The Carmela Show - CBC - TALK #35 "My Bookshelf - Part 2 - A Borrowed Book from BILL"

9 months ago

Hello all you beautiful SOULS!!!! So I was LIVE on Saturday, May25th 2024 @ 4:20pm MST from FB. Doing my 35th talk - The Carmela Show, The aftermath of being Cured By Cannabis - My Topic of Conversation was on "My Bookshelf - Part 2 - A Borrowed Book From Bill"
Thank you for all the love and support, likes, shares and follows!!! Please follow my rumble page!!!! CUREDBYCANNABIS
Please also go back and watch through my other 34+ talks I've done already.
@DarrellFay aka Bill on FB and LinkedIn #zerohigh #cannabistincture #sohappyandblessed #beyourowndoctor #growwiththeflow #gowiththeflow #loveyourself
#curedbycannabis #cured #cannabiscures #hashtagallme #cmwphoto #cmwproductions #moochithreads #aquarium #aquarimumservices #blessed #curedbycannabis #cured #healed #nopain #endometriosis #fibromyalgia #osteoarthritis #anxiety #ptsd #depressionawareness #medicationsideeffects #drugaddiction
#suicidalawareness #endometriosisawareness #fibromyalgiaawareness #organicmedicine

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