Star Wars Ep3 ROTS NDS Obi-Wan Playthrough Nintendo DS

9 months ago

00:00 Scene 1 I've got a bad feeling about this!
07:14 Scene 2 These aren't the droids you're looking for
16:16 Scene 3 There is no emotion, there is peace
19:25 Scene 4 It's a trap!
25:53 Scene 5 The force will be with you, always
39:09 Scene 6 The negotiations will be short
47:09 Scene 7 General Grievous
50:21 Scene 8 Order 66: Seek and destroy all the jedis
1:00:11 Scene 9 There's no such thing as luck
1:04:36 Scene 10 Duel Bodyguard
1:06:50 Scene 11 A Jedi's strength flows from the force
1:19:28 Scene 12 ...pain. Terrible pain.
1:27:09 Scene 13 There is no death; there is the force
1:30:32 Ending and Credits

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