Building a Godly Family - The Parent and Child Relationship

4 months ago

Have you stopped recently to look around and observe the behaviors of people in society today? It seems the more I look the more I scratch my head and wonder how we got here. I hear all the time about the nuclear family being destroyed and it is true that society is trying to kill the family. But that is not the only reason society is falling apart. I believe the root of the problem is the steady decline of God fearing, God loving people who have fallen asleep coupled with a steady decline of a sound biblical teaching church. This cause and effect has dire consequences on the family and society as a whole. Especially when it comes to the internal family dynamics and raising children

If you remember years ago during a political campaign, a statement was made by a very evil person. The statement went something like this "It takes a village to raise our children." At the time I thought that statement was and still is absurd. But as time goes on and what we are seeing today in society, they really meant what they said and not in a way that benefits the family, the parents or the children. What they are really meaning is they want full control over the behaviors of the family unit, the household and everything in between. Removing the bible out of society is what has gotten us to this place. It opened the door for Satan to come in and openly reign in his domain. It allows people to live in sin and feel good about it. It allows people to live without a biblical moral compass.

Now is the time where mothers and fathers need to open the word of God, follow God's teachings and take control of their family environment. This requires raising our children filling them with the love of Jesus and teaching biblical principles without embarrassment or shame. We as family members need to push back on secular groups non-biblical instructions with respect to living in an environment without God. Push back on those who don't make a positive difference in the way we biblically raise our children, the way we biblically treat our families and the way we biblically love each other. That means we follow the teachings and instructions of the bible by loving the sinner and hating the sin.

All too often we think of our children as being more mature than they are. We expose them to things like cell phones, video games, lude television shows, and bad parental behavior at an early age. Jesus loves His children so we need to replicate that love we have for our children and protect them from the evil of this world. When we teach our kids the importance of living a godly life, we have set the godly foundation they need to succeed in life. Not surprisingly, they will honor their parents and in turn the family unit will continue to flourish in godly ways for generations.

Society makes it easy for children to disobey and disrespect their parents (Romans 1:30 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,; 2 Timothy 3:2 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,). These behaviors are all indications that God is not the center of society and on the lips of every family in teaching and living a godly life. Noticeably, Paul points to treating parents with respect as a deep fall to society. He knows the importance of a strong godly family.

What Paul is saying is to raise our children in a godly way and children live godly lives and treat parents with honor and respect to reap the rewards and blessings God has for our obedience. All children need boundaries and discipline. The very best boundary we can set for them is through the word of God and the biblical teachings Jesus instills in us. They need to know if they cross the boundary's set by parents there will be discipline in a godly way.

My prayer is that the sleeping church will wake before it is too late. I pray that every family would seek the Lord for guidance, wisdom and knowledge beyond all understanding and that as a godly family we would turn society back to God and reverence Him for the rest of our days. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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