EP. 057: How Big Whey And The IRS Limit Your Gains

6 months ago

In the intro portion, Nick, Sean, and Ted discuss Southwest’s Large Passenger Policy, luckily all three of them are overweight so they can talk about this issue. Next, Nick explains the contribution limits to tax advantaged accounts and Ted wraps it up with a breakdown of a revealing new study on protein consumption. Links to the studies and articles mentioned can be found under the time stamps.

00:00 Beginning
01:42 Wealth Wisdom
03:42 Southwest’s Large Passenger Policy
07:58 Investing Limit On Tax Advantaged Accounts
10:53 IRA vs 401k
11:44 Defined Benefit Program
13:20 Dividend Stocks
14:20 Bottom Line-Investing Limits
15:45 Investment Accounts Ebook
16:30 Testosterone Ebook
17:12 New Protein Study
22:10 Big Whey
23:00 Does The Data Matter?
24:14 Anabolic Window Cortisol Hot Take
26:30 Just Hit Your Protein

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Southwest Large Passenger Policy:

New Protein Consumption Study:

Testosterone eBook:

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