S03E10 The Creation Songs of the Gods, Clairaudience, Complete Solutions, & White Shag Rugs

9 months ago

Katie describes an experience of directly manifesting a white shag rug, and the resulting realizations. Are beings who are adept at direct manifestation equally advanced in the completeness of their manifested solutions? Similarly, she examines the way our reality is continuing to expand to encompass energetic skills, such as clairvoyance, which is positively described by the mainstream (as vivid imagination) and even has applications in our society (such as designers and remote viewers). What are the corollary positive mainstream terms and roles for clairaudience? As our society moves into these questions, we might find greater utility for music in our world, and the growing understanding of sound's creative power. Enjoy!

===== LINKS ======
📘 BOOKS: This podcast corresponds to our books.

Season 1 to The Book of Human Awakening (2nd Edition) - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPYLQN7Z

Season 2 toThe Book of Human Remembrance - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJSXLMVX

Check them out in ebook, audiobook, and paperback.

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