance.

The vine had just given way!
Despite his surprise, he did not let go of it.

Page Fifteen.

Having brought it to him, he noticed that the fibers had been half cut!
Only one man could wish Rahan dead. Baham!
But this deceiver is mistaken if he thinks that we will remain captive of the Gorak!

Rahan knows where to find a boat!
When he returns under the Gorak, you will slide down.

The fishermen gathered on the cliff were unable to witness the magnificent dive of the son of Crao.

But they cheered him when they saw him swimming towards the boat which had served as his shield.
“Fire hair” has triumphed over the evil spirit!
He will soon tell us that he saw in the bowels of the Gorak!

The rescue of Khada and his companions was easy.
And the clamors of joy redoubled.

Page Sixteen.

When the four men climbed the cliff.
You lied, Baham!
Khada had not joined the “Territory of Shadows”!
But you wanted to let him die in the Gorak!

The son of Crao, shortly after, took his turn in accusing.
Baham cut the line with which we had to go up!
It is. It is wrong!
You, You accuse without proof. You.

And that? Was it the wind that cut the line like this?
Or your flint?
Rahan had rushed towards the tree and brandished the piece of the half-severed vine.

Hostile cries arose.
Baham must pay for this crime!
The fate of this scoundrel is in your hands, Rahan.
You can decide his death!

His death would bring nothing!
Baham let his brothers suffer for twenty days and twenty nights, when he could have helped them!
Rahan wishes that Baham experience the same torments, for twenty days and twenty nights!
Page Seventeen.

The clan listened with emotion to the story of their recovered leader.
As they understood poorly, Rahan illustrated this story.
The Gorak's "Innards" are like this.

The river opens onto an immense cavern where, at each tide, the waves of the "Great River" rush in.

To escape them, your people had to take refuge on this height.
When the "Great River" withdrew, leaving a large lake here, they could not come out of the cave!

The Gorak has revealed his secret, brothers!
When we have learned to "Crawl on water" we will be able, between each tide, to explore its "Entrails"!

At the following ebb tide, Baham was abandoned in the granite maw.
With this trunk that we are leaving you, you will be able to come and go on the lake!
But you will know fear, as we knew it!

Page Eighteen.

The cries of fear that they would hear from now on would be those of Baham the deceiver, grappling with the “Great River.”

Rahan remained with the “Clan of the Cliff.”
Until every one of them could swim.
And that day, as usual, he consulted his knife!
You still designate the “Great River”!
But Rahan doesn't have a boat!

We owe you a lot more than a boat, brother! Choose!
And may the one you choose lead you to happy lands!

When the son of Crao returned to sea one morning, the Gorak's spine seemed to bristle.
It was the fishermen who greeted him.

And if Baham remained, prostrate in the granite maw, it was because he had only served half of his sentence!

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