Video 3: About the churches

9 months ago

There are churches, temples and monasteries where a large number of people go. Harnesses that he considered "special places", and the priests in these harnesses and churches he considered special, powerful and almost holy - and whatever they do, the flock forgives them, and turns a blind eye to many things. That's a lot of power. How do you think they will give up this power? Never. If they also justify the pedophile priests. When even the parents of the victims of these pedophiles do not believe their own children, but the priests do - only he is good, he cannot do such a thing. Why does this happen, when the mother knows very well what this "unholy" priest does? And the single mother personally takes her child to church. How can these acts of people be explained? Simply, they have long been processed fed with adreno from the blood of other children who disappeared from the streets, maybe even from other countries.

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